Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Hare

371/1"W X 24"H
 24"W X 32"H
Barrett DeBusk
Wall Sculptures
Ft. Worth | Austin | Santa Fe
$750 each USD, trade, OBO
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As mad as a March hare


Completely mad


Hares have long been thought to behave excitedly in March, which is their mating season. Lewis Carroll is among many who have used that in stories - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland:

    "The March Hare ... as this is May, it won't be raving mad - at least not so mad as it was in March."

More recently this behaviour has been questioned and it is now thought that hares behave oddly - boxing, jumping etc. - throughout their breeding season, which extends over several months.

Be that as it may; hares, especially March hares, have that reputation, which will surely stay with them.

The first record of the belief in their madness, or in this case their brainlessness, was circa 1500, in Blowbol's Test reprinted by W. C. Hazlitt in Remains Early Popular Poetry of England, 1864:

    "Thanne [th]ey begyn to swere and to stare, And be as braynles as a Marshe hare."

Of course, the phrase 'hare brained' refers to the same behaviour. This is also old and is referenced in Edward Hall's Chronicle, 1548:

    "My desire is that none of you be so unadvised or harebrained as to be the occasion that ..."

The first citation that uses the phrase in a form we now know it is in 1529, in Sir Thomas More's The supplycacyon of soulys:

    "As mad not as a march hare, but as a madde dogge."

The phrase has been in continuous use in the language since the 16th century. It was well-enough established by 1546 for John Heywood to include it in his collection - A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue.

See other phrases from Heywood's collection - 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth', 'out of sight, out of mind'

See other 'as x as y similes'.

See 'as mad as a hatter':


Whilst not being the source of the phrase, we can't mention 'as mad as a hatter' and leave out Lewis Carroll. His 'Hatter' character from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1865, is of course the best-known mad hatter of them all. The Hatter is not actually described as mad in the story - merely a participant at 'a mad tea-party' - although he can hardly be called sane, and he is portrayed as mad (along with all the other characters) by the Cheshire Cat:

    'In that direction,' the Cat said, 'lives a hatter: and in That direction, lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they're both mad.'

The Hatter as depicted by Sir John Tenniel, reciting his nonsensical poem, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat"

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Hatta, the Hatter is a fictional character in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the story's sequel, Through the Looking-Glass. He is often referred to as the Mad Hatter, though this term was never used by Carroll. The phrase "mad as a hatter" pre-dates Carroll's works and the characters the Hatter and the March Hare are initially referred to as "both mad" by the Cheshire Cat, with both first appearing in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, in the seventh chapter titled "A Mad Tea-Party".


Newsweek: We Are All Socialists Now

From a euphoric Newsweek:


In many ways our economy already resembles a European one. As boomers age and spending grows, we will become even more French.

By Jon Meacham and Evan Thomas | NEWSWEEK

Published Feb 7, 2009

The interview was nearly over. On the Fox News Channel last Wednesday evening, Sean Hannity was coming to the end of a segment with Indiana Congressman Mike Pence, the chair of the House Republican Conference and a vociferous foe of President Obama’s nearly $1 trillion stimulus bill. How, Pence had asked rhetorically, was $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts going to put people back to work in Indiana? How would $20 million for "fish passage barriers" (a provision to pay for the removal of barriers in rivers and streams so that fish could migrate freely) help create jobs? Hannity could not have agreed more. "It is … the European Socialist Act of 2009," the host said, signing off. "We’re counting on you to stop it. Thank you, congressman."

There it was, just before the commercial: the S word, a favorite among conservatives since John McCain began using it during the presidential campaign. (Remember Joe the Plumber? Sadly, so do we.) But it seems strangely beside the point. The U.S. government has already—under a conservative Republican administration—effectively nationalized the banking and mortgage industries. That seems a stronger sign of socialism than $50 million for art. Whether we want to admit it or not—and many, especially Congressman Pence and Hannity, do not—the America of 2009 is moving toward a modern European state…

If we fail to acknowledge the reality of the growing role of government in the economy, insisting instead on fighting 21st-century wars with 20th-century terms and tactics, then we are doomed to a fractious and unedifying debate. The sooner we understand where we truly stand, the sooner we can think more clearly about how to use government in today’s world…

All of this is unfolding in an economy that can no longer be understood, even in passing, as the Great Society vs. the Gipper. Whether we like it or not—or even whether many people have thought much about it or not—the numbers clearly suggest that we are headed in a more European direction. A decade ago U.S. government spending was 34.3 percent of GDP, compared with 48.2 percent in the euro zone—a roughly 14-point gap, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In 2010 U.S. spending is expected to be 39.9 percent of GDP, compared with 47.1 percent in the euro zone—a gap of less than 8 points. As entitlement spending rises over the next decade, we will become even more French…

And it goes on like that. Their scintillating point being that since George W. Bush has brought socialism to America, we might as well just lie back and enjoy it.

Of course that fatuously simplistic nonsense is only exceeded by Newsweek’s cover art.

Get it? The red state hand and the blue hand now both cheerfully accept socialism.

Indeed, we can’t have socialism fast enough. We must push through the “stimulus” bill now, comrades!

Still, isn’t it great to live in a land where one is not spoon-fed propaganda from the people in power day in and day out?

Aren’t we glad we and our ancestors fought so long and hard to protect our freedoms?

The very freedoms we are throwing away with both our red and blue hands.

This article was posted by Steve Gilbert on Sunday, February 8th, 2009 at 7:14 am.

The Daily Bell

VIDEO: Kony 2012 Debunking Shows How Far Alternative Media Has Come

Why the Kony Video Could be a Hoax (But It's Not) ... The astounding success of Invisible Children's Kony 2012 video has all the earmarks of a huge hoax, most likely perpetrated by Banksy, the artist who produced Exit Through the Gift Shop. That, at least, was Rob Frankel's response to me, via email, when I asked about this particular video that is making internet history. Kony 2012, of course, is not a hoax, although Frankel makes his "what if" case well (among his arguments the viral velocity is too fast to be real and, in the how-weird-is-that category, Joseph Kony is an anagram for Phony Jokes.) – Erika Morphy, Forbes

Dominant Social Theme: This guy, Kony, the one who eats the hearts of children – get 'im! And when he's gotten, send in NATO to make sure these abuses do not continue.

Free-Market Analysis: Gee, it's getting harder and harder to be the Internet's leading analyst of elite dominant social themes. Take Kony 2012. (Please, TAKE it!)

We saw an article about the Kony 2012 "viral video" probably on Wednesday, the day it was posted. We were shocked and angered at the obviousness of the meme. But BEFORE we could write a word, everybody else had started to!

We've never seen anything like it. It bears out our contention regarding what we call the Internet Reformation – and how it is reaching a kind of critical mass.

The entire alternative media, for all its internecine quarrels, seems perched on a knife-edge now – watching carefully to see what new false-flag the "non-existent" power elite has up its sleeve. And as soon as it senses, aggregately ... even a whiff of a new ploy or gambit ... boy, does it pounce!

This must be debilitating to the powers-that-be. They haven't had this much pushback since the Gutenberg Press began threatening the Catholic Church – apparently causing them to intervene putatively by funding Luther and Calvin.

This is called "getting ahead of the curve." The powers-that-be are doing the same thing today. We can see it happening. We believe Julian Assange may be one such false flag. We were on record that Anonymous might be another, long before it was announced that the FBI has "turned" one of its apparent leaders.

This is the beauty of living through history. We can see WITH OUR OWN EYES that today's power elite is reactive as well as pro-active. There are many who would fight against this insight however, for a variety of reasons. The urge to attribute absolutely everything to one race or group is apparently an irresistible human instinct.

The trouble is that it can ENCOURAGE racism when it ought to be expanding enlightenment. Examine the history that is finally evident today and one comes to the conclusion that not only did the first information revolution drive apparent elite plans to create what became the Reformation, it also drove copyright law and many other kinds of reactive legislation.

Again, we can see history playing out again, today. The Internet's rise evidently and obviously caught the elites by surprise. DARPA had created a version of the rudimentary Internet but it was the creation of the PC itself – and the subsequent melding of the two technologies – that created the modern technological revolution. (Shades of FA Hayek's spontaneous economic evolution.)

We are great believers in directed history at this point, but that doesn't mean that the elites ANTICIPATED the entire gamut of world-shaking events – either past or present. In fact, the elite IS reactive. The horror of monopoly central banking was immeasurably aided by the printing of bank notes, but we are not sure that the elites of the day told Gutenberg what to do. It seems to us he invented the press on his own.

Likewise, we don't believe that the elites would have willingly contemplated what the Internet has become today. In fact, it's evident and obvious that Western elites are now trying their best to shut it down, or ameliorate the worst of its undermining consequences as they did with the Gutenberg Press itself.

To blame all the woes of the world on a single ethnic group when the modern power elite is evidently and obviously composed of numerous entities strikes us as a somewhat jejune analysis. More than that, it is generating a good deal of hatred for a single "race" even when no "race" exists and when no confident determination can be made of ethnic or even cultural composition.

Evil is as evil does. In fact, no race, no culture, no nationality has a chokehold on evil. There are certainly elements of Money Power, even large elements, that can be attributed to a single cultural ethnicity but the larger events shaping the world are seemingly the product of a broad array of overlapping interests.

Yes, this is evident and obvious. Eustace Mullins, perceptive on some fronts (more than others), was right to describe its workings as a "criminal syndicate." We have offered the term "mafia" or "cabal." It is this cabal and its associates and enablers that has confronted the Internet and challenged the knowledge that it has disseminated about the way the World Really Works.

At the same time, it has adopted the capabilities of the Internet to reinforce its own globalist memes. It uses elements of Satanism and the occult as part of a campaign of intimidation and mayhem, but we doubt that those at the very top necessarily believe this sort of thing. They are, in fact, likely phantasmagoria in our view, designed to intimidate and confuse the masses. Religion (as opposed to spirituality) has always been used by the tip-top elites as a method of mind control.

Regardless of these larger issues, there are many who have begun to understand the basic manipulations. They understand both the mechanism and the malevolence. To us, the Kony 2012 video is likely one such manipulation.

Ten years ago, the Kony promotion doubtless would have carried the day and provided a great impetus for the US and NATO to get further involved in Africa – obviously with an eye toward unifying Africa by intimidating Africa's leaders into furthering the formal arrangements of the nascent African Union.

Surprisingly, the backlash has been intense. This is exactly what we have been predicting for about a decade now. The Internet Reformation rolls on and the results are NOT predictable, just as the results of the first Reformation were likely not predictable. The Quakers, Shakers and innnumerable other sects arose from the initial schisming and populated the New World, much to the apparent distress of the
elites of the day.

Of course, there are always naysayers (see article above) but we figure the Kony 2012 "viral video" has all the hallmarks of an elite promotion. It's put out by a group that is concerned for children – but only insofar are they are being oppressed by their OWN people.

The group that produced it – Invisible Children – has now been roundly criticized for how they handle their funds and how much of those funds they retain. These criticisms are all over the Internet.

Led by such alternative media mavens as Alex Jones and diagnosed in dozens of YouTube videos, the pushback has seemingly sent the powers-that-be into shock. Just the other day we watched a long interview on elite mouthpiece CNN, in which the interviewer spoke at length with the principals of "Invisible Children."

Nonetheless, the damage has been done. This is seemingly another turning point in our view. Time will tell. The Gloomy Gus prognosticators of the Internet are always complaining that the "sheeple" just "don't get it." But it only takes, what ... five percent of the population to be "illuminated" before big changes begin to happen.

Of course, there's no science to such an analysis. But we would argue that if even the RIGHT three percent of a population finally understands the ways their World Works, that societal evolution is all but inevitable. Change will come. Freedom may increase.

What's the right three percent? Well ... it would be those people who are the most uncomfortable with the status quo. Often these people are driven by psychological characteristics. They may be mal-adjusted or at least not comfortable with the world-as-it-is.

The power elites that we regularly write about try to pick off the top leaders of the "great unwashed" via various types of tests. These people, regardless in some cases of their ethnicity, are then marked for "leadership" and sent to elite meat-grinders like Harvard and Oxford.

They are dipped in the effluvia of arrogance and spun out into the world amongst their own class. Their survivability is assured via elite control of the money machine of central banking. To "get along" they "go along." And sometimes, like Bill or Hillary Clinton, they are powerfully driven to exhibit and promulgate their perversities.

In any event, this leaves plenty of other people – verbal and energetic – who didn't show so much promise in childhood but who on attaining adulthood continue to progress mentally as autodidacts often do. This is yet another flaw in the elite's culling methodologies. They get the bright young ones but not those whose mind and interests mature later. It's a problem.

Below, we provide you with an illustrative video regarding Kony. It's just one analysis of many. We won't vouch for it, but it brings up many of the "hot button" issues we might have mentioned ourselves if we hadn't been beaten to it!

We should add of course, that Kony's transgressions were horrible and agonizing and we despise them, or the truth of them as we know it. But given that this video is aimed at a Western audience, we'd suggest next time that those involved take a look at the thousands, even millions, that Western military operations have poisoned in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The use of depleted uranium weapons is surely an untold "crime against humanity" that deserves ever wider publicity. It dwarfs Kony's "crimes" doesn't it? No "viral video" campaign for that, however. Not yet anyway.

[Video Insert: KONY 2012 HOAX]



As my fertile imagination is wont, it perhaps picks out patterns where none exist.

But seeing the speed and madness generated by the KONY Fraud, I knew his name had to be significant.

By the way, the man had extensive training as a witch doctor. Very useful.

But, to the point, KONY….. YNOK.

Say it…. YNOK….ENOCH.

Enoch in the Book of Genesis

Enoch appears in Genesis as the seventh of the ten pre-Deluge Patriarchs. Each of the pre-Flood Patriarchs lives for several centuries, has a son, lives more centuries, and dies. Enoch is unique in the series on two counts: his life-span of 365 years is extremely short in the context of his long-lived peers, and he does not die, the Bible noting rather that “he was not, for God took him.” (Genesis 5:22-29).

The hunt for the immortal one. By the way, Uganda has been fertile breeding grounds for School of the America’s trained dictators… Idi Amin comes to mind.

Anyways, could the hunt for KONY (please note the constant capitalization) be the hunt for Enoch?

For Enoch was also known as the Metatron, the scribe of God.

Also known as the LESSER YHWH…. dig this…

Metatron is identified with the term “lesser YHWH”, which is the Lesser Tetragrammaton.

The word Metatron is numerically equivalent to El Shaddai (God) in Hebrew gematria; therefore, he is said to have a “Name like his Master.”

Very interesting. As a Phillip Pullman Dark Materials reader, I was struck by this, (the series is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).

Metatron is the Regent of Heaven and the true antagonist of His Dark Materials, and seeks to supplant the Authority, destroy Lord Asriel and his army, and kill the heroine Lyra Belacqua. His personal power is immense, and he is shown as descending from the sky at one point to demolish an unknown amount of land (before Lyra and Will escape through a portal.) He is betrayed and killed by Mrs. Coulter, who unknowingly imitates Lyra by promising him herself as a prize for his victory over Lord Asriel, but conspires with Asriel to destroy him, the two sacrificing their existences to drag Metatron into an abyss between the universes to ensure that he can never threaten Lyra again. He is stated to have been the Biblical character Enoch, who is in the line between Adam and Noah.

More, the book of jubilees if you please…

Enoch was also seen as the inventor of writing, and teacher of astronomy and arithmetic, all three reflecting the interpretation of his name as meaning initiated. Much esoteric literature like the 3rd Book of Enoch identifies Enoch as the Metatron, the angel which communicates God’s word. In consequence, Enoch was seen, by this literature, and the Rabbinic kabbalah of Jewish mysticism, as having been the one which communicated God’s revelation to Moses, in particular, the dictator of the Book of Jubilees.

What am I seeing?

365 years. Metatron…

Destroy Lord Asriel and his army…..


He seems to be too convenient a patsy, unless there is a much bigger story behind this.

TPTB planners have weird and esoteric naming guides. Especially if Judeo-Christian nutters are involved.

Just a thought…


In Truth,


The Daily Bell

The Rare Earth Meme – Another Scarcity Hoax

China slapped with rare earth trade dispute ... The European Union, United States and Japan formally asked the World Trade Organization on Tuesday to settle a dispute with China over Beijing's restriction on exports of raw materials, including rare earth elements critical to major industries. The EU's trade chief, Karel De Gucht, said the three trading powers were making the dispute settlement request, the first step before filing a full trade case, following a successful EU challenge at the WTO on similar restrictions earlier this year. "China's restrictions on rare earths and other products violate international trade rules and must be removed," De Gucht said. "These measures hurt our producers and consumers in the EU and across the world, including manufacturers of pioneering hi-tech and 'green' business applications." − MSNBC

Dominant Social Theme: Gee, where would be without international trade organizations and the bureaucrats that run them?

Free-Market Analysis: Rare earth elements are not rare. You can count on it. Oil is not rare. Food is not rare. Water is not rare. These are all dominant social themes – scarcity memes – fear-based promotions of the power elite.

The idea is always the same. Manufacture the perception that something "critical" is running out and then bring in the "experts" – politicians, government generally – to "fix" the problem. Even if the problem is "unfixable" or drags on, the promotional meme is bolstered. The very act of politicians, experts, "leaders" arguing over an issue reinforces the idea that it is something too complex for ordinary people to fathom.

The media itself – controlled by the same power elite that apparently controls central banks around the world – plays a critical part in this charade. There is nothing like the New York Times emblazoning a scarcity meme on its front page to give it credibility. "World Running Out of Water" – etc.

Inevitably, the same "experts" that are brought in to negotiate these scarcity promotions are quoted in the articles, thus reinforcing their credibility as "big brains." Of course, there is no such thing as an "expert."

Almost everything we have been taught to believe in this world is likely false. In less than a few decades, most of what we have based our lives on shall be as dust. There are very few verities.
Conclusion: We decided a while back that all of this is phony. These are stories we're being told, quaint fables. These international tensions, even wars, are manufactured, with the Western elites controlling both sides. Yes, the East and West – and Russia, too – are all in it together. And the "it" is the coming world government.

Before It’s News
Know The Lies

Alex Jones Exposed As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent... Canceled Speaking Tour... (Is This Really True?... You Decide)


Is The Assassination Of Alex Jones Next?
The Nuclear Bible Claims Historic Victory Over Obama’s Nuclear 9/11
Alex Jones Attacks STRATFOR After Revelation He Is An Israeli Double-Agent (VIDEO)

Alex Jones Attacks STRATFOR As Infowars Goes Into Damage Control

video short

As first reported by David Chase Taylor of, it appears that Alex Jones is working as a double agent for STRATFOR, a Zionist intelligence agency located in Austin, Texas.


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Dostoevsky & The Jewish Bankers
Real Jew News

The Zionist War For World Domination

FEODOR DOSTOEVSKY LEFT US A “PROPHECY” of the threat to Christian civilization by emancipated Jewry.

In his book, Diary Of A Writer, published in 1877, Dostoevsky penned a journal entry, entitled, The Jewish Question. With alarming and frightening foresight, (by which he penetrated into today’s events), Dostoevsky predicted a growing domination over social and political affairs by the Jews with their newly acquired rights:

“The Jews look forward to world domination. This requires them to maintain their own close-knit identity. If the Jews are given equal legal rights in Russia, but are allowed to keep their ‘State within a State,’ they would be more privileged than the Russians. The consequences of this situation are already clear in Europe.” View Entire Article Here (Scroll Down).

Expressing his concern regarding Jewry’s agenda for world domination, Dostoevsky demonstrated how Jewish bankers had taken over Europe by the mid 1800’s:

“It is not for nothing that everywhere in Europe the Jews are reigning over the stock exchanges, not for nothing that they control capital, not for nothing that they are masters of credit, and not for nothing, I repeat, that they are the masters of all international politics.

What is coming is the complete triumph of Jewish ideas, before which, sentiments of humanity, the thirst for truth, Christian feelings, and the national and popular pride of Europe must bow.

And what will be in the future is known also to the Jews themselves: Their reign is approaching, their complete reign!” View Entire Article Here.

IN LIGHT OF JEWRY’S CONTROL of Europe’s financial & social sphere, Dostoevsky then voiced his fears regarding Jewry’s threat to Russia:

“What if there were only three million Russians and there were eighty million Jews? How would they treat Russians and how would they lord it over them? What rights would Jews give Russians?

Wouldn’t they turn them into slaves? Worse than that, wouldn’t they skin them altogether? Wouldn’t they slaughter them to the last man, to the point of complete extermination?” View Entire Article Here.

DOSTOEVSKY BROUGHT HIS PROPHECY to a head by predicting that Jewry’s religious dictates, coupled with the control of the “Yid and his bank,” would bring the Gentiles into complete subjugation:

“It is impossible to conceive of a Jew apart from his religion. They are all waiting for their messiah, all of them, from the lowest Yid to the highest and most learned philosopher and rabbi-Kabalist. They all believe that their messiah will unite them in Jerusalem and bring by his sword, all nations to their feet.

The Yid and his bank are now ruling over everything: over Europe, education, civilization, socialism, especially socialism, for he will use it to uproot Christianity and destroy its civilization. And when only anarchy remains, the Yid will be in command of everything.

For while the Jew goes about preaching socialism, he will stick together with his own, and after all the riches of Europe have been wasted, the Yid’s bank will still be there.” View Entire Quote Here & Here.

Scary, Isn’t it? And, Very Much Up To Date Is It Not?

… Brother Nathanael Kapner, A Former Jew, Reporting …

For More See: Jewry’s Scheme For World Domination Click Here

And: The ‘Jewish Question’ Now A Global Issue Click Here

And: Federal Reserve: A Private Jew Bank Strangling America! Click Here

And: Putin’s Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers Click Here

And: Solzhenitsyn & The Jews Click Here

Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World Order Plan? In a nutshell the Plan is this. The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New World Order is to reduce the world's population to a "sustainable" level "in perpetual balance with nature" by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with a World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill 90% of the world's population and to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave.

In today's Politically Correct climate anyone who states the obvious and points to the primary role of Jews in the assault on Mother Russia, her people, culture and their God is demonised as "Anti-Semitic." Thus, anyone who properly uses such terms as "Jewish Bolshevism," "Judaeo-Bolshevism," "Judaeo-Communism" and "Bolshevik Zionist Jews" are condemned as "hateful," "hurtful," anti-semites." Such "hate-mongers" are intent upon mischief by blaming "the Jews" for the calculated barbarism of Bolshevism and Communism. Moreover, that such posturing led to the "myth" of a secret "Jewish-Masonic-Bolshevik plot" to destroy Christendom: the vast Jewish-Freemasonic Conspiracy - the World Revolutionary Movement- that had provoked World War 1 and brought Europe to its knees by undermining the existing order through the insidious spread of Socialism, the toppling of the Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian Empires and the unleashing of the Bolshevik barbarism. Further, that it ultimately led to National Socialism, Nazism and "Hitlerism" as an anti-Soviet counter-revolution ... as a bulwark against Bolshevism.

However, although in today's intellectually and morally stifling Politically Correct climate, the primary role of Jews in the assault on Mother Russia, her people, culture and their God is denied, at the time it happened it was routinely commented upon. Moreover, it was especially and loudly applauded by prominent Jews and Jewish organisations around the world that gloated in reflected glory. For example, the Central Committee of the Petersburg Branch of the Israelite International League proudly announced

    "Sons of Israel! The hour of our ultimate victory is near. We stand on the threshold to the command of the world. That which we could only dream of before us is about to be realized. Only quite recently feeble and powerless, we can now, thanks to the world's catastrophe, raise our heads with pride. We must, however, be careful. It can surely be prophesied that, after we have marched over ruined and broken altars and thrones, we shall advance further on the same indicated path. The authority of the, to us, alien religions and doctrines of faith we have through very successful propaganda, subject to a merciless criticism and mockery. We have brought the culture, civilization, traditions and thrones of the Christian Nations to stagger. We have done everything to bring the Russian people under the yoke of the Jewish power, and ultimately compelled them to fall on their knees before us.  We have nearly completed all this but we must all the same be very cautious, because the oppressed Russia is our arch-enemy. The victory over Russia, gained through our intellectual superiority, may in the future, in a new generation, turn against us. Russia is conquered and brought to the ground. Russia is in the agony of death under our heel, but do not forget, not even for a moment, that we must be careful! The holy care for our safety does not allow us to show either pity or mercy. At last we have been allowed to behold the bitter need of the Russian people, and to see it in tears! By taking from them their property, their gold, we have reduced this people to helpless slaves. Be cautious and silent! We ought to have no mercy for our enemy. We must make an end of the best and leading elements of the Russian people, so that the vanquished Russia may not find any leader!

    Thereby every possibility will vanish for them to resist our power. We must excite hatred and disputes between workers and peasants. War and the class-struggle will destroy all treasures and culture created by the Christian people. But be cautious, sons of Israel! Our victory is near, because our political and economic power and influence upon the masses are in rapid progress. We buy up Government loans and gold, and thereby we have controlling power over the world's exchanges. The power is in our hands, but be careful, place no faith in traitorous shady powers! Bronstein [Trotsky], Apfelbaum [Zinovieff], Rosenfeld [Kamaneff], Steinberg, all of them are like unto thousands of other true sons of Israel. Our power in Russia is unlimited. In the towns, the Commissariats and Commissions of Food, House Commissions, etc., are dominated by our people. But do not let victory intoxicate you. Be careful, cautious, because no one except yourselves will protect us! Remember we cannot rely on the Red Army, which one day may turn its warfare on ourselves.  Sons of Israel! The hour for our long-cherished victory over Russia is near; close up solid your ranks! Make known our people's national policy! Fight for eternal ideals! Keep holy the old laws, which history has bequeathed to us! May our intellect, our genius, protect and lead us!" 

Although numerous willing, rancorous Jews joined in the mass murder of Gentiles and the destruction of Gentile culture they did not understood the ultimate goals of this assault on Natural Moral Order on Earth. They wishfully thought and passionately believed that it was the beginning of the long awaited salvation of the Jewish people; when the long-suffering Jew would prevail over his mortal enemy, the Gentile, and establish a One World under Jewry with the Gentile under the heel of the victorious Jew. Unfortunately, they are deluded. They and innumerable others have totally misunderstood the true nature of the Ancient Plot to Change the World. They do not grasp that the ultimate goals of the Sinister Plot to Change the World, the World Revolutionary Movement is to eradicate all human liberty from the face of the earth, including that of the Jew.

Other Jewish sources from around the world that also allude to this terrible compact Organised Jewry, especially the secret leaders of it, the Evil Jewish Leadership, has entered into with the dark spiritual forces assailing this Earth. The Jewish Chronicle (London, April, 4, 1919) alludes to this unholy covenant thus:

    "There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists. The ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with many of the highest ideals of Judaism."

Hence, unintentionally equating Bolshevik barbarity to the "highest ideals of Judaism."

The Ashkenazim in the New World were determined not to be out done in their hyperbole by European Jewry. Thus, the New York American Hebrew, 20 September 1920 printed this:

    "What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to produce in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind are tending to promote in other countries.... The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world."

Hence, unintentionally equating Bolshevik barbarity with ancient Jewish rancour and cunning, moreover, gloating that the Jewish savagery unleashed in Russia is the model of a future global Jewish savagery against the Gentile.

Real Zionist News

The Jewish Takeover Of Canada
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2012

IT ALL BEGAN with Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who ruled as Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1984.

The year “1984″ which saw the summation of Trudeau’s policies—namely the Jewification of Canada—is an apt metaphor for the police-state grip that Jewry now wields on the once sovereign and Christian nation of Canada, currently a vassal of the global Zionist beast.

Although some argue that Trudeau showed himself as an anti-Semite and pro-Palestinian, in reality, he bowed to Zionist pressure both from American and Canadian Jewry.

With the rise of the Jewish Lobby in Canada after Israel’s Six Day War, it was the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Zionist Organization, and B’nai B’rith, that established the Canada-Israel Committee (CIC) to act on behalf of Jewish interests in all of Canada’s domestic and foreign affairs.

Today under the Harper administration, the Jewish Lobby has expanded its influence which enjoys total control over their Gentile pawn, Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, who, as the expression goes, “is more Jewish than the rabbi.”

Sweet Liberty

The ISSUES that Americans face...

As you read through the articles in these sections, notice the interlink between each issue. Realize that what is happening today in America and across the globe is taking place as the result of a long- and well-laid plan by a handful of creatures and their minions who have patiently or impatiently bided their time to bring their "vision" and "version" of PEACE ON EARTH. Their version of PEACE is the absence of resistance to their plan.

Notice the attempt by these creatures to mirror-image our Father/Creator of which Jesus spoke. . . Omniscient (all-knowing); Omnipresent (present everywhere at once); and Omnipotent (all-powerful). They have created an illusion of reality.  WHERE IS THE LOVE?

Remember that nothing Real can be threatened (Creation) and nothing unreal exists (illusion). Herein lies the Peace of God (Creator).


"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."

— Senator Daniel K. Inouye at the Iran Contra Hearings

In 1953 U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece investigated tax exempt foundations. Rene Wormser, Chief Counsel for the Reece Committee, authored a book titled Foundations, Their Power and Influence on the findings of the investigation, in which he wrote,

"The Council on Foreign Relations, another member of the international complex, financed both by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, overwhelmingly propagandizes the globalist concept. This organization became virtually an agency of the government when WWII broke out. The Rockefeller Foundation had started and financed certain studies known as the War and Peace Studies, manned largely by associates of the Council [CFR]; the State Department, in due course, took these studies over, retaining the major personnel which the CFR had supplied".pg 209

"Foundation activity has nowhere had a greater impact than in the field of foreign affairs. It has conquered public opinion and has largely established the international-political goals of our country". [He goes on to list some of the "major instruments" as the CFR, Foreign Policy Association, Institute of Pacific Relations and United Nations Association] pg 200

"It would be difficult to find a single foundation-supported organization of any substance which has not favored the U.N. or similar global schemes; fantastically heavy foreign aid at the burdensome expense of the taxpayer; meddling in the colonial affairs of other nations; and American military commitments over the globe. This was comparatively easy to accomplish because there was no organized or foundation-supported opposition. The influence of the foundation complex in internationalism has reached far into government, policy-making circles of Congress, and State Department". Pg 200-01

"The far-reaching power of the large foundations and of the interlock, has so influenced the press, the radio, and even the government that it has become extremely difficult for objective criticism of foundation practices to get into news channels without having first been distorted, slanted, discredited and at times ridiculed." U.S. Gov Printing Office, 1954- Findings of Fact and Supporting Material - U.S. House Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations [Reece Investigations] pg 17 The following links are some of the top organizations which wield power and influence on all governments today.

Edward R. Murrow

Edward Roscoe Murrow (born Egbert Roscoe Murrow; April 25, 1908 – April 27, 1965) was an American broadcast journalist. He first came to prominence with a series of radio news broadcasts during World War II, which were followed by millions of listeners in the United States and Canada.

Fellow journalists Eric Sevareid, Ed Bliss, and Alexander Kendrick considered Murrow one of journalism's greatest figures, noting his honesty and integrity in delivering the news.

A pioneer of television news broadcasting, Murrow produced a series of TV news reports that helped lead to the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Early life

Murrow was born Egbert Roscoe Murrow at Polecat Creek, near Greensboro, in Guilford County, North Carolina, the son of Roscoe C. Murrow and Ethel F. (née Lamb) Murrow. His parents were Quakers. He was the youngest of three brothers and was a "mixture of English, Scots, Irish, and German" descent. His home was a log cabin without electricity or plumbing, on a farm bringing in only a few hundred dollars a year from corn and hay.

When Murrow was six years old, his family moved across the country to Skagit County in western Washington, to homestead near Blanchard, 30 miles (50 km) south of the Canadian border. He attended high school in nearby Edison, and was president of the student body in his senior year and excelled on the debate team. He was also a member of the basketball team which won the Skagit County championship.

After graduation from high school in 1926, Murrow enrolled at Washington State College (now WSU) across the state in Pullman, and eventually majored in speech. A member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, he was also active in college politics. By his teen years, Murrow went by the nickname "Ed" and during his second year of college, he changed his name from Egbert to Edward. In 1929, while attending the annual convention of the National Student Federation of America, Murrow gave a speech urging college students to become more interested in national and world affairs; this led to his election as president of the federation. After earning his bachelor's degree in 1930, he moved back east to New York.

Murrow worked as assistant director of the Institute of International Education from 1932 to 1935, serving as the assistant secretary of the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars, which helped prominent German scholars who had been dismissed from academic positions. He married Janet Huntington Brewster on March 12, 1935. Their son, Charles Casey Murrow, was born in west London on November 6, 1945.

Walter Cronkite

Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr. (November 4, 1916 – July 17, 2009) was an American broadcast journalist, best known as anchorman for the CBS Evening News for 19 years (1962–81). During the heyday of CBS News in the 1960s and 1970s, he was often cited as "the most trusted man in America" after being so named in an opinion poll. Although he reported many events from 1937 to 1981, including bombing in World War II, the Nuremberg trials, combat in the Vietnam War,[8] Watergate, the Iran Hostage Crisis, and the murders of President John F. Kennedy, civil rights pioneer Martin Luther King, Jr., and The Beatles musician John Lennon, he was known for extensive TV coverage of the U.S. space program, from Project Mercury to the Moon landings to the Space Shuttle. He was the only non-NASA recipient of a Moon-rock award. Cronkite is well known for his departing catchphrase "And that's the way it is," followed by the date on which the appearance is aired.

National Student Federation of America

The National Student Federation of America or NSFA was an association of student government founded in 1925. It was the first national student government association to be formed in the United States.

NSFA maintained a strong interest in international affairs, serving as a member of the Confédération Internationale des Étudiants. It was supportive of civil liberties and student rights, but did little actual organizing. Its most famous president was Edward R. Murrow, elected in 1930.

Two hundred campuses sent representatives to NSFA's first full conference in 1926, and the Federation had a membership of 150 schools by 1933. It had no salaried officers, however, and only minimal paid staff.

NSFA disbanded during the Second World War, and was succeeded as a national association of student governments by the National Student Association, founded in 1947.

National Student Association

The United States National Student Association, a confederation of American college and university student governments, was founded in 1947 at a conference at the University of Wisconsin. It established its first headquarters in Madison, not far from the U. of Wisconsin campus. NSA was led by officers elected at its annual National Student Congress. It later opened an office at 2115 'S' St. in Washington, D.C. William Birenbaum, later provost at the New School and president of Antioch College, was an early leader of the Association.

From the early 1950s until 1967, its international program and some of its domestic activities were underwritten by clandestine support from the Central Intelligence Agency.[1] Tom Hayden was a staff member during this time and carved his name into the right hand corner of his desk, in letters a foot high.

Beginning in the late 1950s, NSA conducted an annual Southern Student Human Relations Seminar (SSHRS), educating Southern student leaders on issues relating to race and civil rights. In late 1959 the SSHRS leadership opened a year-round office in Atlanta.

The 1967 revelation of NSA's ties to the Central Intelligence Agency sparked a national scandal and did not measurably damage NSA with student governments. But withdrawal of CIA financing caused the wholesale dismantling of its staff and a financial crisis. The remaining staff became active in the anti-war movement, doing all printing for the Vietnam Mobilization Committee, which had ties to Congressman Allard K. Lowenstein, a past president of the Association. In 1968, the Association held its annual meeting in El Paso, Texas, where thousands of student delegates overwhelmed the city, particularly the Hotel Cortez, with music, drugs, and free love. NSA Executive Vice President, James Hercules Sutton, presented testimony in that year against an all-volunteer army to a Congressional panel that included General Gavin and General Omar Bradley, expressing the view that such an army would be racially imbalanced in enlisted ranks. Jim Graham, Washington D.C. City Councilman, was an NSA Vice President during this time.

In 1978 NSA merged with the National Student Lobby (NSL), to form the United States Student Association (USSA).

NSA originally housed the United States Student Press Association (USSPA), and its news agency, College Press Service (CPS). It was American host for student Euro rail and air passes and served as American students' representative to IATA, the International Air Transport Association.


    ^ Warner, Michael (June 2008). "'The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America' [book review] - Intelligence in Recent Public Literature". Studies in Intelligence: Journal of the American Intelligence Professional (Washington, DC: Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency) 52 (2): 71–73. ISSN 1527-0874. Retrieved 2010-06-02. "'Who co-opted whom?' was a little joke whispered by former officers of the National Student Association once they joined CIA to run Covert Action Staff's Branch 5—and thus took over the youth and student field in the Agency's larger campaign."

Students for a Democratic Society

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a student activist movement in the United States that was one of the main iconic representations of the country's New Left. The organization developed and expanded rapidly in the mid-1960s before dissolving at its last convention in 1969. A faction of SDS formed the Weather Underground, identified by the FBI as a "domestic terrorist group."

SDS has been an important influence on student organizing in the decades since its collapse. Participatory democracy, direct action, radicalism, student power, shoestring budgets, and its organizational structure are all present in varying degrees in current American student activist groups. Though various organizations have been formed in subsequent years as proposed national networks for left-wing student organizing, none has approached the scale of SDS, and most have lasted a few years at best.

A new incarnation of SDS was founded in 2006.


SDS developed from the Student League for Industrial Democracy (SLID), the youth branch of a socialist educational organization known as the League for Industrial Democracy (LID). LID descended from the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, started in 1905. Early in 1960, SLID decided to change its name into SDS. The phrase “industrial democracy” sounded too narrow and too labor oriented, making it more difficult to recruit students. Moreover, because the LID's leadership did not correspond to the expectations and the mood on the campuses, the SLID felt the need to dissociate itself from its parent organization. SDS held its first meeting in 1960 on the University of Michigan campus at Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Alan Haber was elected president. Its political manifesto, known as the Port Huron Statement, was adopted at the organization's first convention in 1962, based on an earlier draft by staff member Tom Hayden.

The Port Huron Statement criticized the political system of the United States for failing to achieve international peace and critiqued Cold War foreign policy, the threat of nuclear war, and the arms race. In domestic matters, it criticized racial discrimination, economic inequality, big businesses, trade unions and political parties. In addition to its critique and analysis of the American system, the manifesto also suggested a series of reforms: it proclaimed a need to reshape into two genuine political parties to attain greater democracy, for stronger power for individuals through citizen's lobbies, for more substantial involvement by workers in business management, and for an enlarged public sector with increased government welfare, including a "program against poverty." The manifesto provided ideas of what and how to work for and to improve, and also advocated nonviolent civil disobedience as the means by which student youth could bring forth a "participatory democracy." Kirkpatrick Sale described the manifesto as "nothing less than an ideology, however raw and imperfect and however much would have resisted this word."

The manifesto also presented SDS's break with the left-wing policies of the postwar years. Firstly, it was written with the same overall vision all along the document and reflected their view that all problems in every area were linked to each other and their willingness not to lead single-issue struggles but a broad struggle on all fronts at the same time. Then, it expressed SDS's willingness to work with groups whatever may be their political inclination and announced their rejection of anti-communism, a definitely new radical view contrasting with much of the American Left which had always developed a policy of anti-communism. Without being Marxist or pro-communism, they denounced anti-communism as being a social problem and an obstruction to democracy. They also criticized the United States for their exaggerated paranoia and exclusive condemnation of the Soviet Union and blamed this for being a reason of failing to achieve disarmament and to assure peace.

The Port Huron Convention opened with a symbol of this break with the policy of the past years: the delegate of the Communist Progressive Youth Organizing Committee asked to attend the conference as an observer. The people from the Young People's Socialist League objected while most of the SDSers insisted on letting him sit. He eventually sat. Later in the meeting, Michael Harrington, an LID member, became agitated over the manifesto because he found the stand they took toward the Soviet Union and authoritarian regimes in general was insufficiently critical, and because, according to him, they deliberately wrote sections to have pique the liberals. Surprisingly, Roger Hagan, a liberal, defended the SDS and its policy. After lively debates between the two, the draft finally remained more or less unchanged. Some two weeks later, a meeting between the LID and SDS was held where the LID expressed its discontent about the manifesto. As a result, Haber and Hayden, at this time respectively the National secretary and the new President of the organization, were summoned to a hearing on the 6 July 1962. There, Hayden clashed with Michael Harrington (as he later would with Irving Howe) over the perceived potential for totalitarianism among other things. Harrington denounced the seating of the PYOC member, SDS’s tolerance for communism and their lack of clarity in their condemnation of communist totalitarianism and authoritarianism, and he reproached SDS for providing only a mild critique of the Soviet Union and for blaming the cold war mostly on the United States. Hayden then asked him to read the manifesto more carefully, especially the section on values. Hayden later wrote:

"While the draft Port Huron Statement included a strong denunciation of the Soviet Union, it wasn't enough for LID leaders like Michael Harrington. They wanted absolute clarity, for example, that the United States was blameless for the nuclear arms race...In truth, they seemed threatened by the independence of the new wave of student activism..."

The tension between SDS and the LID was greatly increased when SDS called for a national demonstration to take place during the spring of 1965. The LID was very concerned about "Communist" participation but SDS refused to restrict who could attend and what signs they could use. The rift opened even further when, at the 1965 SDS National Convention, the clause excluding communists from membership was deleted from the SDS constitution. During the summer of 1965 delegates from SDS and the LID met in Chicago and New York. The League for Industrial Democracy, SDS's sponsoring organization, objected to the removal of the exclusion clause in the SDS constitution,[6] as SDS was with LID's non-profit status which excluded political activity. By mutual agreement the relationship was severed October 4, 1965


The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America

Intelligence in Recent Public Literature

Hugh Wilford. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008. 342 pages, including notes and index.

Reviewed by Michael Warner

Once upon a time, serious and well-meaning people believed communism to be the wave of the future. They thought that only scientific socialism could build just societies in which the arts and the intellect could flourish; that the Soviet Union was the place where the future existed today; and that the avuncular Josef Stalin was the only true opponent of fascism in all its capitalist and warmongering forms.

Once upon a time, the Central Intelligence Agency ran a world-wide covert action campaign to counter such nonsense in societies in which communism might take hold. Almost every CIA station had case officers dedicated to working with labor unions, intellectuals, youth and student organizations, journalists, veterans, women’s groups, and more. The Agency dealt directly with foreign representatives of these groups, but it also subsidized their activities indirectly by laundering funds through allied organizations based in the United States. In short, the Agency’s covert political action depended on the anti-communist zeal of private American citizens, only a few of whom knew that the overseas works of their ostensibly independent organizations were financed by the CIA until the campaign’s cover was disastrously blown in 1967.

British historian Hugh Wilford has just given us the best history of the covert political action campaign to date. Wilford is now associate professor of history at California State University (Long Beach), but before arriving there he spent years in pursuit of the documentation that he sensed had to exist in the organizational remains of the groups that the Agency had funded. His work brought him metaphorically to my door at the CIA History Staff, as the truth-in-reviewing code obliges me acknowledge. Full disclosure also bids me say that I wrote on the covert action campaign in a still-classified monograph published by CIA’s Center for the Study of Intelligence in 1999.

Where I had viewed the CIA’s campaign from the inside looking out, Wilford’s new book The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America does the job from the outside in. Wilford exploits contemporary public accounts, memoirs, and, most important, the remaining files of the various private groups involved. The Mighty Wurlitzer surpasses early attempts like Peter Coleman’s The Liberal Conspiracy (1989) and Frances Stonor Saunders’ Cultural Cold War (2000). [1] The former book had examined only one organization, the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and took a congratulatory tone that was disliked by some reviewers. The latter cast a wider net and surveyed a congeries of cultural, artistic, and intellectual groups, but its conspiracy-mongering style undermined its judgments.

Unlike these efforts, Wilford writes, he provides “the first comprehensive account of the CIA’s covert network from its creation in the late 1940s to its exposure 20 years later, encompassing all the main American citizen groups involved in front operations.” He adds that he set out to portray “the relationship between the CIA and its client organizations in as complete and rounded a manner as possible” given his lack of access to CIA files: “My hope is that, by telling both sides of the story, the groups’ as well as the CIA’s, I will shed new light not only on the U.S. government’s conduct of the Cold War, but also on American society and culture in the mid-twentieth century.” [10]. On both of these scores, Wilford does better than the earlier works.

The Mighty Wurlitzer succeeds at its first goal of presenting as comprehensive a survey as can be expected without access to CIA files. In doing so, Wilford has surely saved a wealth of detail from oblivion. He located and studied the yellowing archives of mostly forgotten organizations like the National Student Association, the American Congress for Cultural Freedom, the Committees of Correspondence, and the Family Rosary Crusade. Few historians work as hard as he did to capture the fading memories of a private America in the age just before cheap copy machines. His method frequently uncovered details that no longer exist in the CIA’s official memory, such as the personal ties between early CIA officials and the officers of American voluntary organizations that would soon receive Agency subsidies.

Wilford falls short, however, in his second aim for The Mighty Wurlitzer, that of explaining both sides of the relationship between the Agency and its private clients. Despite his careful research, he did not explore all available sources and avenues. For example, Wilford spoke with very few veterans, whether former Agency employees or officers of the relevant front groups. Doing so would have added texture to his tale, particularly with regard to the inter-personal dynamics inside and outside the CIA that played such large roles in these operations. Wilford’s choice of incidents, groups, and individuals to discuss, moreover, makes for a rather choppy narrative. The Mighty Wurlitzer jumps from episode to episode and group to group, detailing each in turn but leaving the reader wondering about the connections between them. This is not a glaring flaw and it is more than compensated for by Wilford’s larger insight. Though he does not quite succeed in showing the Agency’s side of the story, he still gets one big point right.

Here it might help the reader to understand that the insinuating sub-title of this book is a bit of a misnomer. My complaint may not be with Wilford at all but rather with his publishers at Harvard; “How the CIA Played America” sounds like something coined in a marketing office. Wilford explains the title derived from a 1950s quip by CIA operational chief Frank Wisner, who reportedly spoke of his directorate’s complex of front organizations as a “mighty Wurlitzer”; a big theater organ “capable of playing any propaganda tune he desired.”[7] Wilford does not claim the CIA “played” America, in the sense of duping gullible presidents or Congresses for the purpose of pursuing its own foreign policies. Instead, he means to say that the CIA used Americans, indeed, the whole country, as instruments in a mission that for two decades had bipartisan support in this nation: the goal of demonstrating to communism’s adherents and a candid world the multifarious variety and hence the superiority of liberal democracy.

This point was made well in a declassified CIA History Staff study of DCI Allen Dulles that Wilford might not have seen. (Absence of a bibliography in The Mighty Wurlitzer makes it hard to be certain.) In discussing CIA’s covert political action campaign, the study explained that it had survived so long because presidents and key Congressmen held “a fairly sophisticated point of view” that understood that “the public exhibition of unorthodox views was a potent weapon against monolithic communist uniformity of action.” The CIA subsidized freedom in order to expose the lies of tyrants—and then winced silently when that freedom led to an occasional bite on America’s hand.

Wilford grasps this point, and adds another. When the CIA played America like a mighty Wurlitzer, he argues, “U.S. citizens at first followed the Agency's score, [but] then began improvising their own tunes, eventually turning harmony into cacophony.”[10] In that, The Mighty Wurlitzer is certainly correct. Wilford has explained for an academic audience what CIA case officers learned the hard way in the early Cold War. Covert political action always requires willing partners, and they almost always work two agendas at once: that of the intelligence agency that subsidizes them, and that of their own faction within the private organization or movement they represent. “Who co-opted whom?” was a little joke whispered by former officers of the National Student Association once they joined CIA to run Covert Action Staff’s Branch 5—and thus took over the youth and student field in the Agency’s larger campaign.

Why is this important? Because scholars and graduate students will someday follow Wilford’s lead. His judicious approach should set the standard for their studies. Second, it matters because some quarters inside and outside government argue today that America needs to replicate the successes of the CIA’s covert political action campaign for the Global War on Terror. The Mighty Wurlitzer might not convince them that that’s a bad idea, but Wilford’s observations should give them pause to consider the risks and unintended consequences of projects that they are unlikely to be able to control completely.


[i]The Liberal Conspiracy: The Congress of Cultural Freedom and the Struggle for the Mind of Postwar Europe (New York: Free Press, 1989); Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters (New York: New Press, 2000).

History of American newspapers


Newspaper and Press Associations in the US

National Press Associations, Regional Press Associations, State Press Associations

The following is a list of newspaper and press associations within the United States. The purpose of these newspaper and press associations are to protect, educate, and serve its members through a wide range of programs. Find newspaper publications and medias, member services, advertising information, legal issues, information, and more.

National/Int'l Press Associations

American Society of News Editors

The American Society of News Editors (ASNE) is a membership organization for editors, producers or directors in charge of journalistic organizations or departments, deans or faculty at university journalism schools, and leaders and faculty of media-related foundations and training organizations.


The ASNE formed after two United States publications took the newspaper industry to task. In January 1922 The Atlantic Monthly featured two articles by Frederick Lewis Allen and Moorfield Storey were critical and requested change in how newspapers were published. After reading the articles Casper Yost saw the need for forming an organization of editors willing to combat criticism.

Yost wrote to a few dozen editors soliciting support. The responses were positive and, just a month later, in February 1922, a small meeting was held in Chicago. Attendees included Yost and editors from Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago. They gathered to discuss action they could take for the advancement of the news and editorial side, to develop a constitution and a code of ethics and to launch a recruiting campaign for the group. The editors called a meeting in New York that April, when editors would be joining their publishers and congregating for the annual ANPA meeting (despite no formal mention of them by ANPA in its bulletins). Their efforts were so successful that by October nearly 100 charter members had signed up.

American Society of Magazine Editors

Legacy award recipient and history maker U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel


*The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) was founded in 1940 when John H. Sengstacke of the Chicago Defender organized a meeting with other African American publishers designed for “harmonizing our energies in a common purpose for the benefit of Negro journalists.”  The group decided to form the National Negro Publishers Association.

In 1956, the trade association was renamed the National Newspapers Publishers Association.  Since World War II, it has also served as the industry’s news service, a position that it has held without peer or competitor since the Associated Negro Press dissolved in 1970.

Editor & Publisher

Natural Society

Scandalous: Scientists and Doctors Falsifying Research Data

Medical doctors are nearly revered by many individuals for their medical knowledge accumulated after years of schooling. These doctors have gone through years of training in what is regarded as the western based medicine philosophy, where drugs and surgery are more or less their specialties. In addition to knowing virtually nothing about nutrition, natural solutions, and how to address the root causes of health conditions, many doctors, as well as scientist, have also been shown to be falsifying data in order to have research published. What’s more, many colleagues of the scandalous individuals are urged to keep quiet about what they know.

Scandalous: Scientists and Doctors Falsifying Data for Research to be Published

A survey of nearly 2,800 scientists and doctors in the UK has found that 13 percent of them admitted to witnessing the falsification and fabrication of data created by their colleagues. Additionally, 6 percent of the nearly 2,800 individuals surveyed were aware of research misconduct at their own workplace which had never been properly investigated to looked into. Needless to say, there could very well be more scientists or doctors not speaking up, further increasing the scandal rate.

Dr. Fiona Godlee, editor for the British Medical Journal, for which the poll was conducted, says:

    “While our survey can’t provide a true estimate of how much research misconduct there is in the UK, it does show that there is a substantial number of cases and that UK institutions are failing to investigate adequately, if at all…The BMJ has been told of junior academics being advised to keep concerns to themselves to protect their careers, being bullied into not publishing their findings, or having their contracts terminated when they spoke out…This survey chimes with our experience where we see many cases of institutions not co-operating with journals and failing to investigate research misconduct properly.“

Interestingly enough, there is so much fraud occurring in the medical field that websites are popping up solely to target these numerous cases. Another medical fraud coming to light is the case involving Duke University and Anil Potti, a researcher formally known by mainstream medical experts for transforming cancer research for the better. However, the scientific papers published by Potti turned out to be completely falsified and skewered – a case showing and ultimately convincing many individuals that medical fraud can happen anytime and anywhere, even at high-status universities.

With doctors falsifying data, often withholding information from patients, and cheating on exams, it may be time to reconsider the blind acceptance of ‘doctor’s orders’.

Sneaky: Coca-Cola Removes Known Carcinogen to Avoid Cancer Warning Label

In a move to avoid being slapped with a cancer warning label, Coca-Cola is making an emergency recipe alteration that involves removing a known carcinogen from the mix.

Fraudulent Study to Distract from Vaccine Association with Austism Backfires

When science is biased to comply with a certain agenda, the research can be confusing at best. Such is the case with the most recent attempt to divert attention from early childhood vaccinations as a causal factor for autism.

Key Nutrients Found to Make You More Attractive

Did you know that staying awake for 19 hours is the equivalent to a blood alcohol content of 0.5%? It is important to recognize that lack of sleep can result both in health decline and work decline – ultimately putting a significant damper on your day.

Carcinogenic Chemicals Contaminating Water Supply Through Fracking

Although the full list of ingredients used in fracking is not known, we do have a partial list. Here are some of the known carcinogens and ingredients used in the fracking process - most of which are leading to water contamination and a decline in public health.

Probiotics an Effective Solution for Celiac Disease

Probiotics, also known as 'friendly' or 'good' bacteria, are essential for optimal health and have been shown to protect the body against a slew of health conditions. One such condition which may be prevented or even reversed with the regular ingestion of probiotics is celiac disease.

They're Out To Kill US - With Chemtrails, Fluoride & Electronic Radiation


Environmental Health Perspectives

Endocrine Disruptors and Asthma-Associated Chemicals in Consumer Products


BACKGROUND: Laboratory and human studies raise concerns about endocrine disruption and asthma from exposure to chemicals in consumer products. Limited labeling or testing information is available to evaluate products as exposure sources.

OBJECTIVES: We analytically quantified endocrine disruptors and asthma-related chemicals in a range of cosmetics, personal care products, cleaners, sunscreens, and vinyl products. We evaluated whether labels can be used to select products without these chemicals.

METHODS: We selected 213 commercial products representing 50 product types. We tested 42 composited samples of high market-share products. We also tested 43 alternative products identified using criteria expected to minimize target compounds. Analytes included parabens, phthalates, bisphenol A, triclosan, ethanolamines, alkylphenols, fragrances, glycol ethers, cyclosiloxanes and UV filters.

RESULTS: We detected 55 compounds, indicating a wide range of exposures from common products. Vinyl products contained >10% DEHP and could be an important source of DEHP in homes. In other products, the highest concentrations and numbers of detects were in the fragranced products perfume, air fresheners, and dryer sheets, and in sunscreens. Some products that did not contain the well-known EDC phthalates contained other less-studied phthalates (also EDCs), suggesting a substitution. Many detected chemicals were not listed on labels.

CONCLUSIONS: Common products contain complex mixtures of EDCs and asthma-related compounds. Toxicological studies of these mixtures are needed to understand their biological activity. For epidemiology, findings raise cautions about potential confounding from co-occurring chemicals and misclassification due to variability in product composition. It appears that consumers can avoid some target chemicals—synthetic fragrances, BPA, and regulated active ingredients—using purchasing criteria. More complete labeling would enable consumers to avoid the rest.

Health Research Forum
Sunlight, Vitamin D & Health

CANCER - The Forbidden Cures – TRAILER

Forbidden Knowledge TV

Foods and Supplements that Protect
Against DNA Damage: Dr. Russell Blaylock

Blaylock's e-book, 'Nuclear Sunrise' was originally written to address the threats of nuclear terrorism. It explains the doses to take of these foods and supplements and how they work. The book can be purchased for download at the website:

It turns out that NASA has done the most research in this area. Their scientists found that the drugs they'd developed were very toxic, so they turned to natural compounds.

Plant flavonoids which were shown to be radio-protective include:

- Gingko biloba at a dose of 250-350mg per day; it was found to protect DNA from radiation damage.

- Ginger was found to protect animal DNA from massive exposure to Gamma radiation, the most destructive kind.

- Garlic has also been found to protect against ionizing radiation.

- Curcumin (turmeric extract) was found to be enormously protective as well as,

- Quercitin, which is found in fruits, vegetables, leaves and grains and

- Punicalagins, extracted from pomegranates.

- Alpha Lipoid Acid was found to actually reverse some effects of radiation damage in Chernobyl, returning the levels of oxidized protein compounds in the body caused by radiation exposure back to normal levels and in some cases, better than normal.

- Resveratrol, a compound most commonly associated with red wine is also a very potent radio-protectant, in supplement doses of 200mg, twice a day.

- Hesperidin was found to be very protective of DNA and of bone marrow, the blood-forming organ that's the most sensitive to radiation exposure, along with the brain and the gastrointestinal tract.

The above-mentioned plant flavonoids are found to be much more protective against radiation damage than Vitamins C & E. Together, these vitamins are synergistically protective but nowhere near as powerful as Curcumin and Quercitin.

Dr. Blaylock's latest research has been on neurotoxic, nano-scale metals. Many people have heard about the relationship between aluminum with Alzheimer's disease. Nano-scale (i.e., colloidal or aerosolized) aluminum particles are hundreds of times more toxic to the body than non-colloidal aluminum.


Every day our bodies are exposed to low-level radiation from natural and human-made sources. Now with the unfolding nuclear disaster at Fukushima it is even more urgent to take care of your health. You may want to include a consistent regimen of herbs, foods and other treatments that prevents your body from storing radioactive particles.

The following herbs and foods have been shown to help fight the damage of radiation and free radicals:

Kelp, seaweed, spirulina, chlorella, dark green vegetables (these are natural sources of iodine) cilantro, rosemary, ginseng, dandelion, eating a macrobiotic diet, probiotics (yogurt, etc.), turmeric, pomegranate, ginger, oranges.

Vitamin C, D, E flaxseed oil, Alpha lipoic acid, green tea (High in Bioflavonoids), lots of pure fluoride-free clean water especially if you have young children.

Epsom salts baths or baking soda baths with bentonite clay,

This helps pull heavy metals and toxins from the body and helps with radiation sickness. Taking baking soda internally will help to lower the body's PH level which helps fight cancer according to many studies.

Obviously, you can't live in a bubble but you can do things to lower your risks.

Important articles dealing with natural radiation protection:

Finally, limit exposure to rain as much as possible; if you are working outdoors wear a mask especially if you have a weak immune system.

Natural News

Monsanto's Roundup threatens stability of global food supply

(NaturalNews) Monsanto's reckless disregard for public health and the agricultural stability of the planet may be even more significant than previously thought. A shocking new report reveals how Monsanto's Roundup is actually threatening the crop-yielding potential of the entire biosphere. The report reveals that glyphosate, which was developed by Monsanto in the early 1970s and is the active ingredient in its patented herbicide Roundup, may be irreversibly devastating the microbiodiversity of the soil - compromising the health of the entire planet, as a result.

New research published in the journal Current Microbiology highlights the extent to which glyphosate is altering, and in some cases destroying, the very microorganisms upon which the health of the soil, and - amazingly - the benefits of raw and fermented foods as a whole, depend. Concerningly, certain beneficial strains of bacteria used as food-starters in cultures for raw yogurt, such as Lactobacillus cremoris, have entirely disappeared from certain geographic regions where traditionally they were found in plenty. The study reports that the death and growth inhibition of selected food microorganisms was observed in concentrations of Roundup that are lower than are recommended in agricultural practice.

This means that farmers who are increasingly using larger and larger concentrations of Roundup and similar glyphosate-based herbicide formulations to countermand the increasingly resistant super weeds GM agriculture has spawned, are not only damaging the immediate health of the soil, but subsequent yields of indispensable food-starter microorganisms, as well as the microbes that ensure the overall fertility of the soil for producing crops well into the future.


It's now illegal to know what's in your food

Todd Tucker, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch joins Thom Hartmann. Put down that fork! Do you know what's REALLY on your dinner plate? Well - it's becoming increasingly difficult for you to find out and there may be very little our lawmakers can do about it. Do you know what's in your dinner? Chances probably don't. That's because recent rulings by the World Trade Organization have made it harder and harder for Americans to know if what they're eating is safe - and exactly where it came from. For example - last month - the WTO struck down a law passed by Congress and signed by the President in 2008 had required labels on all meat so that we know what country the cattle was born, raised, and slaughtered in. Think about that for a second - laws passed by our elected Representatives are being struck down by foreign bureaucrats and corporations through the World Trade Organization. Also this year - the WTO struck down dolphin-safe tuna labels - arguing that it would do economic harm to foreign fishing fleets that slaughter dolphins in the process of catching tuna. So why is this? Why is it suddenly illegal for us to know more about what's in the food we eat? And why are we as a nation bending at the will of the WTO?

Darpa director leaving the Pentagon for Google

One of the most top-secret Pentagon departments — the same that spawned America’s drones, military robots, electromagnetic guns and other sci-fi weaponry — is about to lose its top officer to Google.

Regina Dugan oversaw the development of some of the US military’s most marvelous high tech accomplishments as director of Darpa, but the head of the DoD’s research lab is parting ways with the Pentagon to take on a role with Google. Not even three years after she took on the role as the first female director of the America’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, Regina Dugan is now walking away to join the ranks of America’s other innovative powerhouse. Dugan will be relinquishing her top roll at the Defense Department’s Darpa program and trading in the Potomac River for Silicon Valley, and says it is a natural decision to move somewhere where the possibilities seem endless. Apparently within the cogs of the war machine, there is only so much left to explore.

Confirming the move to a “senior executive position” with Google, Darpa spokesman Eric Mazzacone tells Wired that Dugan couldn’t refuse an offer with such an “innovative company” as the search engine giant. Until the latest news broke, however, Darpa had been touted as a creative — yet controversial — research lab for space-age technology only once imaginable. Darpa has developed technologies used across the globe that can take away lives and, as seen with cutting-edge robotic limbs, practically create them.

With the Defense Department scaling back on many operations and Google seemingly only growing, Dugan’s departure only makes sense given the timing. Both US President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta have thrown their weight behind a shift in the Pentagon’s budget in an effort to save billions over the next few years. Google, on the other hand, has only increased its outreach, operating countless new endeavors and taking on new mediums.

That’s not to say, of course, that Dugan avoided trouble while with Darpa. She has been the subject of an investigation after awarding pricey contracts to a defense research company she partially owns, a deal which prompted the Pentagon’s Office of the Inspector General to open a probe. Lt. Col. Melinda Morgan, a spokesperson for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, says that the change in command and ongoing investigation into Dugan’s RedX Defense company are unrelated, but aside that there is little known about her career change. On their part, a Google rep tells PC Mag, "Regina is a technical pioneer who brought the future of technology to the military during her time at DARPA," adding, "She will be a real asset to Google, and we are thrilled she is joining the team."

In a statement from the Pentagon, Frank Kendall for Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, adds, “Regina Dugan’s leadership at Darpa has been extraordinary and she will be missed throughout the Department.

“We are all very grateful for the many contributions she has made in advancing the technologies that our war fighters depend on.”

Dugan, however, had blasted Darpa for not doing enough only a year earlier. “There is a time and a place for daydreaming. But it is not at Darpa,” she told a congressional panel in March 2011. “Darpa is not the place of dreamlike musings or fantasies, not a place for self-indulging in wishes and hopes. Darpa is a place of doing.”

The transition also raises further questions about what relationship the federal government has with Google. As RT reported yesterday, an advocacy group will be taking the US National Security Agency to court later this month in hopes of finding details on what ties, if any, the NSA has with Google. The NSA has refused to disclose any details in the past that discuss a relationship, despite a series of Freedom of Information Act requests.


The ABCs of Communitarianism
A devil's dictionary

By Fareed Zakaria|Posted Friday, July 26, 1996, at 3:30 AM ET

Edinburgh University Press

Islamism as Communitarianism: Person, Community and the Problem of International Norms in Non-Liberal Theories

This essay discusses how international political theory can become more receptive towards Islamism. The central claim is that Islamism can be interpreted as a form of communitarianism. To underpin this claim, the study relies on an analysis of how the concepts of community and person are conceived in communitarianism and Islamism. On the basis of the affinities of these conceptions between Islamism and communitarianism the essay shows that Islamism can be interpreted as a form of communitarianism. The study then concludes that understanding Islamism as communitarianism produces a common space for public reasoning which would deserve more consideration from political theorists. Secondly Islamism as communitarianism reassesses the possibility of a political theory engagement with Islamist theory that can benefit the recognition of human rights norms in circumstances in which Islamism is particularly influential.

Hurriyet Daily News (Turkey)

Patriarch(al) Politics

The Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu received the Deyr ul-Zafaran Monastery Syriac Metropolitan and visited the Greek Patriarch last week, to mark the importance of religious dialogue between religious groups amid ongoing tension in the Middle East.

Most commentators interpret such moves toward dialogue as a good sign of social and regional peace, I do not. There is no doubt that the discourse of “a dialogue between religions” is far better than the discourses and politics of a “clash of civilizations” and “crusaders.” Nevertheless, “social peace” and “free society” are not always the same thing. In fact, traditional empires and some authoritarian modern societies managed to achieve some form of social peace. The Ottoman Empire and modern Syria are good examples of the peaceful coexistence of religious communities, yet neither was a free society.

It is a fact that one of the major challenges in the present Middle East is to achieve safety for the non-Muslim minorities in these troubled times, especially after the fall of the Syrian regime. The example of Iraq was terrible, since most of the Christians had to flee the country and Syria became safe haven for the Iraqi Christians. The post-Spring Egypt has witnessed alarming atrocities against Copts, despite the efforts of the Muslim Brotherhood. There is also a risk of confrontation in Syria if the present regime falls. Syrian Christians support the present regime for this reason. Under these circumstances, there must be a search for a model of peaceful coexistence after the change of regime, in order to overcome the concerns of Syrian Christians.

Since Turkey has turned into “a model maker” for the future of the Muslim countries of the region, it seems that Turkey’s foreign minister needed to stage a “Christian opening.” Indeed, Davutoğlu himself stated: “We are going through a transformation in the Middle East […] We give high importance to all religious communities in peace.”

In fact, this is the turn of “communitarian and patriarchal politics.” According to this model, social peace is not designed to depend on “individual rights and freedoms” but on “the rights and freedoms of communities.” Besides, a hierarchy of religious communities is assumed to be ensured under the patronage of a Muslim community/state. The discourse of the rise of “Islamic democracy” after the Arab revolutions promises a “communitarian peace” rather than the free democratic societies which guarantee individual rights and freedoms. That is why talk of “the dialogue among religions” became an essential aspect of the democratic promise in the region, as a panacea for the rise of Islamists’ political power after regime changes.

I have always been against the definition of secularism as a rigid understanding of the separation of public and private realms of life, recognizing only individual rights and denouncing collective religious rights and freedoms. I have always suggested the importance of the democratic definition of secularism. Nevertheless, the democratic definition of secularism should not be the reverse of the rigid definition of secularism, which in fact leads to “communitarian and patriarchal politics,” itself a form of authoritarian politics.

PPJ Gazette

Agenda 21 on Steroids

The Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development is Agenda 21 on steroids. If you take the word “Environment” out of the title (which seems to be thrown in to placate you), and call this the International Covenant on Development, you will more clearly see the intent of this manifesto.

The Covenant is intended to become a binding Global Treaty and the template for international law. International attorneys have been hammering this out for about 16 years. The 4th draft was issued in 2010.

The Covenant is about control of development, and social engineering, by the United Nations. Remember, the United Nations is a trade organization funded by money from corporations, organizations and associations funded by corporations, and foreign governments.

The Covenant states it focuses on “social and economic pillars.”
In the Covenant’s footnotes, it refers to the constitutions of Brazil, India, Namibia, and even the Islamic Republic of Iran. But this manifesto doesn’t adhere to the U.S. Constitution. If the Covenant is adapted by the United States, it will be the end of our Constitution and our rights.

Global Research (Canada)

Beyond Equivocal Equality and Masking Myths: Grounding Justice in What We All Need to Live as Human Beings




Professor John McMurtry

G.A. Cohen’s Rescuing Equality and Justice is the most egalitarian opposition to the Rawlsian ‘difference principle’ within the dominant academic discourse. Yet all the life-blind exclusions identified by (1) to (8) above govern this understanding of social justice as well. Criterial life substance, basic needs, and existing ruling social structure continue to be blocked out. The worst-off are, therefore, not better recognized in what makes them badly off.

The reigning order of inequality by unearned private money-capital income is also never mentioned.  The masking myth of personal talent reaping higher pay (benefit) for superior productivity of performance (burden) remains in place unexposed. Again we may see the ruling value syntax at work. Radically egalitarian argument itself avoids the organic life goods making anyone’s life well or worse, blinkers out the money-capital governance of the world producing the deepest real inequalities, and accepts the idealizing equation of deserving more money for superior performance as the ultimate issue to argue. Conceptions of justice and injustice again disappear into debate within the terms of a primary myth of the system.

Because the ruling money-sequence syntax of injustice remains in place, the common life-ground itself and life-grounded government to achieve social justice cannot be conceived.  What is not recognised is that even the normative category of “equality” allows for limitless exploitation of its ambiguity of meaning. This is why “equality” has been at the forefront of system-justifying doctrine since John Locke and the U.S.  Constitution he inspired, while also being a rallying cry of radicals from the British Levellers to the French sans-culottes to socialists today.  It is an equivocal concept which brings out whatever discussants project onto it.

That is to say, any ordering principle can be seen as both equality and inequality at once, depending on the viewer – equality before the same capitalist rule system, for example, but extreme inequality of condition entailed by its operations, on the other.

This is why market capitalism has long been described as both a system of “equality” and a system of “inequality” at the same time. The original revolutionary struggles and documents in the formation of capitalism in the later eighteenth century and contemporary philosophy of justice have both long traded on and elaborated this built-in equivocality without recognizing the intrinsic problem of double meaning. Even when one seems to have a straight-on disagreement in principle – for example, G.A. Cohen  opposed to Robert Nozick opposed to John Rawls, the list is long –  the most apparently inegalitarian position, like Nozick’s, turns out to be grounded at another  level in the same idea - equality before market-system laws.

What really matters to people cannot be understood by elastic categories without life-value criteria – “equality” in particular. What the lives of all people in fact need for their life capacities not to be deprived is the robust and impartial standard which is missing in social justice theory, but what life-value onto-ethics builds on. Liberal theory never mentions sufficient food, or water, or housing, or waste systems, or natural environment as parameters of social justice, even though their deprivation in developed society is the most pressing form of injustice. How can rights or justice be understood when what really matters to people’s lives is thus hollowed out? Citizens cannot eat claimed liberties, or be assured of a more just society by a marginal income gain when they have lost their homes, or enjoy an attractive versus despoiled environment if the issue is blinkered out, or be concerned with massive fellow species extinctions if the matter cannot be seen, or have a human vocation if only opportunities exist to compete for scarce higher money-value positions.

If all of these basic issues of human life right are blinkered out as they essentially have been, social justice cannot be understood even in theory, and in practice the most basic common life goods can be despoiled beneath recognition. This is why even the human food system can be stripped of nutriments by chemical-genetic concoctions in accord with the money-value syntax with no issue of injustice to millions diseased by it arising to theoretical view.

Most social injustices in the contemporary global rule system are of this kind – unjust deprivations of means of life by the reigning system’s demands, usually represented as “equal rights to compete” for self-privilege within it. Thus increasing hundreds of millions of people can be without ecological security or even water and nutrition as global wealth multiplies in the control of an apical few, yet the freedoms and well-being of the poor is declared to be rising. Ever greater volumes of junk commodities may undermine the health of children and non-affluent across the globe even after critical science recognizes the epidemic damages, but the lives of all are declared as “better off”. Social infrastructures of education, health and pensions may be defunded to pay compound-interest public debts to private foreign banks leveraging the debt money, but the transfer of wealth from the impoverished to the rich is called an “economic necessity for developing nations”. Evolved cultures of participant art and play can be lost to debased and violence-pervaded products of mass-culture factories, but a “global information culture” is proclaimed. Wars and domestic oppressions by force of arms may grow in public funds devoted to them as common life support systems are stripped towards collapse, but “security of the world’s peoples” is ubiquitously incanted. Species extinctions and genocides may accelerate by the ruling system’s growth demands, but more parks emptied of indigenous people and pollution- credit handouts to polluters is called “saving the natural world for our children”.

Eventually the question needs to be posed, what could be a more life-blind disorder of burden and benefit allocation, of rights and obligations borne by global society’s citizens?  How much more could the ultimate principle of justice, the due proportion between rights and duties, benefits and burdens, be turned upside down in life-value terms?

From Rational Plan of Life to Human Vocation: The Ultimate Moral Regrounding

The most basic onto-axiological principle in the dominant theoretical discourse dodges this question a-priori. The dominant assumption of contemporary English-speaking philosophy is that a “rational plan of life” is the given frame of a good life for anyone. It is an ancient idea with a pedigree back to Socrates, but in contractual justice theory and corresponding moral philosophy, rationality means consistently self-maximizing choice with morality and justice the arrangements required to make these choices compatible among individuals by agreed-upon principles of restraint for the a just or right ordering. 

Communitarian” justice theory does not ground in this atomic logic of individual choice and consent. Its base is established social relations and personal bonds with no way beyond these constituted attachments to more life-coherent forms of social order.  This is why liberals reject “communitarianism” for rational life plans of individuals.

No-one on either side conceives of the logic of life-value community, all the social constructs enabling universal access to life goods – what life-value onto-axiology calls ‘the civil commons’. In any case, the Rawlsian discourse reiterates its first premise of a ‘rational career plan’ for each as what must be open to pursue as a necessary condition of social justice. Yet a question immediately arises none in this tradition answer: What of those who have no such ‘rational plan of life’, but reject it as a careerist closure to the creative openness of human being? Young people, for example, may find elders insisting on such a life plan as oppressive bores. They may further experience any force-fitting of them into such a ‘rational plan’ as an overbearing injustice to their open lives. But the young are excluded wholesale from this scheme of justice as young. Rawls is clear that their elders must choose for them, and this is not seen as a problem although it may be the upbringing source of all the others. [10]

The young are by no means alone. Consider the possible exceptions to this presupposition of how to live justly. Giving one’s all to the challenging tasks at hand can make the ‘career plan’ a cramping, egoic distraction. An all-round life may rule out a ‘life plan’ as a one-sided reduction. Yet this idea itself of a ‘rational life plan’ is an assumption of justice theory without any argument for it. Deeper interrogation might ask whether it is a primitive assumption of elite racism and sexism too – the subjugated are irrational. Revealingly, various wisdom literatures implicitly and explicitly counsel against this form of rationality. Very briefly, they agree that any such confinement to a self-plan and the accumulating assets of its fulfillment means blindness to the wider life body to be comprehended and served.

Life-Ground Ethics Rejects a Career Plan as a Universal Good of Justice or Morality

The “rational life plan” which is assumed as both (i) the condition of understanding justice and (ii) what justice must allow to be realised, really means, decoded, a self-maximising career plan across decades of unpredictable self, age and world changes - hardly what social justice needs, especially in a world of work changes as normal. 

Since life-span plans can only make sense as career plans, social justice itself must then mean what serves the careers of atomic selves. A summary comprehension of the underlying shape of justice in this scheme of thinking follows. The rational life-career plan determines each’s good, and justice is what allows it to each: with equality of benefits to each self the basic issue of contention. One will find no relevant dimension of this dominant discourse on justice excluded by this formula. What is not noticed is that the good of life itself has silently disappeared. Life as ground, ultimate value and connectively guiding goal is abstracted out and in its place are rights of atomic selves to compete for positional advantages. 

World movements for social justice are accordingly blocked out along with the ultimate concerns moving them. For example, concepts of global justice like ‘basic needs fulfillment’, climate justice’, ‘end the war’, ‘food sovereignty’, ‘no privatization of water’, ‘public health not private profit’, ‘education is not a corporate agenda’, and ‘no blood for oil’ cannot compute to  this paradigm. There are in truth no life grounds to recognize the reduction and violation of people’s lives in which social injustice consists. Yet a life-coherent concept of justice cannot be satisfied with these glimpses. Principled grounds, life-good coordinates, and thought-through conception of social agency for achieving them are required. Justice always turns on what is ultimately due to the lives involved, but nowhere are the life-coherent benefits and burdens, rights and obligations that true justice entails defined in official, academic or oppositional discourse. The profoundly unresolved issue of exactly what is due on both sides of the right-obligation ledger can only be answered by life-ground onto-ethics: understanding that defines humanity’s universal life needs and goods, and comprehends the civil commons agency and rationality required to enable human lives in a life-coherent way. The concept of “equality” does not much help if it is a life-decoupled formula in a long line of opposite meanings of it. 

Life-value onto-axiology re-grounds in life itself and what it needs at all levels for its capacities to reproduce and flourish. It observes that any real social justice is a process of society’s achievement of universal human life goods for all by its social rule-system - in the largest sense, from natural capital preservation and the coordinated capabilities of scientific technology to life-protective imperatives and educational, health and social programs recognising human life right to all. The need/good of human vocation in particular is recognised to be the life-coherent contribution of each to provision of these life goods to receive the benefits and enjoyment of them.

Linking Life Right and Obligation at System-Wide and Historical Levels

Linkage of right and obligation at a system-wide level is the ultimate onto-ethical issue of human civilization, and requires any system to be accountable to the enabling provision of these universal human life goods as its ground of legitimacy.

When we stand back to consider the historical pattern of the last 80 years, however, we are able to recognise the meta logic of humanity’s universal life necessities/goods and their evolving civil commons provision since the Great Depression and War, on the one hand, and the private-profit corporate war upon them to appropriate and dismantle their resources for private profit since 1980, on the other.  This meta conflict explains why ever more growth of wealth by the rule of this system goes along ever more impoverishment of most people’s lives and life conditions – the unseen war of social injustice, that is, ever more unnecessary suffering from life capacity reduction by deprivation of life goods.

Life-value understanding therefore recognises and stands for the age-old process of overcoming social injustice by civil commons advance. Thus, for example, it understands that national public healthcare which became socially provided without price barrier for all those in need of it was a major civil commons victory for social justice in many societies, just as public water and sanitation systems were a century before and still are today in much of the world. In the private corporate rule of the U.S., in contrast, it recognises that citizens are ruined or bankrupted by medical costs more than any other cause, and almost twice the population of Canada are still without protection. It understands too that even long-successful public health systems are endangered by the same private for-profit corporate forces as invade civil commons in all spheres in the name of “freedom of choice” or “new efficiencies” or other demonstrably false claim. Nonetheless social-structural analysis in even its progressive forms misses the mark when it reduces the struggle to one of waged workers against capitalism or women against patriarchy. The underlying common life-value ground of all is again blinkered out in principle.

The Life-Coherence Principle, Civil Commons, and the Human Vocation

Consider here the jobs and benefits of universalizing literacy as well as public healthcare, society-wide water and sewer systems as well as life-protective laws and norms, life security in old age and disability as well as in unemployment, scientific understanding normalized as well as public parks and squares, as well as open internet communication and information.

There is no level of our human lives and conditions not enabled and dependent on shared civil commons formations whose inner logic of recognition and advance is the life-coherence principle, or consistency with universal life requirements. Yet even our life-ground as human reason and how to live is lost to us. It remains invisible amidst lavish praises of private-profit commodities filling the electro-magnetic spectrum with demands for ever more life-blind growth of both. The cost of what really matters on every level is unseen.

While life-value understanding, the civil commons, and the life coherence principle continue to underlie all real human advance, their ultimate ground of meaning and value is generally not conceived in principle. The ultimate need to serve, express and enjoy human life capacities as a coherent end-in-self of life is the lost human vocation.

Fanatic For Jesus

Indoctrinating the Masses

The ICSD is a Jerusalem-based organization of inter-religious leaders who promote environmental consciousness and responsibility together. Through their Seminary Students Sustainability Program, Muslim, Christian and Jewish students learn side-by-side about sustainability and co-existence.

Tony Blair once said that faith is inextricably linked to interdependence. The religion of the New World Order is furthering their cause through the global apostate church and false religions by the use of the global warming boogey man.

The Trickle Down Effect

The outcome of meetings like this have a trickle-down effect. The following video is an example of one of the programs being generated by the corporate church. A type of communitarian "transition meeting" is taking place in churches. Energy conservation is one of the goals of these meetings, which is a good thing, but misleading congregations about global warming is another issue. As you will see, churches are getting on the sustainability bandwagon.

It is interesting to note that the organization that was featured, is part of the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network. They are also promoting community gardens. Their website states that they are doing this because of the:

    "...environmental impact of huge mechanized farms and the high carbon emissions embedded in transporting the food we eat; we can do better!

    We have gathered our network and allies for two annual conferences called simply Food and Faith to share and support faith-community based food and garden initiatives. We now know of several Sunday schools which have a gardening curriculum.  We have dozens of congregations supporting local agriculture through CSA’s and dozens more which are growing and donating food to food pantries around the state."

The page for sustainable eating goes into detail concerning why it is better to eat local, than to depend upon a system that creates too much strain on the environment, and encourages vegetarianism.

Communitarian ideology is continuing to be peddled in the Church, and congregations are excited about it. I'm presently taking a Master Gardeners course offered through the county extension office, and some of the participants are involved with community gardens. One woman told me that during the summer, members get to take vegetables home every Sunday. This is great, but none of them suspect what is being planned for their future. They are like gentle lambs being led to slaughter.

Related Post

Transition to Communitarianism: Community Gardens

The Magnes Zionist

  Jerry Haber

    Jerusalem, Israel

    Jeremiah (Jerry) Haber is the nom de plume of an orthodox Jewish studies and philosophy professor, who divides his time between Israel and the US. The picture is not of him, but of his kind of Zionist, Judah Magnes.

Are Extra-judicial Killings a Form of Tikkun Olam?

In an op-ed published today by Rabbi Donniel Hartman, we learn that killing “known terrorist leaders” who have “blood on their hands,” and who have expressed a desire to continue their killing, is not only permitted under Jewish law, is not only commanded as a form of self-defense, but should be praised as an act of tikkun olam, of repairing the world.

Before I criticize this position, I would like to go on record that I know Rabbi Hartman, and I admire his leadership of the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, where I have been invited annually to be part of  a “philosophers’ group.” So I am glad that his op-ed gives me the opportunity to commend his work, as well as to disagree vehemently with his position. Our dispute is “for the sake of heaven.” I also want to acknowledge that the point of the op-ed was actually to restrain the natural feelings of hatred and demonization for the other that people feel when under attack.

Let me start by saying that, contrary to what Rabbi Hartman writes, the morality of extra-judicial killings is highly debated and not at all clear. On just war theory, as I wrote below, a pre-emptive strike against an enemy is permissible only when a) the enemy’s attack is imminent; b) the response is proportionate to the threat, and c) no other recourse is possible. I mention, as an aside, that it is possible to find parallels for these three conditions in the Jewish law of self-defense. In initially justifying Israel’s decision to assassinate Zuhir al-Qaisi, Rabbi Hartman assumes that all these conditions obtained. This in itself is a good sign. (Note that American’s assassination of Osama Bin Laden was not justified through an appeal to knowledge of an imminent attack he was planning. So if an attack wasn’t imminent, Rabbi Hartman could not consistently approve even Osama bin Laden’s assassination.) By declaring the necessity of the “imminence” requirement Rabbi Hartman distances himself from many of his fellow Israelis, to judge from the press reports.

But later on in the op-ed, Rabbi Hartman drops the “imminent attack” requirement

    Targeted killings of known terrorist leaders, those with blood on their hands and the self-expressed desire and capacity to spill more blood, are not morally ambiguous

On the contrary, as is well known, there is a great deal of moral ambiguity here. Substitute, for example, “serial murderer” for “terrorist leaders”. Would Rabbi Hartman consider extra-judicial killings of such people “not morally ambiguous”? Remember, we are not talking about a ticking bomb, or somebody on the way to commit a heinous act, but rather somebody with the self-expressed desire and capacity to spill more blood. There are Israeli generals with blood on their hands who have the desire to bomb Gaza. Would Rabbi Hartman think it legitimate for Palestinian drones to take out those IDF generals?

Rense & Jay Weidner - Psychopathic Satanic Evil Everywhere

The premier thinking conference for local government

Can you imagine what the future holds for local government?  While it's hard to gain full insight into what the future holds, what we do know is that local communities are changing. This change is happening as a result of demographic swings, economics, and shifts in the political landscape.  Success into the future for a local government organization will be defined by an ability to adapt, learn and foster creative ideas to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

The 2012 TLG Conference will be presented by the Alliance for Innovation and co-hosted by the University of Kansas School of Public Administration, KACM, MCMA, and Kansas City Metro Area Governments. By combining TLG and the Annual Conferences for KACM and MCMA, this joint conference will allow participants to gaze through the looking glass to see and hear those stories of innovation.  Through innovative case study sessions, conference attendees will take an in-depth look at the ingenuity and creativity of successful government programs. During provocative keynote sessions, you’ll be inspired to tap into new energy and a sense of reinforced commitment to your work.

TLG attracts participation from local governments that are deliberately seeking new and innovative ways to connect people, information and ideas that support their efforts to be the best communities in which to live, work, and prosper. The TLG conference is recognized for its dynamic content that encourages freethinking and fosters unprecedented ideas.  The conference experience is designed to promote team building and a sense of camaraderie.

Next World TV

Window Farms

People Helping People Grow Food Indoors

People are growing food in recycled plastic bottles in windows in big cities all across the world with Windowfarms, a vertical hydroponic garden system. Herbs, lettuces, leafy greens, strawberries, peas and even squash are suited to this method which works year round and of course requires no soil.

The best part about this movement is: there is an ongoing mass online collaboration to improve the system, so it gets more efficient all the time, the more users that participate. It's always evolving.

Right now, this may seem like a fun way to have some veggies in an apartment window. But imagine if this is just the beginning of a new way to grow organic food on a larger scale- anywhere, anytime?

People helping people grow food in windows, without soil: VERY Nextworld!

--Bibi Farber

This video was produced by

Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell

video tutorial short

This Hoax Affects Everyone

The Urban Experiment (Aquaponics)

video short

Clownshow 2012: Brother Ron and the All-Seeing Eye
Ron Paul: Race, Ritual and the Scottish Rite
Of This Men Shall Know Nothing
Part One
Biblical Capitalism - The Religious Right's War on Progressive Economic Policy

By Rachel Tabachnick

Part Two
The War on Unions, Regulatory System, and Social Safety Net - Examples from Fundamentalist Textbooks
Part Three
Two Decades of Christian Nationalist Education Paved Way for Today's War on Labor
Part Four
Rushdoony's Theocratic Libertarianism at Work in the Nation's Statehouses

Are the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Legit?

This has been a subject for debate in conspiracy circles for decades.  Read this very interesting article below on it:

 Of the Protocols themselves little need be said in the way of introduction. The book in which they are embodied was published by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of its reception, August 10, 1906. All copies that were known to exist in Russia were destroyed in the Kerensky regime, and under his successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Soviet land was a crime sufficient to ensure the owners of being shot on sight. The fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuineness of the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a forgery, leaving it to be understood that Professor Nilus, who embodied them in a work of his own, had concocted them for his own purposes.

    Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York WORLD, February 17th, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus: "The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW." Indeed they do!

Now notice this part:

    Herzl gives an account of his first visit to England in 1895, and his conversation with Colonel Goldsmid, a Jew brought up as a Christian, an officer in the English Army, and at heart a Jew Nationalist all the time. Goldsmid suggested to Herzl that the best way of expropriating the English aristocracy, and so destroying their power to protect the people of England against Jew domination, was to put excessive taxes on the land. Herzl thought this an excellent idea, and it is now to be found definitely embodied in Protocol VI!

Notice the mention of Col. Goldsmid a "Jew brought up as a Christian"(???). We do know from the studies on Christians supporting Zionism that this movement has been going on since the 1820's roughly. We also know that Jews infiltrated Christianity since that time, this is the first time that I have read about a Jewish leader becoming a "Christian", but still supporting Zionism.  But this does not surprise me since the activities of the Jews starting 5000 yrs. ago are very disturbing because they act the cunning way they do in order to gain  a foothold in the society they are in, and in the end, aim to take it over.  I am talking about the ones that are, as Christ said, "the children of the Devil", or you can say in today’s terms, the evil Zionists who are bent on world domination along with the rest of the New World Order.

Second, notice the great idea these 2 had for “the best way of expropriating the English aristocracy": A SEVERE TAXATION ON THE BRITISH PEOPLE.  Did not Jewish-Zionist bankers, too, create the FED in America and then the Income tax???

Now look at this starling part:

 The present successor of Herzl, as leader of the Zionist movement, Dr. Weizmann, quoted one of these sayings at the send-off banquet given to Chief Rabbi Hertz on October 6, 1920. The Chief Rabbi was on the point of leaving for HIS Empire tour of H.R.H., the Prince of Wales. And this is the "saying" of the Sages which Dr. Weizmann quoted: "A beneficent protection which God has instituted in the life of the Jew is that He has dispersed him all over the world." (JEWISH GUARDIAN, Oct. 8, 1920.) Now compare this with the last clause of but one of Protocol XI. "God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of dispersion, and from this, which appears to all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world."

All this info that I come across just continues to reinforce that
their indeed IS a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world.  Eustace Mullins STRAIGHT OUT (in this interview below) said that there IS such a conspiracy and the real enemies ARE NOT Muslims, but JEWS.

If you haven't read Eustace's book The New History of the Jews, my God do it!  It's free at this link:


Rediscover 911

How Illuminati Jews Recruit & Network
Henry Makow

Future Shock – 1972 Documentary
(Alvin Toffler, Orson Welles)

Future Shock is a little known documentary based on the book Future Shock by Alvin Toffler. This documentary came out in 1972 and features Orson Welles as the narrator. I was most amused by the high amount of paranoia in regards to the future… some of the segments (like people choosing their own skin color) are downright hilarious.

The Atomic Café

One of the defining documentaries of the 20th century, THE ATOMIC CAFE (1982) offers a darkly humorous glimpse into mid-century America, an era rife with paranoia, anxiety, and misapprehension. Whimsical and yet razor-sharp, this timeless classic illuminates the often comic paradoxes of life in the "Atomic Age," while also exhibiting a genuine nostalgia for an earlier and more innocent nation.

Narrated through an astonishing array of vintage clips and music--from military training films to campy advertisements, presidential speeches to pop songs--the film revolves around the threat--and thrill--of the newly minted atomic bomb. Taking aim at the propaganda and false optimism of the 1950s, the film's satire shines most vividly in the clever image splicing, such as footage of a decimated Hiroshima alongside cheerful suburban "duck-and-cover" routines. More than anything else, THE ATOMIC CAFE shows how nuclear warfare infiltrated the living rooms of America, changing the nation from the inside out.

Immensely entertaining and devilishly witty, THE ATOMIC CAFE serves up a revealing slice of American history: the legendary decade when we learned to live in a nuclear world.


How To Guide

Protecting Liberty, Integrity and Justice

NPR books
'Arcadia': Children Of The Commune

By Sara Marcus

NPR books
What's In A Word? A 'Dictionary' Of Americanisms

Henry Hazlitt's Time Will Run Back:
A Tale of the Reinvention of Capitalism
 By Edward W. Younkins

Henry Hazlitt’s novel, Time Will Run Back, was originally published in 1951 as The Great Idea. It teaches that if capitalism did not exist, then it would be necessary to invent it. It makes the case that the discovery of capitalism is one of the greatest triumphs of the human mind. In his nonfiction works, Hazlitt is a master with respect to making economics understandable (e.g., Economics in One Lesson). In Time Will Run Back, he skillfully uses fiction to illustrate his teachings on economics. He makes his points, although the book was not written as an economic treatise. The book has a good story line to keep the readers interested.

          In Time Will Run Back, the author creates a hypothetical future in the year 2100 that might have been if Soviet influences had spread throughout the entire world. The novel depicts a future where the whole world is ruled by a communist regime. All traces and artifacts of the ancient capitalist world have been wiped out. All of the history, including books, music, etc. that could evoke capitalist ideas or question socialist ones have been destroyed or kept in secret places where only the highest members of government have access to it. History prior to the creation of the communist Wonworld is not to be remembered. Wonworld is the fictional country comprised of all of the territories of the world ruled under communism. Top government officials have fabricated new history books for the masses, and all of the political and economic writings of the past (except for that of the Marxists) have been totally destroyed, and consequently, the hero is required to create out of his own mind the ideas that actually have taken generations of economic thinkers to develop and to refine.

          The plot is based on the unraveling of a socialist/communist system and the rediscovery and triumph of capitalism. It foreshadows events in Russia, China, and other countries. Highlighting the inadequacies of a centrally-planned economy, the novel argues that under world totalitarianism, the world would not only stop progressing but would also decline economically, technologically, and morally.

Time Will Run Back can be classified in a genre that includes works like Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward (1888), Yevgeny Zamaytin’s We (1921), Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), Ayn Rand’s Anthem (1938), and George Orwell’s 1984 (1949). The style and settings are remindful of the novels by Orwell and Huxley. Both Orwell and Hazlitt delimit the linguistic capacities of individuals through new languages, Newspeak and Marxanto (a combination of Esperanto and Marxian concepts). These languages restrict ideas and give more control to the government. Interestingly, Time Will Run Back, reverses the situation described in Looking Backward. These two novels are great candidates for back-to-back use in college courses.

          The story is told mainly from the perspective of Peter Uldanov, son of Stalenin, dictator of Wonworld. Peter was raised by his mother in the Bermudas, far away from his father’s influences. He was taught by teachers and in subjects that his mother chose. Peter was well-educated in math, science, and music but was taught nothing about politics and economics. He was a bright young man who could think for himself. Having received a well-rounded education, Peter would later be able to make his own judgments with respect to political economy. Peter was fond of classical music and had a passion and talent for playing the piano.

          When Peter was very young, his father and mother disagreed when it came to politics and economics. In fact, Peter’s mother was seen to be a threat to communism who needed to be silenced. Stalenin exiled her and Peter to Bermuda. Stalenin was a true believer in Marxism who wanted to prove to his wife that his beliefs were correct. He wanted to challenge her ideology and to demonstrate that it was wrong. She subsequently passed away before he could do so.

          Peter receives a letter from his ruler father summoning him back to Russia. Peter has grown up knowing very little about his father. Stalenin, who is getting old, is in poor health and is in fact dying. He wants Peter to study politics and economics and to become his successor. When Peter meets his father, he is surprised that he is not as large and imposing as the propaganda signs portray him to be. He informs Peter that he is very ill and that he wants Peter to be his successor. Peter declines and says that he is not ready because he knows nothing about Marxist history, politics, and economics. Stalenin explains that his current would-be successor, Bolshekov, would kill Peter, who would be a threat to him, because he was Stalenin’s son and because he was not brought up under the communist ideology. As a result, Peter agrees to study Marxist politics and economics. In addition, early on in the novel, Stalenin has Peter imitating his signature in case something happened to Stalenin, such as another stroke.

          Bolshekov, number 2 in Wonworld’s ranking system, is Stalenin’s rival who constantly conspires to be the next ruler. Stalenin shrewdly assigns Bolshekov to teach Peter about their political and economic system. Bolshekov is not aware of Stalenin’s real intentions. This intelligent plan is an attempt to keep Bolshekov from assassinating Stalenin and Peter. The plan does create some turmoil as Peter pushes boundaries and tests waters by asking questions that no one else would ever dare to ask. Normally, questioning anything is punishable by death. Thinking outside the box, Peter learns about Wonworld’s Marxist ways, is confused from the beginning, and questions the socialist teachings. The inexperienced but bright Peter perceives that there is something wrong under socialism. Peter’s unconventional ways of thinking anger Bolshekov who is completely dedicated and true to Marxist teachings.

          Peter learns about government production methods and motivation through fear. All people, even Stalenin himself, live in fear in Wonworld. Under communism in Wonworld, there is an immense hunger for power by any means. Everybody is told to spy on their neighbors. Each person’s duty is to report any incidences of nonconformance with the party’s rules. People are just numbers and are referred to by their respective numbers. People are assigned where to live, with whom to live, and with whom to work. Jobs are simply assigned to individuals who have no choice in the matter. There are long workdays, with people being marched to and from work each day. Living conditions are miserable, with people packed into rooms as tightly as possible. There is no privacy. Government propaganda is everywhere. People are taught to believe and not to question whatever government officials tell them. If a person publicly disagrees, he will suffer severe repercussions. Peter is told that certain ideologies no longer exist and that the “truth” is whatever is good for the communist state. There is a single party called the Politburo that devises five-year plans. Peter witnesses arbitrary economic control procedures and the repression of the population. He begins to think about the ramifications of nationalization and collectivization.

          Society in Wonworld is made up of protectors, deputies, proletarians, and social unreliables. The protectors make up one percent of the population and are the top level officers. The deputies (intellectuals, managers, and technology experts) comprise about 10 percent of the population. It is only the highly ranked members who are treated well and are granted special privileges. Social unreliables are the 20 percent of the people who have committed crimes or who are incapable of being good proletarians. The proletarians, who make up the remainder of the population, are the so-called “rulers” of the nation.
Marxist doctrine proclaims the emancipation of the proletariat, the oppressed class under a previous ideology.

          Bolshekov steps down from educating Peter, and number 3, Thomas Jefferson Adams, an American, is appointed to continue Peter’s education in the ways of the state in Wonworld. As an American, Adams has similar fears of Bolshekov as does Peter. Peter and Adams form a bond and the pleasant and patient American becomes Peter’s ally and best friend. Through their Socratic-style discussions they discover the workings of production, incentives, prices, profits and losses, ownership, markets, the meaning of money, entrepreneurship, and so on.

          While Bolshekov is away, Peter is made a member of the Party—only about one in every ten Protectors is so honored. A little later, Stalenin tells Peter that there are two records labeled X and Z that are kept in a safe, and he gives Peter the combination to the safe. Record X is to be broadcast over the entire Wonworld network if Stalenin has a stroke that incapacitates him. Record Z is to be broadcast immediately in the case of Stalenin’s death. Soon thereafter, Stalenin arranges for Peter’s election to the Politburo. He is admitted at the bottom as number 13. Early in the novel, Peter had met and befriended Edith Maxwell, a librarian, and her father, John Maxwell. After Peter’s appointment to the Politburo, they are taken away by secret police and Peter tries desperately to find them but he fails to do so. It is not until the last part of the novel that their fates are revealed.


"Time Will Run Back can be classified in a genre that includes works like Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward (1888), Yevgeny Zamaytin’s We (1921), Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), Ayn Rand’s Anthem (1938), and George Orwell’s 1984 (1949)."


Stalenin suffers a debilitating stroke, forcing Peter to act quickly to ensure his safety. He opens the safe and pulls out envelope X which contains a record that Peter and Adams rush to the Central Broadcasting Station where it is played over the airwaves. The recording of Stalenin’s voice says that he will no longer make public appearances but instead will work quietly by himself to make the state more prosperous. He says that Peter will act as his deputy in his absence. This keeps Bolshekov out of power, and Peter and Adams are safe at least for the time being. Bolshekov is named to be head of the Army and Navy, but Peter takes the Air Force for himself so that number 2 will not control all of the powerful military forces.

          Adams tries to convince Peter to have Bolshekov killed so that Peter does not have to fear for his own life. Peter declines to take that brutal and degraded action. He says that it is not worth living in a society that is based on violence. Bolshekov decides to hold a parade in order to showcase his military power. Just before the parade, an announcement is made on the radio that Stalenin has made Peter number 1-A and that he would rank just below number 1. The announcer adds that this man has the wholehearted endorsement of number 2, Comrade Bolshekov. Of course, Bolshekov is infuriated when he hears the news.

          Part Two of the book, called “Groping,” consists of many dialogues and debates between Peter and Adams as they attempt to figure out and correct the problems of communism and to implement economic improvements. These discussions and attempts carry over into the third section of the book, entitled “Discovery.” Peter and Adams increase their understanding as they see their errors, in addition to learning from unanticipated results as the reforms elicit emergent behaviors in the population. Adams is Peter’s sounding board and makes sure that Peter thinks things through before any decisions are made.

          Peter and Adams discuss how coordination and synchronization failures result from a centralized planning system. They deduce that a centrally directed economy cannot solve the problems of economic calculation and that without private property, free markets, and freedom of consumer choice, no solution to the problem of economic calculation is possible. They conclude that it is impossible for anyone to manage everything effectively and efficiently. No single person or board can have knowledge of what is concurrently going on everywhere in the economy. In a centrally-planned system, it is impossible to measure the real costs of things and the extent of wasted resources.

          They discuss the benefits of having a legal system that is separated from executive power and how a person should be considered innocent until proven guilty. Peter wants to introduce a new system to put an end to oppression and fear. They consider the necessity of the rule of law, where the law must be general and abstract, known and certain, and equally applicable to all people. Under the rule of law, everyone would be bound by the rules, including the government. They reason that the existence of general rules plus the functional distribution of state power would lead to a smoothly functioning social order. Peter and Adams examine the advantages of majority rule, democracy, and periodic free elections. As an experiment, they hold small free elections in France, but the voters are suspicious and tend to vote for who they think the government officials support.

          Peter and Adams agree that the key to a better society is freedom, including freedom of choice for workers and consumers, freedom of the press, and freedom even to criticize the government. Under the current system, anyone who opposes or criticizes the government is dealt with immediately and harshly. Peter wants people to be free so that they will have more initiative to be productive at work. He wants people to have options to choose which goods, and how much of each good, they will acquire. He realizes that freedom brings out the best in people.

          Peter says that in agriculture, workers should be able to enjoy profit from the surplus that they produce. He also notes that people are issued ration coupons that allow them to purchase specific amounts of particular goods. He decides to implement a new ration coupon plan in which every individual is permitted to trade coupons with others to meet their own needs and wants. Markets shortly appear as Peter’s coupon-trading scheme creates the phenomenon of market prices. People are better off and happier as a result. Peter has sown the seed for what will become money in the future.

          Peter and Adams learn that a market economy evolves as a voluntary association of property owners when people are free to trade to their mutual advantage. They view the market as an effective communicator of data and prices as transmitters of knowledge that economize the amount of information required to produce a given economic result. Prices are a mechanism for carrying out the rationing function and are a fast, effective conveyor of information in a society in which fragmented knowledge must be coordinated.

          They envision the market as a social process that derives from conscious, cooperative, and purposeful individual exchanges of people’s ration tickets. Through trial and error, competitively determined market prices permit individuals to assess the relative value of scarce means and alternative uses in competing applications and alternative uses of goods and services. The pricing process, a social process, is accomplished through the interaction of all valuers within the society. The social function of the price system is to promote the use of knowledge in society by making calculation possible. Calculation is necessary for a person to determine the best allocation of his scarce resources. Peter and Adams conclude that private property, the market, and money are prerequisites for the mental tool of rational economic calculation. Prices are expressed through the common denominator of money.

          Peter and Adams reason that rational central planning under socialism is impossible. Without market-based prices, decision making by central planners is irrational and arbitrary. A centrally planned economy is unable to allocate resources rationally. Socialism destroys the incentive of profits and losses, private ownership of property, and the benefits of competition. They also figure out that Marx’s labor theory of roles was mistaken. Marx held that the value of commodities is solely determined by the amount of physical labor used in making them. He thought that only labor produces the surplus over costs from which capitalist profits derive. Our heroes conclude that others, such as owners and managers, also contribute toward the generation of profits.

          Peter and Adams dismantle controls step by step and slowly, gradually, and incrementally move Wonworld toward having a free-market economy. Bolshekov is not at all pleased by what is happening. He sends an assassin who kills Stalenin. Peter and Adams quickly broadcast a message recorded on record Z making Peter the next dictator. The angered Bolshekov attempts to kill them and they escape to America with the help of the Air Force. There, Peter has the opportunity to implement his economic ideas in a new country called Freeworld.

          Peter becomes the leader of Freeworld and establishes private ownership of the means of production with ownership of companies evidenced by what came to be known as shares—this leads to the establishment of markets for shares of stock. Peter sees that private property is essential for the preservation of individual freedom. When property rights are respected and protected, a person is able to keep and enjoy the product of his labor. Corporations evolve as voluntary associations and as private property. People come to understand that men have an inherent right to form a corporation by contract.

          Peter and Adams had already learned back in Wonworld that it is prices, articulated through the common denominator of money, that make economic calculation possible. In Freeworld, they observe money, in the form of gold, emerge from the domain of directly exchanged commodities.
Money originates on the free market when a specific commodity is no longer valued only as a consumer good or a producer good but also as a medium of exchange. Gold becomes currency because it is stable, nonperishable, and noninflationary. Gold, as a measure of price, becomes the commodity by which all other commodities can be valued without using roundabout procedures. After a certain time period, money certificates become money substitutes (i.e., claims to a definite amount of money payable and redeemable on demand that circulate indefinitely).

          A market system soon evolves. Freeworld develops a market economy as a voluntary association of property owners for the purpose of trading to their mutual advantage. Peter and Adams understand that a market economy is a necessary condition for a free society. People who become known as enterprisers begin to create new products and services, new businesses, new production methods, and so on. The market process becomes a competitive process through which profit incentives induce competing producers to find better ways of serving customers. People start to lend money, thus earning interest, to risk-taking enterprisers so that they can create in the hope of making profits. Some people come to envy and resent the enterprisers. Our heroes observe that it is simply a fact of human existence that some individuals are more capable than others, that some individuals work harder than others, and that some individuals are better at creating wealth than others. This is not a matter of injustice.

          Peter even reinvents Adam Smith’s term, the “invisible hand,” to explain how things work in a free economy. He and Adams marvel at how competitors compel each other to cooperate more effectively with the buying public. Successful competitors are those who best cooperate with, or satisfy, others in society. They understand that profits indicate that a person has served his fellow men by using resources to produce a product or service at costs below the value people place upon the product or service. They also realize that losses indicate that a person has failed to serve his fellow man effectively and efficiently. Profit provides risk-takers with incentives, serves as a guide for allocating resources, supplies a reward for serving other people, and serves as a measure of effectiveness in the use of resources to satisfy customers.

          Peter and Adams eventually learn the fate of Edith and John Maxwell. In one of his speeches, Bolshekov tells of the execution of two traitors who had committed acts of sabotage and treason at the direct order of arch traitor, Peter Uldanov.

          Going back to their discussions, Peter and Adams discover the nature of interest. They note that creditors don’t force loans on borrowers, who instead pay interest voluntarily. They conclude that interest is the economic expression of positive time preference (i.e., that people prefer to have something sooner rather than later).

          The years pass and a state of war still exists between Wonworld and Freeworld. However, it is a war of propaganda rather than a war of battles and bloodshed. Adams exhorts Peter to attack Wonworld before Bolshekov attacks Freeworld but Peter hopes to convince Wonworld that Freeworld’s system is the better system.

          Peter and Adams continue to debate topics such as selfishness, altruism, charity, generosity, competition, etc. They are against state charity because the only way the state can “help” people is to give them wealth taken from someone else. Only people who are allowed to keep what they have earned have the means to be benevolent, compassionate, and charitable. The obligation for charity is that the benefactor owes it to himself, not to the recipients. Freely given charity may be considered as perfective of a person’s capacity for cooperation and an embodiment of that capacity.

          After five years, Bolshekov decides to attack Freeworld. During the first strike, Peter is injured and spends many weeks in the hospital. Edith Robinson is the nurse who takes care of him after he is injured in the attack on the White House. Eventually they fall in love and marry.

          While Peter is in the hospital, Adams brilliantly conducts the military operation of the war, but he does not fare as well in the economic sphere. Adams calls in all of the gold coins and replaces them with warehouse receipts promising to pay actual gold on demand. Then, to finance the high cost of the war, Adams issues more engraved warehouse receipts for gold even though there is no additional gold to back such issuances. Inflation results. Peter explains that instead of printing additional money, Adams should have allowed the system time to adjust. Adams had also tried to remedy the inflation by fixing prices, another flawed action.

          Peter explains that inflation, a monetary phenomenon, consists of expanding a nation’s money supply by adding something other than real money (i.e., gold). Fiat money, backed only by government decree, produces general price increases. Such an increase in the money supply necessarily dilutes the purchasing power of money. He also notes that price controls in the form of price ceilings end up producing shortages of products. The nature of price controls (i.e., maximum or minimum prices) is to control and force people to do what the government wants them to do. Prices maintained by artificial mechanisms necessarily contain misinformation, inhibit the feedback that permits transactors to communicate, and create market distortions that harm producers and consumers.

          Freeworld is incomparably superior to Wonworld with respect to war production. As a result, Wonworld surrenders and the war is over. A constitution is written and a democracy is created. Peter decides not to run for election and appoints Adams to assume the leadership of the Freedom Party. For a while it looks like an eloquent candidate, who proposed a “Third Way” between capitalism and socialism, might win. In the end Adams’s party wins and he asks Parliament to name Peter as the first President.

          Time Will Run Back has been out of print for a long time, but it is now available online and in printed form. Reading this tale of political intrigue in a grim, socialistic future is a fine way for people to learn the principles underpinning a free-market society.

German Reclam edition 1919

Looking Backward

Looking Backward: 2000-1887 is a utopian science fiction novel by Edward Bellamy, a lawyer and writer from western Massachusetts; it was first published in 1887. According to Erich Fromm, Looking Backward is "one of the most remarkable books ever published in America".

It was the third-largest bestseller of its time, after Uncle Tom's Cabin and Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ. It influenced a large number of intellectuals, and appears by title in many of the major Marxist writings of the day. "It is one of the few books ever published that created almost immediately on its appearance a political mass movement". In the United States alone, over 162 "Bellamy Clubs" sprang up to discuss and propagate the book's ideas. Owing to its commitment to the nationalization of private property, this political movement came to be known as Nationalism, not to be confused with the political concept of nationalism. The novel also inspired several utopian communities.


The book tells the story of Julian West, a young American who, towards the end of the 19th century, falls into a deep, hypnosis-induced sleep and wakes up one hundred and thirteen years later. He finds himself in the same location (Boston, Massachusetts), but in a totally changed world: It is the year 2000 and, while he was sleeping, the United States has been transformed into a socialist utopia. The remainder of the book outlines Bellamy's thoughts about improving the future. The major themes include problems associated with capitalism, a proposed socialist solution of a nationalisation of all industry, the use of an "industrial army" to organise production and distribution, as well as how to ensure free cultural production under such conditions.

The young man readily finds a guide, Doctor Leete, who shows him around and explains all the advances of this new age; including drastically reduced working hours for people performing menial jobs and almost instantaneous, Internet-like delivery of goods. Everyone retires with full benefits at age 45, and may eat in any of the public kitchens. The productive capacity of America is nationally owned, and the goods of society are equally distributed to its citizens. A considerable portion of the book is dialogue between Leete and West wherein West expresses his confusion about how the future society works and Leete explains the answers using various methods, such as metaphors or direct comparisons with 19th-century society.

Although Bellamy's novel did not discuss technology or the economy in detail, commentators frequently compare Looking Backward with actual economic and technological developments. For example, Julian West is taken to a store which (with its descriptions of cutting out the middleman to cut down on waste in a similar way to the consumers' cooperatives of his own day based on the Rochdale Principles of 1844) somewhat resembles a modern warehouse club like BJ's, Costco, or Sam's Club. He additionally introduces a concept of credit cards in chapters 9, 10, 11, 13, 25, and 26, but these bear no resemblance to the instruments of debt-finance. All citizens receive an equal amount of "credit." Those with more difficult, specialized, dangerous or unpleasant jobs work fewer hours. Bellamy also predicts both sermons and music being available in the home through cable "telephone". Bellamy labeled the philosophy behind the vision "nationalism", and his work inspired the formation of more than 160 Nationalist Clubs to propagate his ideas.

Despite the "ethical" character of his socialism (though he was initially loath to use the term "socialism"), Bellamy's ideas somewhat reflect classical Marxism. In Chapter 19, for example, he has the new legal system explained. Most civil suits have ended in socialism, while crime has become a medical issue. The idea of atavism, then current, is extolled to explain crimes not related to inequality (which Bellamy thinks will vanish with socialism). Remaining criminals are medically treated. One professional judge presides, appointing two colleagues to state the prosecution and defense cases. If all do not agree on the verdict, then it must be tried over. Chapter 15 and 16 have an explanation of how free, independent public art and news outlets could be provided in a more libertarian socialist system. In one case Bellamy even writes "the nation is the sole employer and capitalist".

Key excerpts

    "My friends, if you would see men again the beasts of prey they seemed in the nineteenth century, all you have to do is to restore the old social and industrial system, which taught them to view their natural prey in their fellow men, and to find their gain in the loss of others."

    "Moreover, it must not be forgotten that the nineteenth century was in name Christian, and the fact that the entire industrial and commercial frame of society was the embodiment of the anti-Christian spirit must've had some weight, though I admit it was strangely little, with the nominal followers of Jesus Christ."

    "It was the sincere belief of even the best of men at that epoch that the only stable elements in human nature, on which a social system could be safely founded, were its worst propensities. They had been taught and believed that greed and self-seeking were all that held mankind together, and that all human associations would fall to pieces if anything were done to blunt the edge of these motives or curb their operation. In a word, they believed — even those who longed to believe otherwise — the exact reverse of what to us seems self-evident; they believed, that is, that the antisocial qualities of men, and not their social qualities, were what furnished the cohesive force of society ... It seems absurd to expect anyone to believe that convictions like these were ever seriously entertained by men ..."

    "The enfranchisement of humanity ... may be regarded as a species of second birth of the race ..."

    "With a tear for the dark past, turn we then to the dazzling future, and, veiling our eyes, press forward. The long and weary winter of the race is ended. Its summer has begun. Humanity has burst the chrysalis. The heavens are before it."

    "... buying and selling is essentially anti-social in all its tendencies. It is an education in self-seeking at the expense of others, and no society whose citizens are trained in such a school can possibly rise above a very low grade of civilization."


Though Bellamy tended to stress the independence of his work, Looking Backward shares relationships and resemblances with several earlier works — most notably the anonymous The Great Romance (1881), John Macnie's The Diothas (1883), Laurence Gronlund's The Cooperative Commonwealth (1884), and August Bebel's Woman in the Past, Present, and Future (1886). Critic R. L. Shurter has gone as far as to argue that "Looking Backward is actually a fictionalized version of The Cooperative Commonwealth and little more".

 Reaction and sequels
Main article: List of sequels to Looking Backward

In 1897 Bellamy wrote a sequel, Equality, dealing with women's rights, education and many other issues. Bellamy wrote the sequel to elaborate and clarify many of the ideas merely touched upon in Looking Backward.

The success of Looking Backward provoked a spate of sequels, parodies, satires, and skeptical dystopian responses.

The result was a "battle of the books" that lasted through the rest of the 19th century and into the 20th. The back-and-forth nature of the debate is illustrated by the subtitle of Geissler's 1891 Looking Beyond, which is "A Sequel to 'Looking Backward' by Edward Bellamy and an Answer to 'Looking Forward' by Richard Michaelis".

William Morris's 1890 utopia News from Nowhere was partly written in reaction to Bellamy's utopia, which Morris did not find congenial.

Beyond the purely literary sphere, Bellamy's descriptions of utopian urban planning had a practical influence on Ebenezer Howard's founding of the garden city movement in England, and on the design of the Bradbury Building in Los Angeles.

During the Great Strikes of 1877, Eugene V. Debs opposed the strikes and argued that there was no essential necessity for the conflict between capital and labor. Debs was influenced by Bellamy's book to turn to a more socialist direction. He soon helped to form the American Railway Union. With supporters from the Knights of Labor and from the immediate vicinity of Chicago, workers at the Pullman Palace Car Company went on strike in June 1894. This came to be known as the Pullman Strike.

The book had a specific and intense reception in Wilhelminian Germany including various parodies and sequels…

Bullets, Lots of Bullets
Doomsday Preppers

What Are Their Chances of Survival?


Episode 1 of Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it.

In their beliefs, motivations, and strategies, "preppers" go to whatever lengths they can to make sure they are prepared for any of life's uncertainties.

National Geographic assesses their chances of survival, if their worst fears become a reality.