Friday, April 20, 2012

Word [War] Clouds

Callers: Mike In Iowa, Leo In Massachusetts

Ordo Novus Seclorum

Deep in the Heart of Texas

(Fort Worth, Texas, USA)




Noise In This World


(The English Beat)

Asymmetric Warfare
Game Theory
Force Majeure
R2P: Responsibility to Protect (Law of Discovery / Right of Conquest)
Intentional Community
Sustainable Development
World Peace
Next World TV
Benefits of Intentional Community

"Some people call it a return to the best of small-town America. Others say it´s like a traditional village or the close-knit neighborhood where they grew up, while futurists call it an altogether new response to the social, economic and environmental realities of the 90´s. They´re all right."

The above quote is from the website of the community profiled here, the Jamaica Plains community in Boston.

Co-housing can solve so many problems at once. You get to really share life with your neighbors. You get access to plenty of communal space. You can share tools, meals, cars and all kinds of resources - most importantly, the security and social ties of a community.

Many people who just want to end the isolation that single life, or even family life can mean in a conventional environment. Many remember the ease with which they shared life with friends as a child, going from house to house, dropping in on people casually, sharing toys and feeling...supremely secure.

Intentional communities are created by people who get together to create a social structure based on their needs and vision. They often look for land to buy together and start from there.

This community shares a dining hall for dinners, parties and social events, a movie room, a toddler room, a kids room, a large office space, meeting rooms, a laundry room, craft studios, a communal kitchen and a bike storage space.

They also have an organic garden, and are organizing their own car share co op.

How much would you have to spend or really, WASTE to build and maintain all of that on your own?

--Bibi Farber

Next World TV
Earth Day: Give Earth A Hand
We Need A Show Of Hands
Just a beautiful and surreal video that makes a profound point in 90 seconds. A video greeting card for Earth Day and every day!
--Bibi Farber
This video was made by
“Be a good American.” (See: Stockholm syndrome)

The Girl Who Silenced The World For 5 Minutes
The other 12-year-old Canadian Girl (Rio Summit, 1992; See: Rio + 20)

Socialism = Freeloading / Human Trafficking / Parasitism / Gangsterism / Arrested Development / Slavery)
Communitarianism = Dictatorship of the Community
The simple step of the courageous individual is not to take part in the We.
One word of truth outweighs the world.
--Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
(See: Le Bon Marché – We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin, 1921)
The Ruler of the Southern Ocean was Shû (Heedless), the Ruler of the Northern Ocean was Hû (Sudden), and the Ruler of the Centre was Chaos. Shû and Hû were continually meeting in the land of Chaos, who treated them very well. They consulted together how they might repay his kindness, and said, "Men all have seven orifices for the purpose of seeing, hearing, eating, and breathing, while this poor Ruler alone has not one. Let us try and make them for him." Accordingly they dug one orifice in him every day; and at the end of seven days Chaos died.
—Chuang Tze
Government vs. Governance (See: méli-mélo)
Instrumentalism – Agorism – Counter-economics – Subjectivism – Objectivism
Praxeology – Voluntaryism – Autarchism – Autarkism – Panarchism – Heterarchy
Alterity – Homarchy – Adhocracy – Capitalism – Natural Capitalism           
5 Maxims of Law (See: Diogenes)
The Lemming Effect

The Clash – Know Your Rights
(1999 WTO Summit, Seattle)

The Bandwagon Effect
Primrose Path
Good [Corporate] Citizen
They Live! (John Carpenter film)
The Stepford Wives (Motion picture, 1975)
Logical Fallacy
Ad Hominem Argument [Attack]
False Assumption/Premise
Cognitive Dissonance
Linear Thinking vs. Pattern Recognition
Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning
Mil-Standard 499 Systems
Consensus of Learned [Scientific] Opinion

We Can't Make It Here Anymore

(James McMurtry)

Fable of the Bees (Bernard de Mandeville)
Industrial Society and its Future
Matriarchal Civil Society / Gaia worship
Broken English (Maryanne Faithfull, 1979 – Derek Jarman video)

Broken English - Marianne Faithfull
Invisible Contracts: Law as Legalized Slavery (George Mercier, 1984)
Adaptation – Reinvention – Renewal
Law CO[U]NT[E](R)ACT – Well-being (Needs/Wants) – Economy (Resources/Actions)
ALL man-made law is territorial, and ultimately correlative to property ownership!
See: Ten Planks of The Communist Manifesto (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, 1848)
[So-called] Experts are moving products of Careerism + Credentialism
Authoritarian constructs
Education = Indoctrination
Golden Rule vs. Will to Power
Turn off your TV! Stay tuned to RBN!
How Cults Work
Mask of Zion
Forgive my tardy response. And thank you for your suggestions. Jennifer Lake and Bruce Campbell are both tremendous researchers I too admire.
In the aftermath of the Rothschild-British Crown-Judeo-Mason-Jesuit-Socialist Christian-Communist's great achievement in winning the American War between the States... the plot was hatched to also win the peace... and for an extended time... into the future. Just as James Warburg stated in his testimony before the US Senate [years later] in 1950 - "We will have world government, whether by conquest or consent" - the perpetrators knew they must formulate the plan to win the hearts and minds of the American people over... to their total subjugation... and control. Like all good shepherds, they would herd their wayward stock animals... toward greener pastures. Wolves in sheep's clothing were permitted to feed upon the flock, as this was seen as the tried-and-true way... to necessarily... cull them - in keeping with good breeding practices - and, as well... to ensure conformity to the then-fashionable natural selection/origin of species theory of the day.
The Crown chartered the British Fabian Society in 1884... just for this purpose. B'nai Br'th having already been established as an exclusive all-Jewish masonic lodge... in 1843... the task before them… was merely to then effect... order out of chaos.

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The focus of my research is [has always been]... religio-philosophy and, by extension, the studying of ~isms (schools of thought)... which impact upon mankind and his true destiny the most - whether negatively and/or positively.

Regions of Saturn (Legions of Satan)
video short
Admittedly, these are pretty dry topics not often made available for public consumption... because most researchers are seldom pressed... to boil their findings down... into a kind of essence... that the average individual can fully fathom... and then take to heart... as a maxim of law... or an irrefutable truism. Or at least made sufficiently useful... so that others can then build upon these [verifiable] truths... in easily replicable ways... so that they will actually "stick" in the public mind.
This gets to the matters of influence and persuasion... meme theory... and memetics - what I refer to as memetic warfare - to what others refer to... as cultural... biological... territorial... even as spiritual warfare. On Saturday... you spontaneously employed the word incursions...
Meme theory/memetics/Sociobiology, from Lark in Texas
... While William Blair is wont to call these similar phenomena... intrusions. And I call these... encroachments. Knowing full well... all three of us... are describing injustices... that if we don't remedy them... will only keep men forever... at each other's throats. You're right - the legal system [and the codified law] as it exists today doesn't provide avenues for redress!
Language being possibly mankind's oldest technology... it is critical that we learn how not to "talk past one another" - and I think this misuse [and abuse]... may yet prove to be the ultimate task set before us as individuals... and as a species... if not it will be... what contributes the most... to our own undoing. (reading = guessing / writing = tracing)
The principle ~isms I've discovered which undergird [or justify] the emergence of global governance... beneath the rubric of communitarian law [and communitarianism**] are:
 Utopianism (See: Thomas More’s Utopia)
    Cabalism (Nietzscheism*; no moral absolutes; the only absolute is that there are NO absolutes; *Nietzscheism serves the communitarians and [surprisingly!] the humanists as their justification for amoral behavior)
    Talmudism (micro-management of all human behavior by a dominant priestly class; See: Noahide Laws, Jewish "law of shetar" recognizes chattel property)

Nihilism (1817, "the doctrine of negation" (in ref. to religion or morals), from Ger. Nihilismus, from L. nihil "nothing at all" (see nil), coined by German philosopher Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743-1819). In philosophy, an extreme form of skepticism (1836). The political sense was first used by Ger. journalist Joseph von Görres (1776-1848). Turgenev used the Russian form of the word (nigilizm) in "Fathers and Children" (1862) and claimed to have invented it. With a capital N-, it refers to the Russian revolutionary anarchism of the period 1860-1917, supposedly so called because "nothing" that then existed found favor in their eyes. Nihilist first attested 1836, in the religious or philosophical sense; in the Russian political sense, it is recorded from 1871. See reference to nihilists
- along with connections to Nietzscheism - in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. See also connections to the Destroyer Star in the Kybalion, as well as to gnostic and other esoteric texts)
    Synarchism (theocratic rule of law justified by an ancient claim of "divine right" and for beneficent philosopher-kings' sovereign exercise of their "will to power")
    Obscurantism (promulgation of Plato's "Noble Lie" as a population or societal management tool; in most cases, think words/signs/symbols = tools = weapon; at the root of prevailing "civil society", democratic socialist, and/or "civic republican" modes of thinking)
    Utilitarianism (those devices, constructs, tools, or utilities... which are seen as... the most useful... for the most numbers of people... whilst producing the greatest amount of pleasure [happiness]... doing the most good ----- but for whom? Jeremy Bentham, the "father of utilitarianism", was responsible for that notion of a "panopticon", or a model prison. With modern technological innovation, the slavers' realization of their "great work" is made manifest.)
    Industrialism (human action; automation; robotics, division of labor - praxis & processes; systematization of production... utilizing resources, including of the human [or knowledge] variety; See also: "natural capital", "green economy" and/or eco-fascism; Club of Rome white papers)
Progressivism (See: John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress)
Syndicalism (consigns/assigns one to a group [or to groups] with [a] defining label(s)... and often via contractual arrangement; examples include trade unions and/or trade associations like the Wobblies and/or the ABA or AMA)
    Humanism (secular humanism; "science of morality" sans the outmoded Golden Rule; eupraxsophy; Paul Kurtz; UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights; See also the "supremacy of community or communitarian law" contract clause's insertion in many ["free trade"] multi- and/or trans-national [negotiable/tradable] commercial instruments)
    Transhumanism (transcendence; convergence; singularity, or the marriage of man and machine)
    Scientism (the primacy of "science" over all other considerations; said to root itself in empirical observation... predicated on the scientific method and/or the "consensus of learned opinion" within the [bought-and-paid-for, heavily biased] scientific community)
    Futilitarianism (the current darling of the bioethicists like [Obama commissar] Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel; See, for example, its proponents' "duty to die" principle)
    Darwinism (justifies "survival of the fittest" and "law of the jungle" mentality as bases for its foundational doctrine; "origin of species" theory expressly holds... that man sprung forth logically... from amorphous "primordial ooze"... then from apes; taught today as factual human evolution; See: Marxist philosophy/theory of history)
    Malthusianism (human population growth seen as THE overarching [imminent] global threat... to scientifically justify... and then to actually commit genocide)
**Communitarianism = Capitalism + Communism = Economic Corporatism (Fascism) + Cultural Marxism (Judaism)
"Some call it Marxism - I call it Judaism."
---Rabbi Stephen Wise, The American Bulletin (1935)
Republic Broadcasting Network
World War III Has Begun – It`s the First Asymmetric War Long Awaited by Pentagon Think Tanks
By Wayne Madsen
The Pentagon has already declared World War III and President Barack Obama and the Congress never even carried out their constitutional duties to approve the use of American military power for war.
One might reasonably conclude that the United States has outsourced war. Presently, World War III is being conducted on two continents – Asia and Africa – with two others – Europe and South America – looming on the horizon. Today, wars are crafted by the upper one percent of wealthy elitists who, using non-governmental organizations, television networks, non — profit “think tanks,” and public relations firms, can declare war on nations without a whimper from elected public officials.
Symmetric warfare is no longer an option for the global elites. World Wars I and II severely affected the investments of many of the global elite families as a result of the destruction of cities, factories, railways, seaports, and other infrastructures. The Korean, Vietnam, the Arab-Israeli, and Iraq wars were messy affairs that also adversely affected markets and destroyed valuable infrastructures. The Cold War never developed into a hot nuclear war because of the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), which ensured that a nuclear first strike by either the West or the East would result in total annihilation of both sides, along with the rest of the world. Even a western military attack on China would have had disastrous results for the attackers, especially since China could retaliate with a nuclear counter-attack and wipe out the U.S. Seventh Fleet and its East Asian naval bases, including Okinawa and Guam. A new type of warfare was required by the elites: asymmetric warfare – the use of unconventional warfare tactics, including information warfare, by proxies, non-state actors, agents provocateur, and fifth columns.
Largely financed by hedge fund mega-tycoon George Soros and his Central Intelligence Agency interlocutors, our present asymmetric World War III was field tested just like any new product. The “themed” revolutions were market-tested first in Serbia, and then in Ukraine, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan, to oust problematic governments that did not want to get on board with the dictates of the unelected and unaccountable real controllers of the financial and political destiny of the world.
Pro-western and pro-European Union governments, comprised of a number of individuals who were funded by Soros and other non-state operations established by the global elites, for example, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, Freedom House, U.S. Institute of Peace, and others funded and supported by the Houses of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Mellon, and others saw to it that new governments took root in Belgrade, Kiev, Tbilisi, and Bishkek. These new governments were not elected but took power as a result of themed street rebellions, a new manifestation of unconventional warfare.
No longer did armies, navies, and air forces have to face each other across battlefields and battle zones and theaters of warfare. One merely had to embed fifth columnists and provocateurs inside a targeted nation’s capital city, media, political party apparatus, and “civil society” infrastructure to bring about the defeat of the government outside the normal political process and replace it with a new government beholden to the desires of the central banks and global oligarchs.
The beginnings of the asymmetric world war began in Belgrade, Serbia when Otpor – a Serbian resistance movement dedicated to overthrowing the Slobodon Milosevic regime – launched the first “themed revolution.” Otpor’s symbol was a clenched fist, an emblem that would reappear in the future in other capital cities from Kiev to Cairo. Otpor received massive funding from a network of western contrivances, including George Soros’s Open Society Institute, the neo-conservative-infiltrated U.S. National Endowment for Democracy, and various European Union-funded NGOs that were intimately linked to Soros’s “democracy engineering” operations.
The playbook used for Otpor in Serbia and by similar organizations in toppling the governments of Georgia in the Rose Revolution, Ukraine in the Orange Revolution, and Kyrgyzstan in the Tulip Revolution, was developed by University of Massachusetts professor Gene Sharp, the founder of the Boston-based NGO, the Albert Einstein Institute, which helped train Otpor activists in civil disobedience and popular resistance campaigns designed to overthrow governments, those democratically-elected and those not. Albert Einstein Institute-trained provocateurs launched popular resistance campaigns around the world aimed at replacing governments unwilling to acquiesce to the dictates of Western elites. Internal opposition forces, all acolytes of Sharp, for instance Kmara, which helped install the pro-Western and pro-Israeli Mikheil Saakashvili in Georgia; Pora in Ukraine that propelled pro-NATO Viktor Yushchenko into the presidency; and KelKel in Kyrgyzstan that replaced Askar Akayev with the corrupt Kurmanbek Bakiyev.
The domino effect of the themed revolutions saw Serbs helping to overthrow the Georgian government, then Serbs and Georgians flocking to Kiev to oust the Ukrainian government, and Georgians and Ukrainians being directly involved in the insurrection in Bishkek. The neo-conservatives and Sharp had borrowed a page from the Communists and the international proletarian movement that saw Communist cadres fight against capitalists and fascists in foreign civil wars, for example, the Spanish Civil War and conflicts in Africa and Southeast Asia.
Sharp was an alumnus of Harvard University’s CIA-linked Center for International Affairs, also abbreviated “CIA,” which is not coincidental. Harvard and the CIA of Langley, Virginia have long maintained a close relationship. In fact, Sharp was never interested in ensuring the will of the people to map out their own future but was putting into practice the theory of asymmetric warfare – the vanquishing of enemies through the use of proxy internal forces without the requirement for invading foreign armies and the massive death and destruction associated with such action.
Many of Sharp’s tactics have been seen in practice in many asymmetric warfare targets. These include the creation of a perception of a successful movement, even if there is not one. The use of western-controlled news networks like Fox News that showed a video clip of anti-austerity Greek rioters in Athens falsely depicted as anti-government protesters in Moscow and Al Jazeera’s use of a video erroneously showing a U.S. - and Saudi-backed bloody crackdown of pro-democracy protesters by Bahrain’s security forces as the bloody repression of protesters by Syria’s government are examples of Sharp’s propaganda and disinformation tactics.
Cultivating foreign support is another key element of Sharp’s asymmetric warfare tactics. The virtual control exercised by Soros over Human Rights Watch after the multi-billionaire hedge fund kingpin donated $100 million to the group is a case in point. The human rights NGO was at the forefront of hyping “atrocities” committed by the Qaddafi regime in Libya but remained largely silent on Libyan rebel atrocities committed against Libyan and African blacks, as well as Qaddafi loyalists. In so doing, Human Rights Watch had a powerful accomplice in the International Criminal Court, which tended to look the other way when CIA- and Saudi- and Qatari’ supported Libyan rebels were committing the massacres.
Another Sharp tactic is to seek change outside the electoral system. This tactic was evident in the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine, where election results were rejected, and in the recent Russian parliamentary election, where Soros- and U.S. neocon-financed election monitoring groups like Golos rejected the outcome of the election and used shills like former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to call for the nullification of the election. Interference following the Sharp and Soros methodology can also be seen in the presidential candidacies of Russian oligarch and New Jersey Nets basketball owner Mikhail Prokhorov and the backing by western propaganda outlets like the Christian Science Monitor (now derided as the “Christian Zionist Monitor” after its takeover by interests who favor a neo-imperialist U.S. foreign policy) of Moscow street protest veteran Alexei Navalny.
Sharp and Soros are on the same page in calling for the internal opposition forces’ use of the Internet, fax, and social networks like Facebook and Twitter to advance their agendas.
In the next phases of World War III, the asymmetric warriors of the Pentagon and their adjunct non-state actors will continue to turn up the heat in the Arab World, with the revolutions in Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Egypt, after a somewhat shaky start that saw the advancement of Islamist groups, being brought under more western and NATO control. Russia’s presidential election and a turndown in the Chinese economy, with growing village-based dissent among China’s growing middle class, will present further opportunities for the promoters of World War III. The sudden death of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Il has also resulted in a call for an expansion of social networking operations, most notably by the CIA- and Soros-infested Washington Post, inside Asia’s hermit kingdom.
Myanmar, China’s restive provinces of Tibet and East Turkestan, Lebanon, Iran, Algeria, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Nepal, Belarus, Ecuador, Bolivia, Pakistan, Laos, and the two Congos also present opportunities for the World War III architects. Those who seek to extend American and global elitist control over the entire planet will not rest until every acre of land comes under the firm control of the oligarchs of Wall Street, the spymasters of the CIA, and the globalist business cartels and families.
Veterans Today
Channeling Reality
Training Boss Hawg
Wot we have he-ah is a fail-ure to communicate.   What we failed to communicate to our young people is history.  We teach some pabulum called social studies rather than the real deal.  We now have several generations who didn’t learn history and who don’t know we are repeating it.  I count myself among those generations although I’m on a flat out run to remedy that because we are going through a silent revolution and we’re making a “Great Leap Backward”.
The reference to Great Leap refers to Mao Zedong’s program of rapid industrialization and collectivization.  When the history of this time is written it will be known as the period of rapid deindustrialization and collectivization.  The icon was Ronald Reagan but the real Commie in the woodpile was George H.W. Bush.
One of Bush’s programs was Job Training 2000.  It called for the creation of a training system with “one-stop shop centers for training coordinated by private industry councils”.   In 1998, it was described as a “National Human Resource Management System”.  In fact, it is a system of polytechnical education and government management of the labor force.  It guarantees that our schools will produce “workers” and not educated citizens capable of managing a Republic.
Last night at a political event, one suggestion that is destined to become a campaign issue is that the county buy a work farm so that prisoners could be put to work rather than lounging in the comfort of the county jail.  It could generate income for law enforcement and cheap food for the locals. 
In these tough economic times, ideas like that sound enticing however, I would caution the voting public to remember history.  Work farms have a shameful history not only in China and Russia, but in this country too. One of the unintended consequences of work farms is that while you “train” prisoners to work, you train the Sheriff and his men to be Boss Hawgs.  I don’t think we need a Sheriff that seeks profits and is conditioned to look at the public as sources of labor and revenue for his work farm.
Vicky Davis
April 17, 2012
P.S.   The first line is a quote from a 1967 movie titled, Cool Hand Luke.  Check it out.
Also check this out and think if you really want prisons to be a growth industry
asymmetric warfare
Asymmetric warfare is war between belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly, or whose strategy or tactics differ significantly.
"Asymmetric warfare" can describe a conflict in which the resources of two belligerents differ in essence and in the struggle, interact and attempt to exploit each other's characteristic weaknesses. Such struggles often involve strategies and tactics of unconventional warfare, the "weaker" combatants attempting to use strategy to offset deficiencies in quantity or quality. Such strategies may not necessarily be militarized. This is in contrast to symmetric warfare, where two powers have similar military power and resources and rely on tactics that are similar overall, differing only in details and execution.
The term is frequently used to describe what is also called "guerrilla warfare", "insurgency", "terrorism", "counterinsurgency", and "counterterrorism", essentially violent conflict between a formal military and an informal, poorly-equipped, but resilient opponent.
Definition and differences
The popularity of the term dates from Andrew J.R. Mack's 1975 article "Why Big Nations Lose Small Wars" in World Politics, in which "asymmetric" referred simply to a significant disparity in power between opposing actors in a conflict. "Power," in this sense, is broadly understood to mean material power, such as a large army, sophisticated weapons, an advanced economy, and so on. Mack's analysis was largely ignored in its day, but the end of the Cold War sparked renewed interest among academics. By the late 1990s new research building on Mack's insights was beginning to mature, and after 2004, the U.S. military began once again to seriously consider the problems associated with asymmetric warfare.
Discussion since 2004 has been complicated by the tendency of academic and military communities to use the term in different ways, and by its close association with guerrilla warfare, insurgency, terrorism, counterinsurgency, and counterterrorism. Military authors tend to use the term "asymmetric" to refer to the indirect nature of the strategies many weak actors adopt, or even to the nature of the adversary itself (e.g. "asymmetric adversaries can be expected to...") rather than to the correlation of forces.
Academic authors tend to focus more on explaining the puzzle of weak actor victory in war: if "power," conventionally understood, conduces to victory in war, then how is the victory of the "weak" over the "strong" explained? Key explanations include (1) strategic interaction; (2) willingness of the weak to suffer more or bear higher costs; (3) external support of weak actors; (4) reluctance to escalate violence on the part of strong actors; (5) internal group dynamics and (6) inflated strong actor war aims. Asymmetric conflicts include both interstate and civil wars, and over the past two hundred years have generally been won by strong actors. Since 1950, however, weak actors have won a majority of all asymmetric conflicts.
Advancements in this type of warfare have been dramatically amplified with the evolution of advanced weaponry. The perpetual evolutionary arms race [dubious – discuss] has made industrialized/more-developed countries incredibly advanced in comparison to less-developed nations. This has given those advanced countries huge advantages in asymmetric warfare.
Strategic basis
In most conventional warfare, the belligerents deploy forces of a similar type and the outcome can be predicted by the quantity of the opposing forces or by their quality, for example better command and control of their forces (c3). There are times where this is not true because the composition or strategy of the forces makes it impossible for either side to close in battle with the other. An example of this is the standoff between the continental land forces of the French army and the maritime forces of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. In the words of Admiral Jervis during the campaigns of 1801, "I do not say, my Lords, that the French will not come. I say only they will not come by sea", and a confrontation that Napoleon Bonaparte described as that between the elephant and the whale.
Tactical basis
The tactical success of asymmetric warfare is dependent on at least some of the following assumptions
One side can have a technological advantage which outweighs the numerical advantage of the enemy; the decisive English Longbow at the Battle of Crécy is an example.
Technological inferiority usually is cancelled by more vulnerable infrastructure which can be targeted with devastating results. Destruction of multiple electric lines, roads or water supply systems in highly populated areas could have devastating effects on economy and morale, while the weaker side may not have these structures at all.
Training and tactics as well as technology can prove decisive and allow a smaller force to overcome a much larger one. For example, for several centuries the Greek hoplite's (heavy infantry) use of phalanx made them far superior to their enemies. The Battle of Thermopylae, which also involved good use of terrain, is a well-known example.
If the inferior power is in a position of self-defense; i.e., under attack or occupation, it may be possible to use unconventional tactics, such as hit-and-run and selective battles in which the superior power is weaker, as an effective means of harassment without violating the laws of war. Perhaps the classical historical examples of this doctrine may be found in the American Revolutionary War, movements in World War II, such as the French Resistance and Soviet and Yugoslav partisans. Against democratic aggressor nations, this strategy can be used to play on the electorate's patience with the conflict (as in the Vietnam War, and others since) provoking protests, and consequent disputes among elected legislators.
If the inferior power is in an aggressive position, however, and/or turns to tactics prohibited by the laws of war (jus in bello), its success depends on the superior power's refraining from like tactics. For example, the law of land warfare prohibits the use of a flag of truce or clearly marked medical vehicles as cover for an attack or ambush, but an asymmetric combatant using this prohibited tactic to its advantage depends on the superior power's obedience to the corresponding law. Similarly, laws of warfare prohibit combatants from using civilian settlements, populations or facilities as military bases, but when an inferior power uses this tactic, it depends on the premise that the superior power will respect the law that the other is violating, and will not attack that civilian target, or if they do the propaganda advantage will outweigh the material loss. As seen in most conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries, this is highly unlikely as the propaganda advantage has always outweighed adherence to international law, especially by dominating sides of any conflict.
As noted below, the Israel-Palestinian conflict is one recent example of asymmetric warfare. Mansdorf and Kedar outline how Islamist warfare uses asymmetric status to gain a tactical advantage against Israel. They refer to the "psychological" mechanisms used by forces such as Hezbollah and Hamas in being willing to exploit their own civilians as well as enemy civilians towards obtaining tactical gains, in part by using the media to influence the course of war.
 Use of terrain
Terrain can be used as a force multiplier by the smaller force and as a force inhibitor against the larger force. Such terrain is called difficult terrain.
The contour of the land is an aid to the army; sizing up opponents to determine victory, assessing dangers and distance. "Those who do battle without knowing these will lose."
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“The guerrillas must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea.”
 ― Mao Zedong
A good example of this type of strategy is the Battle of Thermopylae, where the narrow terrain of a defile was used to funnel the Persian forces, who were numerically superior, to a point where they could not use their size as an advantage.
For a detailed description of the advantages for the weaker force in the use of built-up areas when engaging in asymmetric warfare, see the article on urban warfare.
 War by proxy
Where asymmetric warfare is carried out (generally covertly) by allegedly non-governmental actors who are connected to or sympathetic to a particular nation's (the "state actor's") interest, it may be deemed war by proxy. This is typically done to give deniability to the state actor. The deniability can be important to keep the state actor from being tainted by the actions, to allow the state actor to negotiate in apparent good faith by claiming they are not responsible for the actions of parties who are merely sympathizers, or to avoid being accused of belligerent actions or war crimes. If proof emerges of the true extent of the state actor's involvement, this strategy can backfire; for example see Iran-contra and Philip Agee.
 Asymmetric warfare and terrorism
There are two different viewpoints on the relationship between asymmetric warfare and terrorism. In the modern context, asymmetric warfare is increasingly considered a component of fourth generation warfare. When practiced outside the laws of war, it is often defined as terrorism, though rarely by its practitioners or their supporters.
The other view is that asymmetric warfare does not coincide with terrorism. For example, in an asymmetric conflict, the dominant side, normally as part of a propaganda campaign, can accuse the weaker side of being bandits, pillagers or terrorists. Others argue that asymmetric warfare is called "terrorism" by those wishing to exploit the negative connotations of the word and bring the political aims of the weaker opponents into question. The Iraqi insurgency is similarly labeled as terrorism by its opponents and resistance by its supporters.[8] Similarly, the use of terror by the much lesser Mongol forces in the creation and control of the Mongol empire could be viewed as asymmetric warfare. The other is the use of state terrorism by the superior Nazi forces in the Balkans, in an attempt to suppress the resistance movement.
 Representative list of asymmetric wars
Below is a representative list of interstate asymmetric wars fought between 1816 and 2011:
Franco-Spanish War, First Anglo-Burmese War, Second Russo-Persian War, War of the Cakes, First Anglo-Afghan War, Uruguayan Dispute, Austro-Sardinian War, First Schleswig-Holstein War, Second Anglo-Burmese War, Anglo-Persian War, Italo-Roman War, Two Sicilies, Franco-Mexican War, Second Schleswig-Holstein War, Anglo-Abyssinian War, Anglo-Egyptian War, Tonkin War, Franco-Siamese War, Second Italo-Ethiopian War, Second Boer War, Sino-Russian War, Tripolitanian War, Franco-Turkish War, Polish Revolution, Italo-Ethiopian War, some Israeli-Arab conflicts: the First and Second Intifada, and various conflicts with the Hezbollah, First Sino-Japanese War and Second Sino-Japanese War, German-Polish Confrontation of World War II, German-Danish Confrontation of World War II, German-Norwegian Confrontation of World War II, German-Belgian Confrontation of World War II, German-Dutch Confrontation of World War II, Italo-Greek Confrontation of World War II, German-Yugoslav Confrontation of World War II, Korean War, Himalayan War, Vietnam War, Second Sino-Vietnamese War, Soviet War in Afghanistan, Gulf War, War in Afghanistan, Iraq War, 2006 Lebanon War, 2011 Libyan civil war.
Examples of asymmetric warfare

The American Revolutionary War
From its initiation, the American Revolutionary War was, necessarily, a showcase for asymmetric techniques. In the 1920s, Harold Murdock of Boston attempted to solve the puzzle of the first shots fired on Lexington Green, and came to the suspicion that the few score militia men who gathered before sunrise to await the arrival of hundreds of well-prepared British soldiers were sent specifically to provoke an incident which could be used for propaganda purposes. The return of the British force to Boston following the search operations at Concord was subject to constant skirmishing, using partisan forces gathered from communities all along the route, making maximum use of the terrain (particularly trees and stone field walls) to overcome the limitations of their weapons- muskets with an effective range of only about 50–70 metres. Throughout the war, skirmishing tactics against British troops on the move continued to be a key factor in Rebel success; however, they may also have encouraged the occasional incidents, particularly in the later stages, where British troops used alleged surrender violations as a justification for killing large numbers of captives (e.g. Waxhaw and Groton Heights).
Another feature of the long march from Concord was the urban warfare technique of using buildings along the route as additional cover for snipers, which provoked the logical response from the British force — destruction of the buildings. When revolutionary forces forced their way into Norfolk, Virginia, and used waterfront buildings as cover for shots at British vessels out in the river, the response of destruction of those buildings was ingeniously used to the advantage of the rebels, who encouraged the spread of fire throughout the largely Loyalist town, and spread propaganda blaming it on the British. Shortly afterwards they destroyed the remaining houses, on the grounds that they might provide cover for British soldiers. On the subject of propaganda, it should be borne in mind that, contrary to the impression given in the popular American film The Patriot, British forces never adopted a popular response to partisan-style asymmetric warfare — retribution massacres of groups selected on a semi-random basis from the population at large.
The rebels also adopted a form of asymmetric sea warfare, by using small, fast vessels to avoid the Royal Navy, and capturing or sinking large numbers of merchant ships; however the British responded by issuing letters of marque permitting private armed vessels to undertake reciprocal attacks on enemy shipping. John Paul Jones became notorious in Britain for his expedition from France in the little sloop of war Ranger in April 1778, during which, in addition to his attacks on merchant shipping, he made two landings on British soil. The effect of these raids, particularly when coupled with his capture of the Royal Navy's HMS Drake — the first such success in British waters, but not Jones's last — was to force the British government to increase resources for coastal defence, and to create a climate of fear among the British public which was subsequently fed by press reports of his preparations for the 1779 Bonhomme Richard mission.
From 1776, the conflict turned increasingly into a proxy war on behalf of France, following a strategy proposed in the 1760s but initially resisted by the idealistic young King Louis XVI, who came to the throne at the age of 19 a few months before Lexington. France also encouraged proxy wars against the British in India, but ultimately drove itself to the brink of state bankruptcy by entering the war(s) directly, on several fronts throughout the world.
 20th century asymmetric warfare
Second Boer War
Asymmetric warfare featured prominently during the Second Boer War. After an initial phase, which was fought by both sides as a conventional war, the British captured Johannesburg, the Boers' largest city, and captured the capitals of the two Boer Republics. The British then expected the Boers to accept peace as dictated by the victors in the traditional European way. However instead of capitulating, the Boers fought a protracted guerrilla war. Between twenty and thirty thousand Boer commandos were only defeated after the British brought to bear four hundred and fifty thousand troops, about ten times as many as were used in the conventional phase of the war. During this phase the British introduced internment in concentration camps for the Boer civilian population and also implemented a scorched earth policy. Later, the British began using blockhouses built within machine gun range of one another and flanked by barbed wire to slow the Boers' movement across the countryside and block paths to valuable targets. Such tactics eventually evolved into today's counter insurgency tactics.
The Boer commando raids deep into the Cape Colony, which were organized and commanded by Jan Smuts, resonated throughout the century as the British and others adopted and adapted the tactics used by the Boer commandos in later conflicts.
 World War I
Lawrence of Arabia and British support for the Arab uprising against the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were the stronger power, the Arabs the weaker.
Austria-Hungary vs. Serbia, August 1914. Austria-Hungary was the stronger power, Serbia the weaker.
Germany vs. Belgium, August 1914. Germany was the stronger power, Belgium the weaker.
 Between the World Wars
Abd el-Krim led resistance in Morocco from 1920 to 1924 against French and Spanish colonial armies ten times as strong as the guerilla force, led by General Philippe Pétain.
TIGR, the first anti-fascist national-defensive organization in Europe, fought against Benito Mussolini's regime in northeast Italy.
Anglo-Irish War (War of Irish Independence) fought between the Irish Republican Army and the Black and Tans/Auxiliaries. Lloyd George (British Prime Minister at the time) attempted to persuade other nations that it was not a war by refusing to use the army and using the Black and Tans instead but the conflict was conducted as an asymmetric guerilla war and was registered as a war with the League of Nations by the Irish Free State.
 World War II
Winter War - Finland opposed an invasion by the Soviet Union
Warsaw Uprising - Poland (Home Army, Armia Krajowa) rose up against the German occupation.
Germany in Yugoslavia, 1941–45 (Germany vs. Tito's Partisans and Mihailovic's Chetniks).
British Commandos and European coastal raids. German countermeasures and the notorious Commando Order
Long Range Desert Group and the Special Air Service in Africa and later in Europe.
South East Asian Theatre: Wingate, Chindits, Force 136, V Force
Special Operations Executive (SOE)
 United States
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
China Burma India Theatre: Merrill's Marauders and OSS Detachment 101
 After World War II
United States Military Assistance Command Studies and Observations Group (US MAC-V SOG) in Vietnam
United States support of the Nicaraguan Contras
 Cold War
The end of World War II established the two most powerful victors, the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, or just the Soviet Union) as the two dominant world superpowers.
Cold War examples of proxy wars
See also proxy war
The war between the mujahideen and the Red Army during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan has been claimed as the source of the term "asymmetric warfare", although this war occurred years after Mack wrote of "asymmetric conflict," it is notable that the term became well known in the West only in the 1990s. The aid given by the U.S. to the mujahedeen during the war was only covert at the tactical level, the Reagan Administration told the world that it was helping the "freedom-loving people of Afghanistan". This proxy war was aided by many countries including the USA against the USSR during the Cold War. It was considered cost effective and politically successful, as it gave the USSR a military defeat which was a contributing factor to its collapse.
 21st century
The battle between the Israelis and some Palestinian organizations (such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad) is a classic case of asymmetric warfare. Israel has a powerful army, air force and navy, while the Palestinian organisations have no access to large-scale military equipment with which to conduct operations; instead, they utilize asymmetric tactics, such as: small gunfights, cross-border sniping, rocket attacks, and suicide bombing.
Sri Lanka
The Sri Lankan Civil War which raged on and off from 1983 to 2009, between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) saw large scale asymmetric warfare. The war started as an insurgency and progressed to a large scale conflict with the mixture of guerrilla and conventional warfare. The LTTE pioneered the use of suicide bombing and perfected it with the use of male/female suicide bombers both on and off battlefield; use of expansive filled boats for suicide attacks on military shipping; use of light aircraft targeting military installations.
The victory by the US-led coalition forces in the 1991 Persian Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, demonstrated that training, tactics and technology can provide overwhelming victories in the field of battle during modern conventional warfare. After Saddam Hussein's regime was removed from power, the Iraq campaign moved into a different type of asymmetric warfare where the coalition's use of superior conventional warfare training, tactics and technology were of much less use against continued opposition from the various partisan groups operating inside Iraq.
See also
Civilian casualty ratio
Fourth generation warfare
Guerrilla warfare
Irregular military
List of guerrillas
War on Terror
Low intensity conflict
Military use of children
Partisan (military)
Political Warfare
Reagan Doctrine
Resistance movement
Unconventional warfare
Unrestricted Warfare
US organisations
Center for Asymmetric Warfare (CAW)
Asymmetric Warfare Group
Special Activities Division
Management of Savagery
The Stealing of America
The Incestuous Relationship Between Government and Corporate America
April 16, 2012
By John W. Whitehead
    “The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door. That’s the only difference.”—Ralph Nader

One Nation Under Socialism 

“I pledge allegiance to the United States of America,
And not to an ideology, which can never stand,
One nation under socialism, divisive,
With no liberty or justice for anyone.”

This November, you will make a choice. Will you choose One Nation Under Socialism?

Jon McNaughton’s Answers to Questions Regarding This Painting:

Why the title “One Nation Under Socialism?”

Our federal government has been moving in the direction of socialism for over one hundred years. Many presidents and politicians have compromised the Constitution as we have given away our freedoms under the guise of entitlements and government intervention. When the people are willing to sacrifice the next generation for their current lifestyles and allow the federal government to have all the power for an illusory mess of pottage—you have chosen One Nation Under Socialism.

What do you mean by an ideology, which can never stand?

I will not support an ideology, which will lead to the destruction of America. In the history of the world, never has there been a recorded example where Socialism has led to the betterment of the human condition or improved the liberty of the people. I know there are varying degrees and definitions of “socialism.” Even the European model of Democratic Socialism has proven to be a dismal failure. Do you want to see our country become like Greece, Italy, Portugal, or even Great Britain?

What do you mean by “divisive, with no liberty or justice for anyone?”

  Socialism uses the illusion of offering fairness and justice for everyone by redistributing the wealth of the nation; picking and choosing winners and losers. This administration has taken over our health care system, given bailouts to the automotive industry, banking industry and energy industry. They support the “Occupy Wall Street” movement of increased taxing of the rich to pay for the welfare of the “less rich.” The Constitution never guaranteed equal things—only equal rights and justice. In America we should be FREE TO SUCCEED and FREE TO FAIL!

At this very moment our Constitution is literally going up in flames. What will you do to preserve the Constitution and save America?

The Freeman Online

Foundation for Economic Freedom

Why Socialism Failed

Collectivism is Based on Faulty Principles

By Mark J. Perry

(June 1995)
 The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks
SHORT STORY: Pick something of value, make bets on the future value of "something", add contract & you have a derivative.
Banks make massive profits on derivatives, and when the bubble bursts chances are the tax payer will end up with the bill.
This visualizes the total coverage for derivatives (notional). Similar to insurance company's total coverage for all cars.
LONG STORY: A derivative is a legal bet (contract) that derives its value from another asset, such as the future or current value of oil, government bonds or anything else. Ex- A derivative buys you the option (but not obligation) to buy oil in 6 months for today's price/any agreed price, hoping that oil will cost more in future. (I'll bet you it'll cost more in 6 months). Derivative can also be used as insurance, betting that a loan will or won't default before a given date. So it’s a big betting system, like a Casino, but instead of betting on cards and roulette, you bet on future values and performance of practically anything that holds value. The system is not regulated what-so-ever, and you can buy a derivative on an existing derivative.
Most large banks try to prevent smaller investors from gaining access to the derivative market on the basis of there being too much risk. Deriv. market has blown a galactic bubble, just like the real estate bubble or stock market bubble (that's going on right now). Since there is literally no economist in the world that knows exactly how the derivative money flows or how the system works, while derivatives are traded in microseconds by computers, we really don't know what will trigger the crash, or when it will happen, but considering the global financial crisis this system is in for tough times, that will be catastrophic for the world financial system since the 9 largest banks shown below hold a total of $228.72 trillion in Derivatives - Approximately 3 times the entire world economy. No government in world has money for this bailout. Let’s take a look at what banks have the biggest Derivative Exposures and what scandals they've been lately involved in. Derivative Data Source: ZeroHedge.
The Ascendance of Sociopaths in US Governance
By Doug Casey
Sociopathy Is Running the US - Part Two
By Doug Casey
Fanatic for Jesus
Restoring Love: Glen Beck’s Plan for Communitarianism

Must read! ~Lark

Living Seed Company
Start from Seed – Step by Step
5 Food-Medicines That Could Quite Possibly Save Your Life
Though Mother Nature's formulas are proprietary, she does not grant patents
~ Sayer Ji
Sayer Ji is the founder and chair of His writings have been published in the Wellbeing Journal, the Journal of Gluten Sensitivity, and have been featured on numerous websites, including,,, His critically acclaimed essay series The Dark Side of Wheat opens up a new perspective on the universal, human-species specific toxicity of wheat, and is now available for PDF download.


100 Years After the Titanic Tragedy
Excerpts from a recent missive
Dr. Peter Hammond
Frontline Fellowship
P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725
Cape Town South Africa
Tel: 021-689-4480
Fax: 021-685-5884
Life is uncertain. The future is unknowable. The unthinkable is possible.
A Race Against Time
The Titanic collided with the iceberg at 11:40pm on Sunday 14 April 1912. Orders were given to uncover the lifeboats, muster the crew and passengers at 12:05am on Monday 15 April. The first boat was lowered at 12:45am. The last boat was lowered at 2:05am. The ship sunk beneath the sea at 2:20am. The Carpathia which had raced at top speed from 58 miles away arrived at 4:10am. and began picking up survivors. The Californian which was just over 10 miles away only responded to the disaster at 5:45am, when their wireless radio operator woke up and tuned in to what had happened during the night.
The official British statistics given in the House of Commons were 1,503 passengers and crew "not saved" and 703"saved." This broke down to 1,347 men, 103 women and 53 children died in the Titanic disaster. 651 people were lowered into the lifeboats, 705 survivors were picked up by the Carpathia (therefore 54 who went into the water were saved).
A Turning Point in History
The sinking of the Titanic marked a monumental watershed in human history. She was the floating embodiment of the new age of scientific optimism. "Bigger! Better! Faster!" Many claimed that the Titanic was yet another proof of the evolutionary ascent of man - "salvation through technology." Man had finally conquered nature and was impenetrable to natural and supernatural forces - "a modern incarnation of the Tower of Babel!" The stunning arrogance of the age was epitomised by the frequent boasts of Titanic's indestructability by builders and promoters: "Not even God could sink this ship!"
Mankind's Greatest Engineering Achievement
It is difficult for us to appreciate just how great an impact this disaster had. There are really no modern comparisons. In less than 3 hours the dreams and confidence of an entire generation sank with the great ocean liner. The human drama of the Titanic was to foreshadow the horrors of the most terror-ridden century with the greatest death tolls in history. The Titanic marked the end of a general feeling of over confidence. Never again would people be quite so sure of themselves. For the Titanic "man's greatest engineering achievement" - to go down the first time it sailed was a devastating blow. If this supreme achievement was so terribly fragile - what about everything else? If wealth meant so little on this cold April night, what value should we attach to it the rest of the time? It marked the beginning of a new and uneasy era of doubt and disillusionment.
Lives Saved By the Titanic Example
On another level, in the decades that followed, the effect of the sinking of the Titanic was to save more lives than had been lost on that dark, cold April night. Never again would men fling a ship at top speed hell bent through an ice field, heedless of warnings. From now on Atlantic ships took ice warnings seriously. 24-hour radio operations on board passenger ships became a thing of the past. It was also the last time that a liner put out to sea without sufficient lifeboats for everybody on board. However, all that would have been of little consolation at the time.
Man Made Sunk by God Made
The sea, like the air, is a dangerous and powerful medium for travel. Time and again it has shown its disrespect for the best efforts of men. The largest, most invincible ship yet built had been defeated by an iceberg. The man-made had been sunk by the God-made.
Duty, Chivalry and Faith
Yet, while the Titanic before 14 April 1912, symbolised elegance, invincibility, unsinkability, and arrogance; after the sinking it became a symbol of duty, chivalry and faith. Amidst the widespread shock and bereavement, people worldwide were inspired by the many profoundly moving examples of courage and self-sacrifice of those men who faithfully honoured the command: "Women and children first." With few exceptions, most of Titanic's men willingly gave up their seats on lifeboats for others. Many husbands and fathers put their wives and children on to the lifeboats, looked into their eyes, whispered some last word's and waved goodbye - with the full realisation that they would never see them again. They exemplified the teachings of Jesus Christ in John 15:13: "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."
Feminism and Barbarism
Tragically, Cameron's film minimises and ignores the incredible Christian courage and self-sacrifice of many men who went down with the Titanic. By focusing on a fictional, and far-fetched, love relationship of a first class lady with a young artist in steerage, the film has side-lined the real heroes of the Titanic. Even more seriously, the film failed to communicate what motivated so many men to give their lives so that others could live. For every woman who died on the Titanic, 13 times more men died.
Even Worse Modern Maritime Disasters
In recent years the Titanic's record as the worst peacetime, maritime disaster has been beaten. In 1945, the Soviet submarine torpedoing of the German civilian liner Hospital ship, Wilhelm Gustav, packed full of civilian refugees, mostly women and children, fleeing Red Army atrocities in the Baltic States, led to over 9,400 deaths. In a horrific ferry sinking in the Philippines in 1987, over 4,000 people, mostly women and children died. Unlike the Titanic, most of the survivors of this Philippines disaster were men. Similarly, when the ferry Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea, most of the survivors were men. When questioned why they hadn't helped the women and children to be saved, survivors were quoted as saying! "Hey, its survival of the fittest"; "It was every man for himself" and "If women want equality so much - they've got it!" Again, in 1996, a boat sank off the shores of Indonesia. Like the Titanic, the ship was inadequately equipped with lifeboats. Unlike the Titanic, the men received preferential lifeboat treatment ahead of women and children. Women died that men should live!
Feminist Protest Against Preferential Treatment for Women
In fact, feminists and suffragettes of 1912 actually argued that the Titanic women were wrong to have accepted seats on the boats from the men. To them the philosophy of men being protectors and defenders of women was offensive and an obstacle to their cause. "Boats or Votes?" was the title of one prominent newspaper article.
Why Women?
In an essay in the April 27, 1998 edition of Time, entitled "The Titanic Riddle", the writer asks the question: "Why women? not grouping women with children a raging anachronism? ...patronising and demeaning to women... 'Women and children first' attributes to women the same pitiable dependence and moral simplicity we find in five year olds... But in this day of the most extensive societal restructuring to grant women equality in education, in employment, in government, in athletics, in citizenship... what entitles women to the privileges - and reduces them to the status - of children?"
Biblical Principle
The answer is found in the Bible: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her..." Ephesians 5:25. "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps." 1 Peter 2:21
 Christian Civilization
For nearly 2,000 years this principle has guided Christian civilization. The groom dies for the bride. The strong suffers for the weak. The highest expression of love is to give your life for another. This is the true message of the Titanic.
Recognising Christian Chivalry
The US president's wife Nellie Taft mounted a national campaign to raise funds for a monument that would be inscribed: "To the brave men who gave their lives that women and children might be saved." That monument was dedicated by the First Lady in Washington DC " gratitude to the chivalry of American manhood."
A Night to Remember, Walter Lord, Penguin, 1956.
Titanic, Leo Merriott, PRC, 1997.

Henry Makow
Was Titanic Sinking an Insurance Scam?
By John Hamer
The Olympic, damaged in a collision and destined for the scrapyard, may have been disguised as its sister ship, the Titanic. This raises questions about the true nature of the "accident" which took place 100 years ago today.
In 1908, financier J.P. Morgan planned a brand new class of luxury liners that would enable the wealthy to cross the Atlantic in previously undreamed-of opulence.  The construction of the giant vessels, the 'Olympic', the 'Titanic' and the 'Britannic,' began in 1909 at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland.
Unfortunately for Morgan, this money-making venture went a little awry.  The Olympic, the first of the three sister-ships to be completed was involved in a serious collision with the British Royal Navy cruiser, HMS Hawke in September 1911 in Southampton a few weeks after its maiden voyage. It had to be  'patched-up' before returning to Belfast to undergo proper repair work.
In hindsight, it does seem strange that the Olympic, the first of the 'sisters' to enter service, was never given the publicity her younger sister, the Titanic, enjoyed the following year.  Why would that be?
In the meantime, a Royal Navy inquiry into the accident found the Olympic at fault for the collision and this meant that the owner, White Star Line's insurance was null and void.  The White Star Line was out of pocket to the tune of at least £800,000 (around $90m today) for repairs and lost revenues.
However, for Morgan and the White Star Line, there was even worse news.
 It is believed that the keel of the ship was actually twisted and therefore beyond repair, which would have effectively meant the scrapyard. The White Star Line would have been bankrupted, given its precarious financial situation.

According to Robin Gardner's book, 'Titanic, the Ship that Never Sank?' the seeds were sown for an audacious insurance scam - the surreptitious switching of the identities of the two ships, Olympic and Titanic.
Gardner presents credible testimonies, indisputable facts and evidence, both written and photographic, which suggest that the two ships were indeed switched with a view to staging an iceberg collision or other unknown fatal event.
According to Gardner, "Almost two months after the Hawke/Olympic collision, the reconverted Titanic, now superficially identical to her sister except for the C deck portholes, quietly left Belfast for Southampton to begin a very successful 25-year career as the Olympic.
Back in the builders' yard, work progressed steadily on transforming the battered hulk of the Olympic into the Titanic.  The decision to dispose of the damaged vessel would already have been taken. ...  Instead of replacing the damaged section of keel, longitudinal bulkheads were installed to brace it".
How significant then in the light of this statement, that when the wreck of the Titanic was first investigated by Robert Ballard and his crew after its discovery in 1987, the first explorations of the wreckage reportedly showed (completely undocumented in the ships original blueprints) iron support structures in place which appeared to be supporting and bracing the keel.
This was never satisfactorily explained but would certainly be significant as it was reported by the puzzled Ballard himself who of course at that time knew nothing (and probably still does not even now) about the alleged switching of the two ships' identities.
John Hamer, 59, has a horse-racing business in Yorkshire. This is an excerpt from his book, 'The Falsification of History - Our Distorted Reality' available here.  John can be contacted at
Questions Surround Official Titanic Story
This is part two of "Was Sinking of Titanic an Insurance Scam?"
"The surviving crew were detained overnight and forced to sign a pledge under the 'Official Secrets Act', promising to keep secret forever, the actual events of the night of 14th / 15th April, 1912"
Condoleezza Rice Addresses BYU Community on the American Paradox
Earlier this evening in Washington DC, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice headlined the Brigham Young University Management Society 28th Annual Gala Dinner. Discussing life outside government service, the inevitability of the Arab Spring, the universal value of freedom, the exceptionality of the United States, and my personal favourite, the American paradox of individuality and global community.
The mission of Brigham Young University — founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints–is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life. That assistance should provide a period of intensive learning in a stimulating setting where a commitment to excellence is expected and the full realization of human potential is pursued.
Condoleezza Rice is currently a professor of Political Economy in the Graduate School of Business; the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution; and a professor of Political Science at Stanford University.  She is also a founding partner of The Rice Hadley Group.
From January 2005-2009, Rice served as the 66th Secretary of State of the United States, the second woman and first African American woman to hold the post. Rice also served as President George W. Bush’s Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (National Security Advisor) from January 2001-2005, the first woman to hold the position.
Having been out of government for three years, the biggest difference for Rice is that now, when she reads the paper every morning, she thinks, “isn’t that interesting…” and then does whatever else she had planned that day.
“No longer do I have the responsibility for what’s in the paper,” smiled Rice.
Turning to the Arab Spring, Rice stated that “we are witnessing the very clear fact that the desire for freedom is not an American value. It is not a Western value. It is indeed a universal value. Human beings know, that they are, as our founders understood, endowed by their creator to be free, and if they are not given the opportunity to receive that freedom peacefully, then they will seize it by any means available to them.”
But perhaps the most interesting and insightful part of the speech was around this notion of the American paradox.
Said Rice: “We are the most individualistic country on the face of the earth. We insist on our individual rights and we practice them, and yet this individualistic society is still one of the most communitarian and undoubtedly the most philanthropic on the face of the earth.”
The tradition of philanthropy is rooted so deeply in the United States almost from our founding, she continued, in that you can look around at any aspect of human endeavour—the great institutions of academia, healthcare, or otherwise—and you will see individuals who regularly give up their resources, time, and wealth, and they give to these causes because they care.
“How can the most individualistic of societies also be the most philanthropic?” asked Rice. “It’s possible, because this is rooted in another great American tradition, and that is that every individual is worthy, and no one is trapped by their circumstance.”
For whatever reason, some are not able to access or be a part of our great democracy, she said, and for us that is a tragedy, for it wasn’t that God intended them to be there.
“They, like you, like me, are a child of God. They, like you, like me, have a saviour in Jesus Christ, and they, like you, like me, are equal in the eyes of the Father. Therefore, every individual life is worthy, and when you believe that, and if you’re fortunate enough to have means, then you are driven by a sense of real obligation. The kind of obligation to a brother or sister who is just like you, and that is the underlying value of compassion”, explained Rice.
While the government can protect our rights and insist on our consent, when it comes to compassion, we turn to each other. There is much governments can do, noted Rice, but governments can’t deliver compassion to a desperate parent, or a woman who’s been trafficked, or to an AIDS orphan with nowhere to go. That is the work of the citizen, and groups of citizens, and very often, groups of citizens who respond to their faith-call to be a part of that great compassion.
“That has very much been the tradition of your wonderful church”, stated Rice.
Doing this kind of work you receive something very valuable in return. For when you are among those who have less, you cannot possibly give way to aggrievement and entitlement. They are the awful voices in your head that say, “why don’t I have…” and “why don’t they give me…”.
In closing, Rice explained that “You might not be able to control your circumstances, but you can certainly control your response to them. And that is the antidote to the disempowering effects of aggrievement and entitlement. When you believe that you are empowered, then you are going alongside others to work for a world not as it is, but as it should be.”
Rahim Kanani is a writer, advocate, strategist and entrepreneur for global social change. Follow him @rahimkanani and on Facebook. Have an idea for a great interview? Email
I am a writer, interviewer, advocate, strategist, and entrepreneur for global social change. Currently, I am the curator of digital platforms at the Skoll Foundation in Palo Alto, California. Prior to Skoll, I was an innovation and advocacy consultant at the World Bank Institute in Washington DC, where I focused on strategic outreach and engagement around issues of open data, open government, and open development. At, I write a leadership column titled the Common Good, which covers all things social change, with a special emphasis on social entrepreneurship. I also regularly write for the Huffington Post, and have been published in a number of other national and international publications including the Ottawa Citizen, San Francisco Chronicle, International Herald Tribune/New York Times, Stanford Social Innovation Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, BBC World Service, and Al Arabiya. As part of my writing, I frequently interview global leaders in great depth on issues of urgent international concern, such as with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair on interfaith dialogue, White House Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President Valerie Jarrett on gender equality and the advancement of women, President of Harvard University Drew Faust on higher-education in the 21st century, and Human Rights Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth on the future of human rights philanthropy and policy. @rahimkanani
HuffPost WORLD | Charles Kupchan
Why Nobody Will Dominate The 21st Century
The distribution of global power is fast changing. That much is certain. China and other developing nations are quickly ascending the pecking order. Meanwhile, the three pillars of the Western world - the United States, Europe, and Japan - are beset by a prolonged economic downturn and disaffected electorates.
But despite widespread recognition of the changing global landscape, opinions differ widely as to which country will emerge on top. As the twenty-first century unfolds, who will lead the pack?
Many analysts foresee a twenty-first century that will belong to China, whose decades of impressive economic growth make its steady rise seem unstoppable. Most American politicians, with the backing of commentators such as Robert Kagan and Robert Lieber, are quick to dismiss the prospects for a changing of the guard, insisting that U.S. hegemony is alive and well. They contend that the U.S. economy will snap back and that America's military superiority is untouchable. The dark horse candidates are India and Brazil. India will have the world's largest population by about 2025, while Brazil is blessed with abundant resources and a benign geopolitical environment. Both have democratic governments that may give them the legitimacy and good governance needed to make it to the top.
The absence of consensus over which country will oversee the coming world is just as it should be. That's because the twenty-first century will not be dominated by any country. The United States will do just fine, but the era of Western primacy is coming to an end. Meanwhile, none of the world's rising nations will have the combination of material and ideological strength needed to exercise global hegemony. And although ascending nations have forged a new grouping - the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) - to coordinate their policies and aggregate their muscle, they do not share a coherent vision of what comes next. They know what they do not want: the continuation of a world dominated by the West. But they are very unlikely to arrive at a common view of what they want instead. This century will not belong to the United States, China, India, Brazil, or anyone else; it will be no one's world.
The United States, due to its economic resilience, rising population, and military superiority, will make it into the top ranks for decades to come. Nonetheless, the supremacy that the United States and its Western allies have enjoyed since World War II is fast fading. During the second half of the twentieth century, the Western allies usually accounted for over two-thirds of global output. They now provide about half of global output - and soon much less.
In 2010, four out of the top five economies in the world came from the developed West - the United States, Japan, Germany, and France. Only one developing country - China, at number two - qualified for this exclusive club. In 2050, according to Goldman Sachs, the United States will be the only Western power to make it into the top five. China will be number one, followed - at a significant distance -- by the United States, India, Brazil, and Russia.
Key aspects of this reordering are poised to occur sooner rather than later. China's wealth is expected to surpass that of the United States by the second half of the next decade. The World Bank foresees the dollar, euro, and China's renminbi as co-equals in a "multi-currency" monetary system by 2025. Goldman Sachs predicts that the collective GDP of the top four developing countries -- Brazil, China, India, and Russia - will match that of today's leading industrialized nations by 2032. The United States will no doubt find its way out of the ongoing slump. But it will bounce back into a global economy in the midst of a dramatic change in the pecking order.
If China is poised to sit atop the global economy, why not expect a Chinese century? The appeal of China's brand of state capitalism - its competence and performance - is offset by its lack of democratic legitimacy. China's success also depends on assets that many other countries lack - a communitarian ethic with deep roots in Confucian culture, a meritocratic leadership and bureaucracy, a vast labor pool, and a top-notch industrial and transportation infrastructure. Moreover, although Beijing will surely seek to extend its sway in its own neighborhood, China's ethnocentrism suggests that its hegemonic aspirations may well be only regional, not global, in scope.
Like China, India has an expansive labor pool at its disposal. And its embrace of democracy gives India an international appeal that China lacks. But India's democratic institutions are also a liability. Lethargic bureaucracies, social stratification, biting inequality, and striking linguistic and ethnic diversity make the Indian government weak and ineffective; New Delhi enjoys none of Beijing's purposeful efficiency. Indeed, India's private sector has thrived in spite of, not because of, its democratic institutions. The lack of good governance will ensure that India's rise is slow and bumpy.
India also resides in a dangerous neighborhood that will hem in its geopolitical ascent. Rivalry and territorial disputes with China, overt hostility from Pakistan, and proximity to Afghanistan and Iran will constrain New Delhi's statecraft and prevent India from straying too far from home.
Brazil is in important respects best set to emerge as a global trendsetter. It is a stable democracy, blessed with ample, land, labor, and natural resources. At least for now, Brasilia has found a developmental path that combines economic openness with redistribution programs aimed at alleviating inequality. And Brazil faces no geopolitical rivals and resides in a region that has been remarkably free of inter-state war.
But Brazil is not headed for the top ranks; its economy is expected to be five times smaller than that of China in 2050. And Brazil's benign location in South America cuts both ways. Its relative isolation will enable Brasilia to remain aloof from the fray set to ensue in Eurasia and the western Pacific as China, India, Russia, and Indonesia ascend. But its distance will also limit its influence in this geopolitical heartland. Brazil is destined for regional hegemony, not global ambition.
Each of the world's main emerging powers is following its unique developmental path and pursuing its own interests, at least for now making the BRICS grouping little more than a talk-shop. Its summits regularly produce calls for a more equitable and representative global order. But BRICS members have yet to articulate, either individually or collectively, what that order might look like. And if and when these nations do fashion their own visions of a new global architecture, they would likely prove disparate and incompatible, denying "the rising rest" a consensus capable of coordinating their statecraft.
At least during this decade and the next, the United States will have more say than the BRICS in managing the coming redistribution in global power. But instead of fighting against the inevitable tide of change and seeking to extend the era of U.S. hegemony, Washington would be much wiser to help guide no one's world toward new forms of collective governance and cooperation. Widening the circle and peacefully arriving at the next world by design is far preferable to a competitive anarchy arrived at by default as multiple centers of power and the differing conceptions of order they represent vie for primacy.
Charles A. Kupchan is Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University and Whitney Shepardson Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He is the author of No One's World: The West, the Rising Rest, and the Coming Global Turn (Oxford University Press, 2012).
YouTube Channel
Thomas Sheridan, Artist
Born in Dublin, Thomas Sheridan is an internationally renowned artist, author, musician, public speaker and independent researcher currently based in the West of Ireland. His illustrations have appeared on the cover of newsstand magazines, books and websites worldwide. He is best known for being the author of the book Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath. The book was well received, becoming an underground success and has made Thomas' entire body of work reach a much larger audience.
In tandem with this, Thomas has continued on his own creative exploration, eventually coming to see that what is happening with the modern social neurosis is, in effect, the genesis of an emerging mythos; that the modern 'hero's journey' was evolving through a fusion of art, music, philosophy, science, spirituality, sociology and healing. This modern re-birth of the druidic approach appeared to fuse these aspects of human development into a new holistic culture. Today, Thomas continues this work of moving towards a synchronistic cohesion of the modern human; in terms of positive transcendence from trauma and psychological damage and on towards personal and social renewal.
Celebrating 100 Years of Being Gaslighted by Modern Art

A urinal which Marcel Duchamp titled Fountain and signed "R. Mutt". It is regarded by the art establishment as a major landmark in modern art. Replicas commissioned by Duchamp in the 1960s are now on display in a number of different museums around the world.
Karla Blacks suspended paper and plastic sheeting, called What To Ask For Others, was shortlisted to win the 2011 Turner Prize - the world's most prestigious art competition.
The niece of a friend of mine was a brilliant and gifted young artist. She won a scholarship to one of the world's most prestigious art schools - where she presented a portfolio of her stunning drawings and watercolours. By the time she graduated, she had not picked up a brush or pencil in over a year and was stapling bird feathers to an old shipping pallet as her graduation work. She now works as a receptionist at a dental clinic.
The term "Gaslighting" is used to describe how a psychopath in a personal relationship with another person will slowly over time change the reality and perceptions of the individual they are targeting. A proficient psychopath will, in time, have a once perfectly stable and emotionally healthy person literally believing that black is white and up is down. Essentially, the psychology of the target has been altered in a way to accept what they see before their own eyes - is not what they once believed it to be.
One of the most effective forms of public gaslighting has been modern art.  As a rule, I do not like to put down other artists work. But there seems to be almost a secret cabal between public bodies, art colleges, some artists and exhibition spaces/managers to fill these spaces with shock art or art which is as uninspiring as possible. The vast majority of public and corporate funding goes into promoting these forms of art - while gifted talented traditional artists have to beg private galleries to stock their work with commissions up to 50% on the sale price not uncommon.
I came upon one installation recently which was an old telephone on a table with a present day directory beside it. From the telephone there was a wire extending up to a glass box on the wall - which contained a life sized sculpture of the human ear made of the artist's own ear wax. I see this kind of thing is everywhere in public art spaces now - in fact, I can hardly recall a time when this sort of art did not fill public art spaces. Such "modern" art - from around the time of DaDa movement on - still continues to win all the art awards and the artists proclaimed as geniuses right to the present day. No other art movement in history has survived for so long.
The rationale used to defend this degradation of art is; that all expression should be free and unlimited. That the "concept" behind the work is more important than the artwork itself. Highly paid members of art councils, college professors and media will invoke "freedom of expression" and pontificate about the Nazis and the concepts of degenerate arts and "what it led too..." The irony being, that the greatest censorship in the art world today is by these same individuals against more traditional artistic expressions in terms of painting, drawing and sculpture.
As with everything on this face of this planet which makes no sense to most humans, there is always a underlying psychopathic rationale/drive for how this situation has come about. In this case, the degradation of the aesthetic, along with our notions of emotional resonance when viewing artwork - is being used to make corporate advertising more appealing.
The powers that be are gaslighting the rest of us by changing our perceptions - so corporate advertising looks more beautiful and uplifting than the art inside the galleries. When people visit spaces such as the Tate Modern in London to have their consciousness perverted, twisted and distorted into a mundane cul-de-sac of spiritually and emotionally vapid installations - they will come outside and see colourful advertisements. The psychological impact of the advertisement is then far more powerful on the viewer. Charles Saatchi of the global advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi,  is also known worldwide as an art collector and owner of the Saatchi Gallery, and in particular for his sponsorship of the Young British Artists (YBAs), including Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin.
Social Disorganization
By Mabel A. Elliott and Francis E. Merrill
Social Disorganization: “the process by which the authority and influence of an earlier culture and system of social control is undermined and eventually destroyed.”
The Polish Peasant in Europe and the United States, by W.l. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki, 1920
The Info Underground
The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown
Priesthood in the New Age
By Lewis Keizer, M.Div., Ph.D.
(1986, 1998, 2005)
Bishops Lewis and Willa Keizer
Sweet Liberty
By Charlie Samples
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO
Part I
Part II
By Eric Jewell
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
Evolutions and the Meaning of Life
By Daniel C. Dennett
Reinventing Jesus Christ
The New Gospel
By Warren Smith
The Green Movement’s True Colors
By James Delingpole
    What are you to do if you have a heart attack while you are alone?
    The Johnson City Medical Center staff actually discovered this and did an in-depth study on it in our ICU. The two individuals that discovered this then did an article on it, had it published and have had it incorporated into ACLS and CPR classes. It is very true and has and does work.
    It is called cough CPR.
    A cardiologist says it's the truth. And it could save your life!
    Let's say it's 6:15 p.m. And you're driving home (alone of course), after an usually hard day on the job.
     You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw.
    You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far.
    What can you do?
    You've been trained in CPR but the guy that taught the course didn't tell you what to do if it happened to yourself.
    Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article seemed to be in order.
    Without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
    However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.
    A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
    A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
     Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.
    The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
    Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save their lives!
    From Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter 240s newsletter 'AND THE BEAT GOES ON'
     (Reprint from The Mended Hearts, Inc. Publication, Heart Response)
Conspiracy is invisible otherwise there would be no need for this book. In fact, if conspiracy WERE visible, there would BE no conspiracy.
The Union Jack
By Helen Peters
(Copyright 1970, Updated 1985)
“British Israel and a Zionist Millennial World Theocracy are one and the same regardless of the name or front that covers the deceit. Millennialism is Judaism (Pharisaism) and it is being used to promote world government under the Throne of Britain.”
— Helen Peters, The Union Jack, Chapter 3
“The veil of false religion is the sword of Damocles, and its power to control humanity defies even the imagination of tyrants who use it.” — Senator Joseph McCarthy, George Washington's Surrender
“Americans will be surprised to learn that America is being used as the major incubator of this neo-orthodox Christianity which is not antagonistic to Marxian Communism at all, but is indeed the spirit of it. It is this spiritual Communism in the guise of Christianity that is to emerge as the crowning achievement of world revolution.” — From the Prologue to The Union Jack
“British Israel and a Zionist Millennial World Theocracy are one and the same regardless of the name or front that covers the deceit. Millennialism is Judaism (Pharisaism) and it is being used to promote world government under the Throne of Britain. ” — Helen Peters, The Union Jack, Chapter 3
“The continuing process toward the World State Kingdom of God British Empire is understood only in terms of its progressive unification and synthesis of the biological, social, and SPIRITUAL evolution.”
— Helen Peters, The Union Jack, Chapter 5
“It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the world and kill off or reduce to a servile status all other inferior races.” — W. C. Nabors, a prophet of British Israel
“Masonry is the spirit of anti-Christ and the spirit of the unity of faith into a world religio-political state. While it denies with every breath the union of church and state, it is its spirit that has harmonized humanity into a collective world spiritual union. Though it takes on every political color imaginable it is of one spirit and one faith — the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God.”
 — Helen Peters, The Union Jack, Chapter 7
“Peace for a thousand years to come will follow the history now being written in blood.”
 — W. C. Nabors, a prophet of British Israel
“Imbued with the spirit of service, every citizen will be eager to give the best to the common weal. There will be no longer the spur of fear to grab and hoard. There will be no longer competition to gain selfish advantage, but rather there will be competition to render service, and added joy and pride of the skillful craftsman, or husbandman.”
“People who believe in any form of earthly paradise, Heaven on earth, New Age or Millennial Age are supporting British Communism.” — Helen Peters, The Union Jack, Chapter 3
“The figure of ancient Babylon exists today in the spiritual Babylon of "Christianity." It draws not the sword to dip the blood of martyrs but seeks to cut off their spirit from God for eternity.”
— Helen Peters, The Union Jack, Chapter 6
“In order to work this fakery the British Empire has infiltrated the Church with its Cabalistic Jews and Masons in order to give the Church the prophetic appearance of the harlot of mystery Babylon so that it can be "prophetically" destroyed.” — Helen Peters, The Union Jack, Chapter 5
British-Israel World Government (From the 1940 US Congressional Record)
The Info Underground
The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown
The Closed Conspiracy: The Political Ideology of the Seal of Solomon
"The whole basis of our theory is the Qabalah...." -- Aleister Crowley, Freemason and father of modern satanism as quoted in Craig Heimbichner's "Blood On The Altar", page 116; primary source is "Magic In Theory and Practice" by the self-professed "Beast-666" himself, Crowley.
Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley (1875 - 1947) was an evil genius and notorious scoundrel, known in his day as "the wickedest man in the world", a designation that he was proud to carry. Although he was a criminal, drug addict, and sex pervert, Crowley's privileged background, useful talents, powerful contacts, and considerable accomplishments in the dark arts, earned him so much recognition and honor in the Masonic Empire, that he was known to boast that an elephant's knees would buckle underneath the weight of the medals and other regalia he was entitled to wear.
During World War I, he was a secret agent for England, in which capacity he helped generate prolefeed disinformation to convince Americans to enter the war against Germany. Working undercover for British intelligence, Crowley gained a job as a journalist writing for a supposed English-language German propaganda newspaper in New York. There, according to Lon Duquette, a Freemason, Crowley wrote "a series of outrageous and insanely inflammatory editorials that hailed the Kaiser Wilhelm as the new Jesus Christ, advocated unrestricted submarine warfare against all of the world's civilian shipping, and boasted that it was God's will that Germany rule the world. The wild statements did not reflect Germany's foreign policy, but the citizens of the United States didn't know that. In short order Crowley's editorials were being quoted by U.S. Senators and congressmen." Nor did this "ingenious disinformation" reflect his own opinions, which is something to keep in mind when trying assess some of Crowley's supposedly anti-Semitic statements. For despite what one of the world's most notorious liars might have said, he clearly served the interests of the Judeo-Masonic hierarchy and based his entire magical system on the Jewish Qabalah.
Crowley's father was a preacher of the Plymouth Brethren, which is often described as a "fundamentalist Protestant" sect. But according to Frank Perida, author of Unholy Alliance, the Plymouth Brethren brought a form of Judaism (British Israelism) to America disguised as Christianity. "This idea of the Kingdom of God on Earth ruling from David's throne in Jerusalem for the millennium was initiated into Christianity by the British Israel World Federation", he tells us, which was founded by Manasseh Ben Israel and Aaron Levi. (Perida, pg. 11, Unholy Alliance) Crowley's mother was also a "fanatical" (to use Crowley's description) member of the Plymouth Brethren, which is considered to be a psuedo-Christian sect by some, since they're said to mix "race with grace", teaching that certain people, the Jews, whoever they might be, by virtue of their race, gain special favor from God and merit salvation by genetically determined divine fiat. Perida:
    "The Plymouth Brethren brought this Judaism to America disguised as Christianity. The Jehovah Witnesses, which is now worldwide, preach this message of divine Kingdom. The Mormons also preach the Jewish belief of millennialism. The Scofield Bible (popular in fundamental churches) with its Jewish interpretations of the Scriptures also helps the apostasy in the reduction of Christians to the Jewish belief of millennialism.
Thus, ironically, Crowley's reputed rebellion against the "Christianity" of his parents was actually, perhaps unbeknownst to him, a rebellion against a corrupt form of pseudo-Christianity concocted in the very cauldron of Kabbalistic con-artistry that he would later embrace as the antithesis and antidote to the "Christianity" of his deluded parents. It's the way with satanists, who serve the Master deceiver, that they themselves are the first to be taken in by the deceptions of their spiritual mentors, since it's agreed amongst them that "to rule, one must deceive", wherefrom it follows that they, too, who regard themselves as rulers, must be deceived, if we accept their twisted logic. Though we may not accept their twisted reasonings, still we can agree that to be ruled by the Father of Lies, one must be a deceived deceiver. By persuading America to enter WWI on behalf of the Zionists, Crowley served the Judeo-Masonic empire well.
"Crowley preached occult fascism, venerated Adolf Hitler and Rabbi Blau, and remained a British agent and crypto-Zionist all of his life." (Craig Heimbicher, Blood on the Altar, page 47) To understand why Crowley idolized both Hitler and Rabbi Blau, which might appear non-sensical, read "It's Sin Stupid, not the Jews!"; Crowley understood, presumably, that both the Zionists and Nazis worship the same god, as incongruous or inconsistent as that might seem at first thought. Also, read "Rael and the Masonic New World Order", an expose by Parker, where it's shown, among other things, how both the swastika and hexagram were used by Judeo-Freemasonry prior to the existence of either Nazism or Zionism; both symbols signified the sun god, which, according to Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia, as well as other Kabbalist sources, can be represented numerologically as 666. Of course, Crowley's praise of both Hitler and Rabbi Blau doesn't express a love of either Zionists or Nazis, but rather, if we can safely assume Crowley's sincere service to Satan, it would express his hatred of all and his willingness, therefore, to play cynically upon the pride that's characteristic of both Nazism and Zionism.
"Let the Jew lead the way!" "Messiah must arise, and His name shall be called Anti-Christ..."
-- Aleister Crowley, in a letter to Rabbi Joel Blau, according to Craig Heimbichner, Blood On The Altar, page 46)
Similarly, when Crowley seems to take the side of Catholicism against Protestantism, recommending that Protestants and Jews be persecuted ruthlessly, thus making it appear as though he favors Catholicism over Protestantism, his two-faced declarations should never be taken as evidence of his support of either, of course, but of his hatred of both, and his willingness, therefore, to play upon the characteristic prejudices of one against the other in order to destroy Christianity in toto. This has historically been the typical Judeo-Masonic-Rosicrucian ploy -- divide those who should be united together against Judeo-Freemasonry, thus distracting people from identifying the anti-Christ, and causing them to fight each other.
"Should we not rather breed humanity for quality by killing off any tainted stock, as we do with other cattle? And ext-erminating the vermin which infect it, especially Jews and Protestant Christians?"
-- Freemason Crowley, The Law Is For All, quoted from "Fallen Angel" by Thomas W. Friend, p. 565]
A Protestant, after reading this quote by Crowley, might conclude that if Crowley, who professes to represent Satan, hates Protestants and Jews, then Jews and Protestants must be on the same side and Catholicism must be the enemy, or at least in league with the enemy. So, we are meant to infer, Protestants and Jews should unite against the evil Catholics and Crowleyites. This is the intended result, I believe, of Crowley's comments, because Crowley wants to divide Protestants against Catholics and gain Christian crusaders to fight for Judaism, which he wells knows is anti-Christ to the core. In this way he lulls unwary Protestants into the clutches of their worst enemy to fight against what was once Judaism's worst enemy. Knowing accomplices in the Protestant clergy, or useful idiots, not a few of whom are likely Zionist Freemasons, might use Crowley's anti-Protestant comments to persuade Protestants to rally against Catholicism on the side of international Judaism, which is blatantly (albeit not necessarily openly) anti-Christ. The inner teaching of Judaism is Kabbalah, which is the very basis of Crowleyian Satanism, according to Crowley himself. What could be more anti-Christ? Yet this is what Protestant "watchmen on the wall" align themselves with when they crusade for Zionist Judaizers and trash Catholicism.
Sweet Liberty
By Charlie Samples
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO
Part I
Part II
By Eric Jewell
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
Evolutions and the Meaning of Life
By Daniel C. Dennett
Reinventing Jesus Christ
The New Gospel
By Warren Smith

Age of Propaganda

 The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion

By Anthony R. Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson


Editorial Reviews Review

Drawing on the history of propaganda and modern research in social psychology, this book reveals mass persuasion in action -- not just the tactics, but why they work so well, and how we can protect ourselves from manipulation. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal

Psychologists Pratkanis and Aronson present a thorough overview of how individuals and the mass media manipulate us using devious persuasive techniques. In order to understand how and why we are persuaded, the authors analyze the various tactics people use to get us to comply; point out ways we might deal sensibly and effectively with propaganda; and examine persuasion in a context of argument and debate. The authors' quarrel with persuasive communication today is that, rather than using logical argument, it uses emotional symbols to manipulate us. Advertisers, for example, use short, catchy, visually oriented messages to get us to buy things we might not need. Pratkanis and Aronson skillfully summarize research findings from the field of social psychology to illustrate their points. While a large portion of the book is devoted to advertising techniques, the authors also examine media coverage of the Gulf War, cult leaders, and political elections. Highly recommended for public and academic libraries.

- Gary D. Barber, SUNY at Fre donia Lib.

From Scientific American

In one brilliant tour-de-force, Pratkanis and Aronson give us...a comprehensive text of what we really need to know about the most pervasive cultural phenomena of our time. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From The New Yorker

Pratkanis and Aronson warn in their conclusion that we're all headed for an 'ignorance spiral' if we don't stop American standards of persuasion from deteriorating...Don't be part of the problem. Read the book.


A people's guide to baloney-detecting. -- Seattle Times

Everyday we are bombarded by messages telling us what to buy, where to go, whom to vote for, and how to think.
Age of Propaganda is a brilliant, often witty, analysis of our message-laden world. Drawing on the history of propaganda, advertising, and modern research in social psychology, it takes an in-depth look at the use and abuse of persuasion in daily life. Completely revised and updated, this new edition covers such recent events as the O.J. Simpson trial, recent election campaigns, the rise of talk radio, the false memory syndrome controversy, and cult tragedies such as David Koresh.

With a new chapter on how to protect yourself from unwanted propaganda, Age of Propaganda reveals how manipulative messages work, how to deal with them sensibly, and how to use the tactics of persuasion wisely and effectively. 12 illustrations -- Book Descrition

I could easily list ten reasons why you should read this book, but your boss and colleagues will probably tell you more about it at the office tomorrow or worse, your competitors will show you next week. -- Peter H. Farquhar, Center for Product Research, Carnegie-Mellon University  

From the Inside Flap

"In one brilliant tour-de-force, Pratkanis and Aronson give us . . . a comprehensive text of what we really need to know about the most pervasive cultural phenomena of our time." --George Gerbner, Dean Emeritus of the Annenberg School of Communication
"The authors . . . inform, provoke, and occasionally shock the reader about the ways in which our beliefs, preferences, and choices are constantly influenced." --Mahzarin Banaji, Yale University
"After reading this book, I have begun to doubt that I ever had much control over how I have been influenced by media hype and clever half-truths." --James Randi, debunker of psychic fraud and author of "Flim-Flam" and "The Mask of Nostradamus"
"I could easily list ten reasons why you should read this book, but your boss and colleagues will probably tell you more about it at the office tomorrow--or worse, your competitors will show you next week." --Peter H. Farquhar, Center for Product Research, Carnegie-Mellon University

". . . a gold mine of valuable information and insights into the persuasion process." --Robert B. Cialdini, Arizona State University, and author of “Influence”
Want to
  Nikola Tesla's Autobiography
At Age 63, Nikola Tesla Tells Story of His Creative Life
My Inventions
By Nikola Tesla
First published in 1919 in the Electrical Experimenter magazine    
Table of Contents
I. My Early Life
II. My First Efforts At Invention
III. My Later Endeavors
IV. The Discovery of the Tesla Coil and Transformer
V. The Magnifying Transmitter
VI. The Art of Telautomatics
Note: For a New York Times article on Nikola Tesla's magnifying transmitter, click here. For a Chicago Tribune article showing that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Tesla was inventor of the radio and not Marconi, click here. For an abundance of excellent resources on suppressed new energy technologies, see the New Energy Information Center available here.
The main obstacle
By John Kaminski
"So Beanie, let me get this straight," said Whiplash. "You're saying that if the entire human race voluntarily gives up the idea of eternal life that peace will suddenly overtake everyone on the planet, and we will live happily ever after, right?"
"Essentially, yes," Beanie responded. "Every activity we undertake in this life is subconsciously aimed at reinforcing our voluntary self-delusion that we do not die. Each of these activities convinces us that by winning or conquering we have defeated death, when in fact this is the great lie that humans have devised to constantly anesthetize their constant but suppressed fear of our inevitable fate.
"The corruption that results from the choice to officially deny that we die has stained with its narcissistic certainty the delusions that have fueled all the abuses of the planet and its living beings throughout history. It also makes it a whole lot easier to kill other people who don't believe the same thing you do.
"From the sports world to the stock market, from kindergarten to retirement, winning that championship, making that big score, or killing a hated enemy makes us feel superbly alive. And it helps us forget what the real deal is. It insulates us from our mortality.
"And that is the object of all human activity.
"Pursuit of delight and desire provides the best medicine to camouflage that gnawing uncertainty that we try all our lives not to think about — that unimaginable moment when are no longer here.
"What we are now discovering is that deliberately ignoring the true reality of our existence results only in a corruption of people's minds and hearts when they are commanded to follow sacred edicts that guarantee the robbery and murder of others.
Furthermore, it guarantees that all our objectives throughout our lives will be skewed in favor of personal piggishness, rather than what gives us our real meaning from living, which is the mutual love of other people.
In the classic human contest between law and morality, those who follow the law and ignore morality are following the path of unadorned evil, because laws always sanction crimes concocted by the privileged for the exploitation of the gullible, whereas morality never does.
"This creating an enemy for the purpose of feeling good about oneself — the classic motive of the 9/11 caper — is what Ernest Becker called "scapegoating". Among the ramifications of analyzing one's own behavior lurks the epiphany that we direct our hate at what we hate most in ourselves.
"And when you get the planet-wide spiritual hierarchy heartily endorsing the barbaric abuses of governments that typify the history of both entities and also describe present day events to a T, we begin to realize it's time to change the channel we are watching as our lives pass by. The religious leaders of our planet are as corrupt as our politicians, precisely because they teach a false gospel.
"Let's not leave the great masses of people out of this guilt trip, either, because they are the ones who have really acquiesced in their responsibility to themselves and the ones they love by letting delight, desire and the great welfare state morph them into comatose couch potatoes, half-cocked and aimlessly shooting from the hip.
"These tales of the Great Spirit in the Sky and Jesus sitting at the right hand of God are stories that were first told to palliate the fears of children who had lost a loved one. That humanity adopted these myths to be taught to adults reveals the children we have remained, all these centuries.
"But this legacy of the eternal life cult in the world is clear — nothing but perpetual wars justified by false and abstract notions as cover stories for criminal behavior.
"It's time for the world to grow up and admit that we die. Buddha said that was the way to stop all wars.
"We are the creation of other humans, nothing more. Other humans: our parents, our teachers and our leaders. No divine commands, no multiple lifetimes, no alien interventions. We have received all of the information in our lives from other people, no matter what kind of being they may have pretended to be.
"Would it not be wiser to venerate this colossal gift rather than siphoning off all that emotion and depositing in the imaginary arms of an abstract god who is primarily used as a hammer to bludgeon everyone into slavish submission?
"Or even more futilely, waiting for some ETs to come and rescue us from ourselves? How pathetically dumbed down, how psychologically neutered, can a human being be?! Are we not responsible for our own predicament? Do we think we can scapegoat our way to heaven?
"It is my belief that spirituality in general — a subjective hence unreliable milieu, riddled with deliberately false testimony — is about to be replaced in human history by knowledge of the electricity that unites the universe — and us — in a cohesive whole.
"If you want a cosmology that doesn't involve angels with wings turning into hellacious Hagees commanding us to worship Israel, realizing that galactic vast clouds of plasmic dark matter fuel our Sun which transmits that life-giving force to our planet and then to us, offers a far truer picture of actual life.
"That knowledge will be a far greater gift to humanity that romantic spirituality ever could be. Electricity is something you can't misrepresent.
"As mad scientists wriggle ever closer to cyborg technology and adolescents with slide rules postulate the artificial bodies they will likely create for themselves, the great sad drumbeat of denial of death and disregard for nature clatters on, ever louder as waves of manmade poisons suffocate everything that lives.
"The urge to live forever, or even live longer, is obviously the reaction to not wanting to die, but it is a false path against nature in a universe where nothing that lives lives forever.
"The failure of the human species to recognize and admit this has led to not only most of the misery in the world, but also to false occupations that deceive and exploit rather than social roles that nourish and enlighten.
"To all who have loved, perceiving love as electricity is not much of a stretch. Watch two teenagers of opposite sexes in the local drugstore, or better yet, the greatest example of electricity you could ever hope to see is that beam of undivided attention between a human mother and her 3-month-old baby.
"This is the feeling everyone hopes to achieve by choosing a religion. Trouble is, if you get that feeling from a religion, it's a delusion, because it's only a subliminal reminder, a facsimile, of the original connection.
"Plus, religions change the object of your love and adoration from a woman to a man, which tells you a lot about how the world has been perverted. This male god was invented as a futile gesture of male supremacy, all because men can't give birth. So they invented a magic god along with a magically abstract culture to take that supremacy of purpose from whom it rightfully belongs.
"In any case . . .”
"Jesus, Beanie, are you ever going to stop talking?" Whiplash interjected.
"Sorry, man, I get carried away realizing the insane futility with which the human species has squandered all its time on this planet, trying to achieve something that can't be achieved. And most of the world has fallen into this same belief trap, which is exactly why the world is in such trouble now."
Whiplash had an answer.
"The way to stop people from fighting is to bring them food. Every war in the world could be instantly stopped in this way. Too bad Monsanto has already killed all the food. Indian farmers are committing suicide en masse because they can't afford to buy any more of those Terminator seeds.
"In the five or ten thousand years humans have been using words to solve their difficulties and presumably increased their understanding of life, no one has apparently asked the question: 'Now that we know that we eventually die, making aspirations to eternal life a completely egotistic, useless and delusional endeavor, what then is the real meaning of life? What should we doing if not following holy orders to earn our way into this thing called heaven?
"Wouldn't the real answer be — to make the best life for those we love, and in doing so, reap a whole lot of love in return for trying to make their lives better?"
"Wouldn't that be a better idea than living in a system where ripping everybody off as elegantly as possible and then pretending to be a philanthropist is about the highest rank you can receive?
"You can have eternal life or a universe pervaded by love and understanding. But you can't have both. Which will you choose? On this the future of the world depends."
Shadowmasters garage part 1:
Portal to the party at the end of time
SG2: Formation of the fleet
The thing to be described
Remedial metaphrand instruction
Becker's paradox
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.
Memorandum of points and authorities in support of a Second instrumentality known as the United States of America
Contact Peter at to request a downloadable Word document.
    What are you to do if you have a heart attack while you are alone?
    The Johnson City Medical Center staff actually discovered this and did an in-depth study on it in our ICU. The two individuals that discovered this then did an article on it, had it published and have had it incorporated into ACLS and CPR classes. It is very true and has and does work.
    It is called cough CPR.
    A cardiologist says it's the truth. And it could save your life!
    Let's say it's 6:15 p.m. And you're driving home (alone of course), after an usually hard day on the job.
     You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw.
    You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far.
    What can you do?
    You've been trained in CPR but the guy that taught the course didn't tell you what to do if it happened to yourself.
    Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article seemed to be in order.
    Without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
    However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.
    A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
    A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
     Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.
    The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
    Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save their lives!
    From Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter 240s newsletter 'AND THE BEAT GOES ON'
     (Reprint from The Mended Hearts, Inc. Publication, Heart Response)

Dr. Eric Karlstrom


Geiger Counter vs. Scintillator
Geiger counters are an indispensable tool for any scientist, professional or amateur (like me). The Geiger counter can detect radiation quickly and effectively. They are also relatively cheap, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars (most are under $1,000). Geiger counters have varying abilities and detect different particles and energy levels of those particles with differing levels of efficiency. By far, beta radiation is detected the best with many tubes detecting 2 to 4 out of ten particles which hit them. Alpha radiation is a bit lower, with many tubes totally blind to them and those which are not only detecting 5 to 10 particles per every 100. Gamma and X-ray radiation is the lowest for Geiger counters, where often between 1 and 3 photons are detected per 100.
Pros -- Cheap, easy to use, portable, can detect alpha, beta, gamma, and x-ray.
Cons -- Cannot determine isotope (fact), cannot determine energies, very low gamma and x-ray efficiency.
Scintillation counters are the tools of the professional nuclear scientist. Scintillation counters exist for gamma, x-ray, beta, and alpha radiation (a specific unit for each). When used with a multi-channel spectrum analyzer, the counter can identify isotopes by their energies. Some Gamma spectrometers can even be used for complex gamma recoil analysis (Mossbauer spectroscopy) which aid in determining the molecular bonds of various atoms, such as iron. Crystal scintillators may cost a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, while a multi-channel spectrum analyzer to attach to one is at least a few thousand more. This means an entry level lab-grade unit (like mine) will set you back about $5000. Very powerful soil state units, like those used at universities, can be well beyond $10,000 and even as much as a million dollars. A good High Purity Germanium (HPGe) is at least $10k. These detectors may be used without a multi-channel spectrum analyzer, but they only count at that point. Hobbyists have created multi-channel spectrum analyzer's for under 1,000 dollars.
Pros -- Can identify isotopes, measures energies, very sensitive to gamma rays (for gamma scintillators), can probe hyperfine molecular bonds.
Cons -- Expensive ($1000 and up), complex, requires extensive skill (physics), portable units are often very expensive.
Great MCA + Scintillator for entry lab-grade use. This is what I use:
Small and portable scintillation devices (mega pricy)
A really great Geiger counter (Inspector EXP+)
Probably the best Scintillation video ever made
What's in your rain?
I detect the potassium in a single banana... GM can't do this. =)
Apricot seed cyanide controversy foolishly obscures an effective alternative cancer cure
CRC Handbook of Medicinal Spices
By James A. Duke

Cure Tooth Decay
Additional Reading Beyond Cure Tooth Decay

Immanuel Velikovsky - Bonds of the Past 
CBC Documentary 1972