Friday, July 27, 2012


Caller: Ronni In Oregon

London 2012 Olympics? Or London ZION Olympics?

White Wilderness

The 1958 Disney documentary into lemmings that won the academy award. Footage of lemmings jumping off cliffs was later found out to be faked. Edited version just showing the fake footage - very funny... although maybe not for the lemmings.

So was this 1958 Academy Award-winning documentary actually a Disney snuff film?
Political Dictionary
A politician who will go to any lengths to win public office, regardless of party affiliation or platform.
One of the earliest references comes from the Columbus Dispatch in October 28, 1895 which defined the term as “a fellow who wants office, regardless of party, platform, or principles, and who… gets there by sheer force of monumental talknophical asumnancy.”
According to Vintage Vocabulary, President Harry Truman revived its use in 1952. Talking about politicians who like to make a show of public prayer, he said, “I wish some of these snollygosters would read the New Testament and perform accordingly.”
Time notes Truman’s tone “left no doubt that a snollygoster was a low creature indeed, but few, if any, of his hearers knew what snollygoster meant.”
A related term is carpetbagger.
talknophical adj. 1. Slick and devious use of rhetoric. 2. Deliberate obscurantism using grand philosophical concepts intended to overwhelm the listener and leave them thinking that the speaker knows what he's talking about.
assumnacy noun (assume + lunacy) The propagation of lunatic ideas as if they are commonplace and unquestionable.
lacuna noun \lə-ˈkü-nə, -ˈkyü-\ (Latin, pool, pit, gap; diminutive of lacus, pond, lake) Plural lacunae
1: a blank space or a missing part : gap
2: a small cavity, pit, or discontinuity in an anatomical structure
"The lacuna present in the quotation was the mendacious void where proper context should have been of service, as appropriate to its master verisimilitude."
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin verisimilitudo, from verisimilis, veri similis having the appearance of truth (from veri -- gen. of verum, neuter of verus true -- + similis like, similar) + -tudo -tude -- more at VERY, SAME
1: the quality or state of being verisimilar : the appearance of truth : PROBABILITY, LIKELIHOOD <the dialogue is too abstract and self-conscious for verisimilitude -- Paul Pickrel>
2: that which is verisimilar: a statement apparently true
Synonym: see TRUTH 
(Source: Merriam-Webster Unabridged) 
Mass-market nostalgia gets you hopped up for a past that never existed. Hagiography sanctifies shuck-and-jive politicians and reinvents their expedient gestures as moments of great moral weight. Our continuing narrative line is blurred past truth and hindsight. Only a reckless verisimilitude can set that line straight.
--James Elroy (American Tabloid)
Bonus word: hagiography noun \hä-gē-ˈä-grə-fē, -jē-\ (Greek hagios “holy” (see hagiology) + -graphy “process of writing or recording” Greek graphia)
1: biography of saints or venerated persons
2: idealizing or idolizing biography
Something which is arational is not grounded in rationality but is not necessarily irrational i.e. going directly against rationality. It typically applies to beliefs in areas for which no firm rationality-based conclusions have been reached.
It is often used as a sort of "weasel concept" to justify belief in that which is extremely unlikely but nonetheless not provably false.

  • Reason and Faith: "What is arational or above the reason is what reason and science cannot define. It cannot be proven nor can it be disproved. Take the example of the survival of the soul after the death. There is no hard evidence to this belief, but no scientific fact has disproved it either."
  • 1991-02 Arational Actions, Rosalind Hursthouse, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 88, No. 2, pp. 57-68
Bulgarian Interview with Walter Last by Mariana of in April 2008
Dr. Patricia Jordan
… dedicated to Master Petar Deunov
"All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Master
Petar Deunov from Bulgaria"
 --Albert  Einstein 
Forbidden Knowledge TV
How to Thrive off the Grid with no Electricity,
Car, Internet, TV or Solid House

We meet Aimy, who lives in an open, pagoda structure called a "rancho" in the mountains of Costa Rica. She lives an extreme lifestyle of "conscious, natural living in total harmony with the universe."
Her lifestyle is not for everyone, but it's definitely some food for thought.
Videos For Healthnuts Who Want To Heal From Being Normal Presented by Ka Sundance-Dad Of The Rawfoodfamily.
Ka Sundance And His Wife Katie Share Their Rawfoodfamily Life (They Have 4 Kids) Along With Info About Health, Lifestyle And Being In Love With Life.

Polio Forever / Jennifer Lake
  “The Salk vaccine was a massive radiation experiment…                            
                              …that paved the way for a New Biology”
This subject begins as Radiation Injury: and advances to the field of photobiology
Electromagnetic Radiation: transmission lines, ’dirty electricity’, cell towers, cell phones, microwaves, radar and ultrasound. EMR or RF (radio frequency) effects are divided into two categories: thermal (tissue-heating) and nonthermal. An ever-increasing volume of EMR studies is recognizing the arbitrariness of the subdivisions, much like the division of effects produced by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Damage to cells, glands, and organs proceeds from exposures across the electromagnetic spectrum. 
Electromagnetic (non-ionizing) radiation opens the Blood Brain Barrier and other tissue barriers that protect vital organs:  “One of the American scientists who pioneered the study of EMF effects on the nervous system is Allen Frey; his work has included studies of the effects on evoked potentials [nerve impulses], behavior (17), and hearing phenomena (18).  In 1975 Frey reported an increase in the permeability of the bloodbrain barrier  (the selective process by which capillaries in the brain regulate transport of  substances between the blood and the surrounding neuropil) of rats exposed to  2400 µW/cm2 (continuous) or 200 µW/cm2 (pulsed) at 1.2 GHz (19). Frey found that  dye injected into the bloodstream appeared in the brain of exposed animals, but  not the control animals, and that the pulsed EMF was more effective than the  continuous signal in opening the barrier even though the average power level of  the pulsed signal was only one-tenth that of the continuous signal. Frey’s findings were confirmed and extended by Oscar and Hawkins in 1977 (20). They  reported that continuous and pulsed EMFs both increased brain-tissue  permeability, but that, depending on the particular pulse characteristics,  pulsed energy could be either more or less effective than continuous-wave  energy.”
{Read more at the above link…}

Jennifer Lake’s Blog
EMF Killing Fields

Artist Unknown
Next World TV
A New Chapter In Bison Restoration
The Bison Are Back Home!
"These animals were the center of our universe. They were so important to us that we regarded them as family. We couldn't have survived without them." says Stoney Anketell, on the Ft. Peck Indian Reservation Tribal Board of the mighty bison that once roamed the Great Plains of Montana.
Yellowstone National Park was the last haven for wild buffalo in the late 19th century. However, the head count went from 30 million down to 25 individuals at its lowest. They did repopulate, but only here.
This was the only environment they occupied - until now!
In the spring of 2012 a very historic event occurred. About 60 of the last wild bison were moved from Yellowstone National Park region up to Northeastern Montana up to the Great Plains where bison formerly roamed onto the Fort Peck Indian Reservation.
Now they are repopulating their ancestral plains!
For more than 10 years Earthjustice, an organization of lawyers dedicated to fighting for the environment, has fought and won to protect bison near Yellowstone National Park. Now they are fighting in the Montana Supreme Court to protect bison on Indian Reservations.
Go Earthjustice!
--Bibi Farber
For more information visit: 
Next World TV
Getting Started With Your Own Small Farm
How Much To Invest?
Have you thought about starting your own small farm?
91% of U.S. farms are classified as small, earning less than $250,000 per year. About 60% of these small farms are very small, generating less than $10,000 per year.
In this video, 12 New York farmers discuss how they financed their start-up and offer tips for those just beginning.
Some started slow, but wished they had borrowed more, so as to be more cost effective earlier on. Some were happy with the path of only borrowing what they could afford, and chose to grow slowly. Others dove right in, thinking big and borrowing as much as possible.
Great advice and interesting perspectives for those considering getting serious about farming!
--Bibi Farber
Love for Life
 A Study In The Hegemony Of Parasitism
By Eustace Mullins
Stability Operations
Department of the Army
October 2008
Since the terrorist attacks on the American people seven years ago, we have been engaged in an epic struggle unlike any other in our history. This struggle, what may be the defining ideological conflict of the 21st century, is marked by the rising threat of a violent extremist movement that seeks to create anarchy and instability throughout the international system. Within this system, we also face emerging nations discontented with the status quo, flush with wealth and ambition, and seeking a new global balance of power. Yet the greatest threat to our national security comes not in the form of terrorism or ambitious powers, but from fragile states either unable or unwilling to provide for the most basic needs of their people.
As the Nation continues into this era of uncertainty and persistent conflict, the lines separating war and peace, enemy and friend, have blurred and no longer conform to the clear delineations we once knew.
At the same time, emerging drivers of conflict and instability are combining with rapid cultural, social, and technological change to further complicate our understanding of the global security environment.
Military success alone will not be sufficient to prevail in this environment. To confront the challenges before us, we must strengthen the capacity of the other elements of national power, leveraging the full potential of our interagency partners.
{Read more at the above link…}
Pro Liberty
America Is A Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Nation
By Chris Hinkley
Road Warrior Radio / RBN
Police State
Caller:  “Hey man. Hey, they’re running another checkpoint just outside town. It’s up by Mica Flats.”
Me:  “What?! You’re kidding!”
Caller:  “Yeah, my wife just drove past it and called me to tell me about it. It was an ISP [Idaho State Patrol] checkpoint and there were guys in camo up on the hill observing, apparently.”
Me:  “That’s crazy. Thanks for the call.”
It was Tuesday, September 15, 2009, and I had journeyed with a friend to a patriot rally in Hamilton, Montana to hear featured guest speaker, 81 year old M.J. “Red” Beckman, legendary co-author of the two volume series, The Law That Never Was.
This was the second call to me in as many weeks regarding first-hand accounts of local area checkpoints. Just two weeks earlier I had received a call from a friend and patriot describing his first-hand account of another “optional” checkpoint. He explained to me how the checkpoint was set up in such a way as to indicate it was optional to motorists. The trouble was, the “option” to the checkpoint was a u-turn – across the double yellow line. He told me when he opted for the latter; he was run down by law enforcement, stopped, interrogated, cited, and is now subsequently embroiled in a legal battle for his presumed freedom. Unfortunately, more troubling than these draconian measures, are the facts surrounding our present state of military rule, and the ignorance of most to it.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Today in America, many people are waking up. We discuss issues more broadly than in any other time in recent memory. But when it comes to specifics – and the tougher, sometimes life-changing specifics – it seems we’ve made an unspoken agreement something like this; I promise not to ask hard, life-altering questions so please promise me you won’t share the hard truths that may alter my reality. This is a don’t ask don’t tell policy of another nature, but I believe many people are realizing the urgency of coming to grips with our indolence.
As bizarre and Orwellian as it may seem, I am constantly amazed things aren’t worse. I am amazed, not because I believe unsubstantiated or hyperbolic media accounts, but because I read the amalgamation of documentation shaping Public Policy – what we now call Government – bearing remarkable resemblance to the words of Thomas Jefferson, as penned in the Declaration of Independence, “....a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism....” For those interested, following is not a comprehensive treatise, but a distilled outline of specifics; some of which you’re aware, and others perhaps you are not.
{Read more at the above link – MUST READ! ~Lark}
Ynet  News
IDF magnet for US olim
Amidst Knesset draft-dodging debate, 350 young Americans immigrate to Israel to join IDF
"This is the best reply to Iranian and Hezbollah motivated terrorism," said Erez Halfon, deputy chairman of 'Nefseh B'Nefesh'. "Young people from North America leaving the good life behind for the Zionist idea."
Alexander Higgins
Iran Arrests 30 Terrorists Hired By Israel’s Mossad
30 Mossad hired terrorists behind bombings and assassinations of nuclear scientists and 2 Israeli terrorist training networks have been taken down by Iranian intelligence.
Iran has announced they have arrested 30 terrorists working for Israel’s Mossad who were behind the assassination of their nuclear scientists and were responsible for a series of bombings in Iran.
Iran’s intelligences agencies say that the raids have additionally taken down two networks being used by the Mossad to recruit and train operatives to conduct operations inside Iran.
Iran says they have irrefutable proof that Israel was behind the assassinations and bombings inside Iran that have targeted their peaceful civilian nuclear energy program.
Was Mahatma Gandhi an Illuminati Pawn?
By Timothy Watson
Wall Street Journal
Among the Hagiographers
Early on Gandhi was dubbed a 'mortal demi-god'—and he has been regarded that way ever since
Joseph Lelyveld has written a generally admiring book about Mohandas Gandhi, the man credited with leading India to independence from Britain in 1947. Yet "Great Soul" also obligingly gives readers more than enough information to discern that he was a sexual weirdo, a political incompetent and a fanatical faddist—one who was often downright cruel to those around him. Gandhi was therefore the archetypal 20th-century progressive intellectual, professing his love for mankind as a concept while actually despising people as individuals.
Academic Earth
Contemporary Communitarianism, part I
By Ian Shapiro – Yale
Lecture Description
In addition to the traditionalist-conservative view covered last time, the other anti-Enlightenment school the course explores is contemporary communitarianism. While Burke and Devlin appealed to tradition as the basis for our values, communitarians appeal to the community-accepted values as the basis for what should guide us. Communitarian Richard Rorty criticizes the Enlightenment endeavor of justifying philosophy from the ground up from indubitable premises as a fool's errand and a dangerous mug's game. The main focus of this lecture is the communitarianism of Alasdair MacIntyre. Professor Shapiro introduces this school by exploring the symptoms of the problem wrought by the Enlightenment. One is the rise of emotivism and complete moral subjectivism--that is, the abandonment of the instruments for making moral judgments as a consequence of trying to justify philosophy from the ground up. The second symptom is the triumph of instrumentalism and the rejection of teleology, which is actually a coping mechanism for society's deep pluralism of values. Professor Shapiro discusses MacIntyre's two symptoms, as well as introduces his conceptions of practices and virtues.
Course Description
This course explores main answers to the question "when do governments deserve our allegiance?" It starts with a survey of major political theories of the Enlightenment—Utilitarianism, Marxism, and the social contract tradition—through classical formulations, historical context, and contemporary debates relating to politics today. It then turns to the rejection of Enlightenment political thinking. Lastly, it deals with the nature of, and justifications for, democratic politics, and their relations to Enlightenment and Anti-Enlightenment political thinking. Practical implications of these arguments are covered through discussion of a variety of concrete problems.

Dear Mr. McKenzie,
I submit this in response to your recent column, Texas Faith: Obama sparked a conversation about communitarianism v. individualism: Where do you fall?

Although I am not a religious man - in the sense that I regularly attend a government-approved faith-based institution - I do feel there is still a place for the Golden Rule in this country. Yet communitarian law [under the communitarian global governance scheme] will effectively rule this out in favor of secular humanist (See: UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights; International Court of Justice at The Hague; Paul Kurtz; eupraxsophy) along with authoritarian socialist ideals. Behind the mask of seeming to advance human potential and global security - via the promotion of sustainable development, for instance - the American people will, in fact, be subjected to arrested development... and a tyranny never before known in world history.
Also see video and text information under "Correspondence" at the following link:
Communitarianism = Gangsterism = Racketeering = Organized Crime = Freeloading = Human Trafficking = Parasitism = Neo-Feudal Slavery
Other serious researchers on the discussion you suggest include:
Bobby Garner
I've studied these issues at length since 2004; and I currently host a weekly radio broadcast... devoted to religio-philosophy and the law... on RBN. If ever you care to listen to a past broadcast, please don't hesitate to ask, and I will forward you a podcast. Justa Numerican can be listened-to... every Saturday afternoon locally... from 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. CST.
Please enjoy the excellent article below... Cry, our beloved America: Sliding Down the Communitarian Slope... by Norway's Berit Kjos!
Kindest regards,
Cry, our beloved America
Sliding Down the Communitarian Slope 
By Berit Kjos - March 2, 2010

Emphasis added in bold letters below

Remember the Communitarian THREE-LEGGED STOOL: A mandatory partnership between the public sector (government), private sector (business), and social sector (community, churches, schools, etc.) -- managed through Global Standards and laws established by national and international governments. This Communitarian system is fast leading the masses into a web of control involving food, health care (mental as well as physical), beliefs, values, education, business, etc.

It's not quite Communism.

It's certainly not American Capitalism!

It is (blow the trumpets) Communitarianism! The Third Way! And it changes everything, just as our president promised.

Daniel Henninger illustrates this governing structure well in his recent Wall Street Journal article titled "Obama's Business Buyout":

"It made perfect sense for President Obama to speak yesterday to the Business Roundtable. Businesses big and small could use a pep talk just now.... But instead of giving a speech about reviving business confidence in the economy, Mr. Obama gave a speech about reviving business confidence in him. 
"The evening before this speech, Mr. Obama held a small White House dinner for some CEOs from household-name corporations, such as AT&T, Xerox, State Farm, Verizon, PepsiCo and GE. The reason for a linen-tablecloth dinner followed by a big speech to really big business is the White House has concluded it is wrongly seen as anti-business.

"I agree. This White House is pro-business. In fact, it's so pro-business it's proposing a virtual merger with the private sector. Ladies and gentlemen of the business community, meet your new partner—Uncle Sam. 

"Under the terms of the proposed deal, the White House will drive the locomotive of the American economy and U.S. business will ride in the passenger cars. You're being told to get over it."[1]
No longer will American freedom, initiative, incentive and common sense inspire new ideas, build new companies, multiply jobs and reward hard work. As President Obama (an Alinsky disciple and a former member of the Marxist "New Party") explained,

"For the better part of three decades, a disproportionate share of the nation's wealth has been accumulated by the wealthy. Technological advances and growing global competition, while transforming whole industries—and birthing new ones—has accentuated the trend toward rising inequality."
"I take this to mean," wrote Mr. Henninger, "that while the tax and economic policies of the past four presidencies worked for the economy—birthing whole industries—it was bad for society as Mr. Obama understands it."[1]
That's scary. While Mr. Obama assured his listeners that this new policy is not a "government takeover," he has something even worse in mind. It could even "work" in a twisted sort of way. The government may own GM, but it won't own everything. Instead, it will control, tax and manipulate everything. That means it can crush or strengthen any company at will. It's far easier to give the commands when it's free from the responsibilities of actual ownership.

The crushing hand of Communitarianism
If you doubt the reality of this spreading agenda, please read our series on Reinventing the World. It shows the three main elements of the Communitarian structure:

Part 1: The Seamless Communitarian SYSTEM -- Conforming schools, communities, corporations, nations and churches to the global agenda that rules out Biblical truth and Christian lifestyles.[2]

Part 2: The Mind-Changing Dialectic PROCESS -- Training the masses to think collectively and to serve a Greater Whole.

Part 3: The Rising Wall of Global STANDARDS -- Managing the masses through Global Standards and Continual Assessments.

Those standards are already outlined in major UN treaties, initiatives and declarations. To understand their restrictions on freedom, read these four articles:

The tentacles of this controlling web are spreading around the world. The corrupt United Nations with its regional branches (European Union, African Union, etc.) provides the governing framework. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, it speaks kindly, but has sharp teeth. It exists largely for power-hungry elite leaders with few qualms about mass murder. In fact, its "peace-keeping forces" are better known for killing and raping than for achieving peace.  
Back in 2003, Thomas Sowell wrote this wise warning, which our administration largely ignores:

"When you see a four-year-old bossing a two-year-old, you are seeing the fundamental problem of the human race -- and the reason so many idealistic political movements for a better world have ended in mass-murdering dictatorships. Giving leaders enough power to create 'social justice' is giving them enough power to destroy all justice, all freedom, and all human dignity.

"Most people who read 'The Communist Manifesto' probably have no idea that it was written by a couple of young men who had never worked a day in their lives, and who nevertheless spoke boldly in the name of 'the workers.' [Actually, Marx had little sympathy for "the workers"] Similar offspring of inherited wealth have repeatedly provided the leadership of radical movements, with similar pretenses of speaking for 'the people.'"[3]
Hope in the midst of Tyranny
Like my grade-school classmates in Norway, I once memorized a poem titled "Flugten til America" (Fleeing to America.) It's a funny story about a little boy who has a bad day and decides to run away, follow his utopian dream and head for America. He packs his favorite things and starts his journey. Before long, his tummy gnaws and his legs are tired. So he abandons his dream and returns home to live with reality.

Today's global "dream" is fast becoming a tragic reality. And there's no simple way back to the America that brought genuine hope and freedom to people around the world for more than two hundred years. But don't say we weren't warned. God told us in His Word:

"...when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them... your heart is lifted up and you forget the Lord your God. ... you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.’
"...if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods... you shall surely perish. As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God."
Deuteronomy 8:10-20
Many claim to know God, including President Obama. Yet, few seem to really know the Biblical God who speaks to us through His Word. Obama illustrates this confusion well:

"I am a Christian.... I believe that there are many paths to the same place.... I am a great admirer of our founding charter... and its resolve to prevent disruptive strains of fundamentalism from taking root in this country.... I think Gandhi is a great example of a profoundly spiritual man who... never slipped into intolerance or dogma."[4]
Such unwelcome "dogma" would probably include God's Word. That's sad, since it alone offers us genuine hope and guidelines. It tells us that if God's people would truly "humble themselves and pray"[4], discarding the corrupting idols of our times, He will surely have mercy on us and grant us a reprieve from the judgment we deserve. But is our thrill-addicted nation willing to repent and return to His Truth? "When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:7-8)

In these amoral times, even churches that proclaim faith in God are twisting the truth to accommodate popular culture, just as He warned long ago:

"The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears... they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fable.
2 Timothy 4:3-4

"...false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:25
Yet, through the coming darkness, the Light of God and His eternity will surely shine ever brighter for those who delight in His Word and "seek His face." Just as the night sky lights up when we leave our well-lit cities, so will we treasure His unwavering promises all the more when the world's bright illusions fade away. In the face of dangers, persecution and loss, His peace and provision become all the more precious!

" all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39

Note: This article's title is a reminder of Cry, The Beloved Country, a bestselling book by Alan Paton, a white, Christian South African schoolmaster, who loved his country deeply and grieved over its racial divisions. When he died in 1985, millions of copies had sold in over 20 languages around the world. He didn't live to see the end of apartheid, but in the years that followed Mandela's election, his beloved country didn't get "better." Instead it faced rising violence and lawlessness under its new socialist/Marxist leaders. In 1998, having faced repeated burglaries, assaults and terror, his widow, Anne Paton, moved to England.  

Two memorable statements from the book:

"I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find we are turned to hating."
"The truth is, our civilization is not Christian; it is a tragic compound of great ideal and fearful practice, of loving charity and fearful clutching of possessions."


1. Daniel Henninger, "Obama's Business Buyout," Wall Street Journal, 2-25-10.

2. Thomas Sowell, "Random Thoughts," Townhall, 11-27-03.

3. Cathleen Falsani, Interview with State Sen. Barack Obama, March 27, 2004.

4. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Dallas Morning News / Religion Blog
Texas Faith: Obama sparked a conversation about communitarianism v. individualism: Where do you fall?
By William McKenzie
The divide between individualism and communitarianism flashed to the surface last week during the presidential campaign. It came about after President Obama rather famously told a Virginia audience:
 ”If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.
There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.  Somebody helped to
create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you
to thrive.  Somebody invested in roads and bridges.  If you’ve got a
business, you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.  The
Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created
the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the
What I would like to hear from you this week is where you fall along
this spectrum. Does your theology place you closer to the dignity of
the individual or to the importance of the community?
If you lean toward the individualism camp, how far can you really go
in that direction? After all, businesses do need workers trained by
good teachers whose salaries are paid by governments. And they need
roads on which to move their products.
On the other hand, if you lean toward the communitarian camp, how can
you assure that the community doesn’t take precedent over the
individual? I’m being somewhat extreme here, but communitarianism run
amok has led to individuals losing their personal freedoms. Or,
economically, individuals get tired of seeing so much of their labor
taxed, they stop investing or move their jobs offshore.
This may sound like an esoteric question, but it really gets at the
heart of the discussion now going on within the presidential campaign.
Communitarianism or individualism? Where do you fall?
MATTHEW WILSON, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University
In a move that may surprise some, I’d like to take up for President Obama a little bit here.  I think his remarks have been taken out of context by some of his critics to support their caricatured notion of “Obama the socialist” — just as Mitt Romney’s remarks about liking to fire people and not being concerned with the very poor were taken out of context by opponents looking to advance a “Mr. Burns” caricature of the Republican.
What the president was saying, in my view, is very reasonable and indisputably true — not that entrepreneurs didn’t build their businesses, but that they didn’t individually build the transportation, energy, education, and communication infrastructures that allow business to function. Those are necessarily communal tasks undertaken by government, and they are the sorts of classic public goods that we ought to all be willing to pay reasonable taxes in order to support.  In that sense, I suppose I am a communitarian, though this modest stance is more an aversion to anarchy than an embrace of a leviathan state.
At the same time, however, my Catholic theology tells me that a choice between the dignity of the individual and the importance of community is a false dichotomy.  Individuals find their greatest dignity and fulfillment only in the context of communities — the family, the Church, the neighborhood, the workplace, and, in a somewhat attenuated sense, the nation.
Within these communities, there is no need that all be equal, either materially or in terms of authority.  Some will have more wealth and power than others, often by virtue of their own greater talent, effort, and tolerance for risk.  These distinctions are not immoral, so long as all members of the community remember their inter-connectedness with other members, and so long as activity within the community remains oriented toward the common good.
So I am an individualist in the sense that I see no reason for successful people to apologize for their attainments, but communitarian in that I would ask them always to be conscious of how they are contributing to the common good of the various communities of which they are a part–including the nation.
AMY MARTIN, Executive director, Earth Rhythms; Writer/editor, Moonlady Media
Where are the darn space alien invaders when you need them? That just may be the only thing that will knock us out of our narcissistic stupor. We’ve had centuries and centuries of creating community by rallying to defeat a common enemy. Attempts to make the other political party, religion, race or country into the enemy get more tired and vacuous every day, especially to those under 25. In this new world of global knowledge and intricate awareness, we are facing the end of us vs. them.
But what fun is that? Admit that they are us? Consideration impinges on our freedom and most Americans hate nothing more. Once you believe that we — plants, animals and humans alike — are all one, that our actions impact others, it changes everything. It calls us to act with integrity as to what we drive and what we eat, the way we develop our cities and treat our wild lands, and the way we treat each other.
We go through life with blinders and earplugs, filters and deflectors, doing the dance of denial to this one inescapable fact: We are all in this together. One planet. One people.
Don’t believe me? Believe physics that states that on the atomic level there is no separation between physical entities, that while the eye sees a break between my foot ends and the floor an electron microscope does not. Or learn from quantum physics where sub-atomic particles can be so entwined that stimulus to one can be felt by another even if it’s thousands of miles away. Or listen to biology that holds the Earth to be one intricately interconnected ecosystem, that actions in one area impacts many others downwind, downstream or down into the soil. “We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.”―Thich Nhat Hanh
JOE CLIFFORD, Head of Staff and Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church of Dallas
Community or individual? My theology would answer “yes.”  This is a
dialectic.  It’s not an either-or; it’s a both-and.
Ignoring one side of the dialectic causes trouble.  Emphasizing only the community without
regard for the individual leads to communitarianism, or its shorter
form — communism.  Emphasizing the individual without any regard to the
common good leaves us living by the law of the jungle-only the strong
survive.  Neither represents a world in which I want to live.
In the Lone Star State, we’ve historically emphasized individual
liberties over community responsibility.  Unfortunately this has led to
our state ranking near the bottom in many measures of a healthy
community, including education, access to healthcare, and crime rates.
For example, in the latest round of the state budget negotiations, the
legislature chose slashing education in order to keep $8 billion in a
“rainy day fund.”  In Dallas this directly contributed to the closing of
11 schools, mostly in lower income neighborhoods.  Many of these schools
earned one of the top two rankings by state standards.  But we chose to shut them
down rather than spend the money to provide access to exemplary
education for children living in poverty.  My faith teaches God judges
us on the basis of how we treat the least of these.  I’m afraid Texas
doesn’t measure up very well in this regard.
Which side of the spectrum needs emphasis to restore balance at this
time in our history?  I believe individuals must take more
responsibility for the good of our community.
WILLIAM LAWRENCE, Dean and Professor of American Church History, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University
While many Christians celebrate the triumph of the individual who comes to faith by accepting Jesus as Lord and who overcomes the wages of sin by professing faith in Christ, the pages of the New Testament clearly testify that the community is more important than the individual. The book of Acts describes the early church as a community in which “no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.” The gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to Romans and I Corinthians, are blessings bestowed on the community first and then are expressed through individuals. The letter to the Hebrews describes the long journey of faith through many generations and concludes that “we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.”
Political ideologies may emphasize the unfettered freedom of the individual to survive, thrive, and drive by the values of personal thoughts or private feelings. This was the conclusion that a desperate, starving, suffering Scarlett O’Hara reached in the novel Gone with the Wind. She said she would lie, cheat, steal, even kill if she had to, but she would never be hungry again. The second half of her story is that she did exactly that. And she grew rich, well-fed, and alone.
The community does take precedence over the individual. Rush Limbaugh can say whatever he wants to say, but only because the nation has granted broadcasters a license to use some of the band width in the radio spectrum and because a community of advertisers pays him to say it. Walmart has built a mammoth network of stores because the country has constructed a highway system for its trucks to use and has protected air quality so that its customers can breathe in its vast parking lots.
The best-known words of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament make clear that individual actions, no matter how mighty or monumental, are meaningless apart from love. And love is what creates community. So without the community, individuals are just noisy gongs and clanging cymbals.
JIM DENISON, Theologian-in-Residence, Texas Baptist Convention and President, Denison Forum on Truth and Culture
When Islamic terrorists attacked our nation on 9-11, a communitarian impulse swept the country. I was senior pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church at the time; we held a
community service two nights later that packed our 2,200 seat auditorium.
In engaging common enemies, Scripture encourages us to stand together. Israel defeated
her foes in Canaan when she fought as a nation; she was defeated when individualism
corrupted her collective commitment to God. In fighting our spiritual enemies, Christians
are to function as a body with many members (1 Corinthians 12:27), a vine with many
branches (John 15:5).
Conversely, a personal relationship with God cannot be created by communitarian
activity. “You must be born again” was Jesus’ statement to an individual (John 3:7).
Collective spirituality can encourage individual faith, but it cannot produce or replace it.
We will stand individually before God one day in judgment (2 Corinthians 5:10). When
we substitute public religion for personal relationship, we harm both.
Our question points to two impulses imbedded in the national ethos. Our founders shed
the shackles of monarchy for a land where “all men are created equal.” But in declaring
their independence and individuality, they chose to “mutually pledge to each other our
Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
I predict that our question will be decisive for the presidential election. If more voters
in swing states believe that governmental action can mitigate our problems, President
Obama will be reelected. If more believe that government should be reduced so
individuals can respond to our challenges, Mitt Romney will be our next president.
The election will be over in November, but the debate in America between these
worldviews will never end.
GORDON K. WRIGHT, Dallas attorney and a North Texas leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
We are each a child of God and are each important to Him.  He knows us, each one, and loves us.  As such our individual worth is great.  It is not in seeking personal greatness, however, that we achieve our potential as disciples of Christ.  Jesus taught His followers that they must lose their lives in the service of others, and that thereby they could truly find their lives.  It is in the service of others that individuals achieve their best work.
Each of us has been given agency to choose for ourselves how we will act given our circumstances.  Individuals cannot always choose our situation or the consequences of choices each makes; they can choose how to act.  God has blessed us with families, friends and others whom we may choose to serve.  Such service expands and deepens us and makes us more fully followers of Jesus.  He was our perfect Example.  The Scriptures record His constant service to others and His teaching that we must serve and help one another.  He recognized the value of the individual — often pausing to teach and heal and bless those individuals not well served by their community.  He taught His followers to do the same.
Individuality is brought more fully to fruition when individuals choose to serve and strengthen others.
HOWARD COHEN, Lecturer in Jewish/Christian Relations and member of Congregation Shearith Israel and Congregation Beth Torah, Dallas
I am glad you quoted the president’s entire statement and not the adumbrated half-truth that has been quoted in the opposition’s campaign ads.
What reasonable person can deny that those who claim they are entirely “self-made,” having achieved economic independence entirely through their own efforts are exhibiting an arrogance that flies in the face of reality? Can anyone deny the truth about teachers who helped us along the way, or tax supported colleges that gave us the tools to succeed at our crafts, or the scholarships that helped pay our way? Can any successful business person deny the role that government regulations played in protecting their contracts, insuring that their competitors were held to high standards so as to not undercut their efforts, protecting their patented inventions? Could any business succeed without the infrastructure created by public funds; roads, bridges, airports, sea ports, mass transit, railroads. Can any business exist in the absence of a community of customers, vendors, employees, and investors? Not only does it take a village to raise a child, but it takes an economically viable community to raise a business.
 The response to the remarks made by the president by Mr. Romney that he is a self-made man because he did not inherit his fortune is self-centered and absurd. Did he not benefit in a substantial way in the 1960’s by being the son of a governor who was making $500,000 a year when he ran? Did he have to work while attending Stanford and Harvard? How heavy a debt burden did he carry after graduating? Is it possible that all of that gave him a leg up when he applied to those schools and his first job? That is not to say that he didn’t accomplish much through his hard work and brain power, but self-made, independent of the help of others, both family and the public?
As is true of most political and religious positions, each extreme has its problems. Communitarianism can run amok. Socialism fails because it destroys the drive of the individual to achieve. Individualism in the extreme, I’m ok so you’re ok, I have mine and the rest be damned, is as tyrannical and dictatorial as is communism.
We have never been close to either extreme in this country, and I disagree that “it really gets at the heart of the discussion now going on within the presidential campaign.” The president is not seeking unbridled communitarianism, and Mr. Romney’s longing for an American individualism that is devoid of government/public aid to the individual is, historically speaking, a fiction.
RIC DEXTER,  Nichiren Buddhist area leader, Soka Gakkai-USA
First, our prayers go out to the victims, families, and survivors of the tragic event in Colorado.
Buddhist responses to either/or questions often point to the third path. In Buddhism we speak of striving to become “many in body, one in mind,” a state where people are encouraged to develop their individuality while working towards the common good. Looking at the question from that perspective it would seem that we fall in the camp of communitarianism through individualism.
In 1276 the Great Sage Nichiren wrote a letter teaching the importance of repaying debts of gratitude. Citing an early Buddhist sutra he points out that we owe a debt of gratitude to our parents, to our teacher, to our country, and to all living beings.
At first glance it may appear that the sutra enjoins us to follow what our parents request, our teacher requires, our government demands and what everyone else expects. Nichiren explains however that to repay those debts you must grow as a person of wisdom. That is, without growing as an individual you cannot fulfill your obligations to society.
In his 2006 peace proposal to the United Nations Daisaku Ikeda said “We must not lose sight of the fact that the protagonists of any creative restructuring of society will be individual citizens.” and “It is through the strong will and desire of each of us to actively participate in social relations that society coalesces and can exist as a functional whole.”
Professor de Bary of Columbia University explained “A person as most truly him or herself when most fully in communion with other selves.” Individualism serves the community. Without individualism our society will stagnate, without recognition of our responsibility to others our society will die.
CYNTHIA RIGBY, W.C. Brown Professor of Theology, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
I believe that – ideally – individualism and communitarianism are not at odds with each other.  Here’s how I think about this, theologically speaking:
(1) Who God is tells us something about the nature of all things; of all existence; (2) From a Christian perspective, God is Trinity.  As the triune three-in-one, God is not only three “individuals,” but also one “community” of individuals;  (3)  God’s individuality (i.e., as the Father who is not the Son or the Spirit, the Son who is not the Father or the Spirit, and the Spirit who is not the Father or the Son) is in no way at odds with God as community (i.e., the three are one, perfectly indwelling each other’s’ lives);  (4) We are made in the image of this God to live, as God does, with no conflict between our individuality and communal life.  (I see this harmony reflected, for example, in Adam’s joyful exclamation to Eve: “you are bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh!”. The two are differentiated individuals whose individuality – at least at this point in the narrative! – actually enhances their unity/communal existence).
Something, of course, went awry with our living into the fullness of our creation in God’s image.  Theologians call it “The Fall”.  Whatever you call it, Adam moved from “bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh!” to “She made me do it!”.  Individual and communal concerns have played tug-of-war ever since.
In my view, politics promote the flourishing of life whenever they come closer to re-actualizing the harmony between the three and the one, between individuals and the community, that is part and parcel of God’s creative intention.  Where we see such harmony in our lived existence, we might even identify it as a form of redemption, a glimpse of God’s Kingdom.
So I don’t look like I’m trying to shirk answering the either/or posed in the question, I will also add that I think the pendulum has swung way far over to the “individual” side of the balance, here in the 21st century United States.  If we are to honor our creation in God’s triune image, more political emphasis must be given, in these days, to nurturing our connectedness as a community.
MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas
From the moment one is born to the moment life ends, a normal human being cannot survive without nurturing. He cannot birth himself or bury himself. There is always another human to be a part of the support system from birth to death.
We are indeed an individual strand in the web of the community. Whatever affects the web affects us (Chief Seattle), and vice versa. Global warming, mad cow disease and other issues are communitarian in nature, but driven by individuals in both directions.
Everyone’s psyche or conscience is a product of one’s environment, and our morality is a necessity of co-existence.
Strict individualism works well, as long as one is capable of taking care of one’s self. However, no individual is free from vulnerability of accidents, diseases, wars and old age. We are dependent on others to produce or consume.
Religions have contributed greatly towards building the communitarian life where the invincible (lol) and vulnerable both can live his or her life to the fullest extent possible.
Indeed morality is the insurance for the safety of individuals in a community.
Where do I fall?
There is a balance to be maintained in life. Justice is the core value and basis for the success of any given society, without which no society can maintain its social, moral and economic equilibrium.
One can get away with murder or taking advantage of others. But that creates an imbalance and rots the society with insecurity. It also puts the responsibility back on individuals to restore that elusive and dynamic balance.
Individualism and communitarianism can be best understood by looking at the extreme ideologies: responsible capitalism and communism. Individuals have the burning desire to excel and to do well, and capitalism becomes a catalyst for the prosperity of individuals that directly benefits the society, through incentives to the individuals, whereas communism restricts growth through forced equality. As capitalists we need to think about our own safety in the long haul caused by inequalities.
If freedom and justice are the core values of a given society, we need not worry about communitarianism or individualism. Both complement each other.
DARRELL BOCK, Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
As with many things, we need both. We need individuals who are honored by the community for who they are, made in God’s image, and we also need an individual’s appreciation of what they are to give to the community which often requires personal sacrifice.
Our Western culture has tended to emphasize the individual to the point where they are so independent the community suffers. Scripture emphasizes corporate identity and what one does as a part of it. The assumption is that what is being asked of the individuals are worth it because God is behind it. Difficulty comes when a community’s goal are not positive, then the community can abusive or at least, misguided. So we need a call for balance and judgment in how these two important concerns interact.

The divide between individualism and communitarianism flashed to the surface last week during the presidential campaign. It came about after President Obama rather famously told a Virginia audience. ”If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”
This may sound like an esoteric question, but it really gets at the heart of the discussion now going on within the presidential campaign. Communitarianism or individualism? Where do you fall?
Texas Faith is a weekly column at Dallas Morning News managed by Editors William McKenzie and Wayne Slater, the material is contributed by several panelists, for all responses please visit
MIKE GHOUSE, President, Foundation for Pluralism, Dallas
From the moment one is born to the moment life ends, a normal human being cannot survive without nurturing. He cannot birth himself or bury himself. There is always another human to be a part of the support system from birth to death.
We are indeed an individual strand in the web of the community. Whatever affects the web affects us (Chief Seattle), and vice versa. Global warming, mad cow disease and other issues are communitarian in nature, but driven by individuals in both directions.
Everyone’s psyche or conscience is a product of one’s environment, and our morality is a necessity of co-existence.
Strict individualism works well, as long as one is capable of taking care of one’s self. However, no individual is free from vulnerability of accidents, diseases, wars and old age. We are dependent on others to produce or consume.
Religions have contributed greatly towards building the communitarian life where the invincible (lol) and vulnerable both can live his or her life to the fullest extent possible.
Indeed morality is the insurance for the safety of individuals in a community.
Where do I fall?
There is a balance to be maintained in life. Justice is the core value and basis for the success of any given society, without which no society can maintain its social, moral and economic equilibrium.
One can get away with murder or taking advantage of others. But that creates an imbalance and rots the society with insecurity. It also puts the responsibility back on individuals to restore that elusive and dynamic balance.
Individualism and communitarianism can be best understood by looking at the extreme ideologies: responsible capitalism and communism. Individuals have the burning desire to excel and to do well, and capitalism becomes a catalyst for the prosperity of individuals that directly benefits the society, through incentives to the individuals, whereas communism restricts growth through forced equality. As capitalists we need to think about our own safety in the long haul caused by inequalities.
If freedom and justice are the core values of a given society, we need not worry about communitarianism or individualism. Both complement each other.
_ - _
Please mark your calendar for Tuesday 9/11/2012, it's a big event in Dallas- details at
No American has to live in apprehension or fear of the other. There are solutions, here is a trailer of the movie in making:
Mike Ghouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairs, Islam, India, Israel, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly at Huffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The blog is updated daily.
The Telegraph
Tony Blair: 'The West is asleep on the issue of Islamist extremism'
The former Labour prime minister talks about religion and politics, lessons from the financial crisis and the future of the euro
Mark Dankoff’s America
Mark Dankof’s Interview with Fars News Agency of Iran: Israeli Suicides, the Culture of Death, and Holocaust in Syria

Escape Harassment
The American people ‘think’ they live in a “Constitutional Republic”, the “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave”.
They are brainwashed/ indoctrinated (education by omission) into “Democracy” (mob rule), by the government’s education, government churches, and government-controlled media.   What actually exists today is “rule by corporations” (government “agencies”, headless unaccountable 4th branch).
The agencies continue to “regulate” the (unsuspecting) American people by enforcing internal-agency, “administrative”, “Informal rule-making procedure”, interpretive (lawyer opinion), regulations that are NOT lawfully promulgated enforceable.   ONLY those agency-promulgated regulations that are “Substantive Regulations” (properly enabled, passed and published) have the full force and effect of Law.   There ARE NONE.    These “agencies” IRS, BATF, DMV, DOT, EPA, FEMA, etc. are ALL BLUFF.
They “trick” (coerce) people into contract voluntary “registration” – then demand/enforce compliance with terms of the “Contract Penalty-Clause”
(Code section & Title numbers)
We created this website to expose the fraud and coercion (that the research has revealed), and provide the important information....
“What others have done and had success with; a procedure that WORKS”.
Arctic Phenomenon
Warming of Climate Causes Concern
31 May, 1947 newspaper headline

American Thinker
IPCC Admits Its Past Reports Were Junk
N.B. A reader reported being unable to find my IAC quotations in the IAC report. I checked and discovered that the version of the IAC report I cite was a "pre-publication version" posted online at the time the report was first announced. That version can be found at
That was the only version of the IAC report available when I wrote about it at the time it was released, on 8/31/2010. I confess, I pulled up that unpublished essay and modified it when the IPCC issued its news release some two weeks ago, creating the article that appears here at American Thinker. It did not occur to me that the final version of the report would differ so much from the pre-publication version as to cause this problem.

I leave it to others to speculate on why the IAC apparently watered down its criticism of the IPCC to the point of making these criticisms almost invisible in the final report. I also note that in the 8/31/2010 essay, I offered the following caveat, which also applies to this article but perhaps should not have gone unsaid:
The report is written in the common language of academics commenting on one another's shortcomings. Recommendations to "strengthen" and "improve" put a positive spin on findings that reveal that current management and review systems are weak, broken, or even corrupt. It takes a little reading between the lines to realize what faults were discovered and being reported.
On June 27, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a statement saying it had "complete[d] the process of implementation of a set of recommendations issued in August 2010 by the InterAcademy Council (IAC), the group created by the world's science academies to provide advice to international bodies."
Hidden behind this seemingly routine update on bureaucratic processes is an astonishing and entirely unreported story.  The IPCC is the world's most prominent source of alarmist predictions and claims about man-made global warming.  Its four reports (a fifth report is scheduled for release in various parts in 2013 and 2014) are cited by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S. and by national academies of science around the world as "proof" that the global warming of the past five or so decades was both man-made and evidence of a mounting crisis.
{Read more at the above link…}
The Science of Early Childhood Development
Closing the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do
National Scientific Council
Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
Invisible Serfs Collar
Blending Sustainability and Education to Gain Arational, Nonlinear Minds and New Behaviors
For me, the US discussion over the Common Core national standards and content feels like a “Look Squirrel!” cry to redirect our attention from what is really going on. That’s partly because I track these education shifts globally and over time so I can see the actual template. More importantly, I think, is all the different subjects I track every day to catch how education fits into a much broader planned transformation. When you are also reading the planned economic and social changes that treat the economy and the environment as a co-dependent Ecosystem in need of governmental redesign around the declaration that “Spaceship Earth faces an ‘all hands on deck’ emergency”, you see the preferred redesign tool of education differently. Plus there are always multiple pages just on how to use education to create the desired values, attitudes, minds, and behaviors.
Likewise it is hard to pretend Common Core is about content when I read yet another report on creating this new Ecosystem. This time it refers to people, that’s you and me and all those captive students, and our behaviors, which ought to be free and based on personal decisions, as “sociotechnical systems.” That’s from this summer’s fun report on using the computer and IT industries to promote “greening through IT.”  It turns out that a different kind of future mind is key to the “massive cultural, social, political, and economic changes” self-interested politicians and bureaucrats and their Big Business allies are relying on for this lucrative for them planned redirection. I guess that gives new meaning to education for future citizenship. Really not about the Bill of Rights or why the Founding Fathers set up a republic and a federal system.
Following Paul Ehrlich’s co-author from the previous post on new mindedness, I located a 1995 book, The Axemaker’s Gift, laying out the desire to move back to the “primitive” intuitive mind lost when certain humans began creating tools like axes or the phonetic alphabet. Or mathematical symbols and explanations for real-world phenomena. These inventions and innovations can create artificial private mental worlds or a means of artificially changing the environment. They also foster specialist knowledge that is not accessible to everyone. According to the book it is that rational, logical axemaker’s mind that created the modern world. And they do not like it one bit. The sequential, analytical mind that can create innovations like the ax or the printing press or the combustion engine is precisely what has been and is under attack. It certainly puts the so-called Reading Wars and Math Wars in a new light, doesn’t it?
Here’s the kind of thinking that the authors, James Burke and Robert Ornstein, defined as “arational” from our title and want to get us back to. They believe “axemaker gifts” unnaturally alter the environment and would like the developed West to shift back to a more natural relationship with the environment and self-sufficient economies that reject fossil fuels. Since we might not be willing to go along, the decision gets made for us by pushing initiatives like digital literacy and Competency and 21st Century Skills and Learner Outcomes in education, K-12 and higher ed, that have planned aspects the typical person is unlikely to appreciate. At least in time. In this vision “Knowledge would then be the experience of having traveled on the web.”  In case that dramatic statement is not enough, the computer will allow everyone access to information and data and “users’ would not need to ‘know’ anything.” It turns out that interacting with a computer if you have not yet developed an axemaker mind is conducive to never developing one.
I am not going to belabor the point now except to mention that some of the digital literacy advocates are simultaneously doing blurbs touting a successor to capitalism or that this new kind of thinking is for a more pastoral, desired mid-21st century future. Delivery of Common Core is being premised on all this IT technology being a primary platform for the student and their daily interactions at school. Advocates do not get to revel in the revenue potential of education and an economy centered on sustainability principles and then pretend this is just about individualizing education around the student’s interests. A suspect goal from the beginning if you ask me. So we are now aware of the real focus of these education reforms and we know what the consequences of previous attempts to plan economies and alter human minds has been. It’s not good.
The report “Computing Research for Sustainability” seems to assume that the problem with centrally planned and directed economies in the past has been an inability to grapple with all the relevant data for decision making. That computers can fix that problem and then model desired plans and acceptable behaviors. If it sounds Orwellian and delusional, it is. Or at least it is if you are in the Payor/manipulated class and not the Beneficiary or Manipulator class. I am going to quote from these plans for our future. I want you to recognize you are reading this post with an axemaker mind. You are imagining this scenario I am describing and plugging in your own life experiences to understand how disastrous it will be. You have more factual knowledge than virtually any teenager is getting from their education anymore. So imagine this planned approach for an intuitive mind trained to respond from emotion to visuals (that’s my snark in parentheses):
“suppose there was a network supporting online deliberation among scientists concerned with sustainability (So our future planners will be the grantmaking class that brought us ClimateGate) for developing key points, areas of strong consensus, areas of disagreement, and supporting evidence (does anyone recall a degree program that would equip anyone to do a good job at this? These arrogant grantees would not know what they do not know). Those deliberations would produce a sustainability action agenda that could be introduced to the public by means of interesting interactive environments designed to appeal to those of all ages. . . One highlight of this system would be a series of consensus news stories, perhaps on a weekly basis. These stories could be based on agenda items created by scientists and rated by public interest.”
We will only know what we are supposed to know to create a consensus for the already planned social and economic policies. And first and foremost to get to this imagined new future is to create new motivating values and a different mindset to filter experiences. So we get a new curriculum and new ways of measuring learning and different classroom activities in order to try to shift students away from logical, analytical, fact-filled minds that create their own conceptual understandings. That creates independence and really helps define each person’s individuality. If you wonder why these initiatives are going on all over the world now, apart from the UN and OECD and the green economy push, I think yet another report this week has more answers.
It declared that both advanced as well as emerging nations “are developing and pursuing policies and programs that are in many cases less constrained by ideological limitations on the role of government and the concept of free market economics.”
That’s the real reason new minds are needed. It’s the same reason slaves were not to be taught how to read. Our political class and their cronies think we need minds of servitude. There are to be no more axemakers gifts without official permission.

Invisible Serfs Collar
How Disabilities Law is Already Being Used To Gain Ehrlich’s New Mind and the Future Earth Economy
By Robin Eubanks
Winston Churchill presciently observed that “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” That’s the irony to the argument that the world is now changing so fast that students no longer need actual personal knowledge of what has gone before. What worked well and what led consistently to catastrophe. In fact if the world is in flux to a significant degree, that calls for more factual knowledge, not less. Instead, of the absurd argument now that relevance involves real world problems or concrete situations from a student’s everyday life,  relevant knowledge is best obtained from what has endured over time. Guideposts of personal living that have consistently led to prosperity to be emulated or disaster to be avoided. In either case, familiarity and appreciation for what works, and does not, and why should be the essence of education, K-12 or higher ed, academic or vocational.
When I wrote “Learning to Learn” on July 18 I was relying on the Small Planet book for the discussion of New Minds.  The actual copy of New World New Mind: Moving Toward Conscious Evolution (1989) was in transit though. When it arrived I discovered a book that was far more graphic than I would ever have imagined that tied together so much of the changes in education, the economy, society, culture itself, and US and Western political systems we have been discussing in numerous posts. All in one place. It explained ed reforms in the 90s and the entire Sustainability push over the past 20 years and current efforts in all these areas. For now there are two hugely important aspects of the book we must appreciate immediately.
The first is the repeated assertion (with co-author Robert Ornstein) that the “past is no longer prologue.”  To be more explicit:
“Learning about the past–the knowledge, the ideas, the concerns–is useful only insofar as the past perseveres into the present.” (284)
I guess no child ever again needs to learn about castles, armor or what led to the Fall of the Roman Empire. In fact, the book goes on, with plans for designing and creating “an unprecedented new world,”
“Getting ‘the basics’ is important, but getting a new curriculum is even more so.” (195)
Like the Common Core? 21st Century Skills? Outcomes Based Education? OECD’s Competency? That’s the curriculum to create “new mindedness” which will take “a major worldwide cultural effort.” If only the authors had access to vehicles like UNESCO or the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) or the International Council for Science (ICSU) or the International Social Science Council (ISSC). Why wait. That’s the other key aspect of the book that we really need to talk about now. Listing John P Holdren of the Energy and Resources Group at UC-Berkeley as a person to thank on the Acknowledgments page. Citing the Ehrlich-Holdren book from 1988 on The Cassandra Conference to provide “early warning of humanity’s building population-resource-environment problems.”
{Read more at the above link…}
Invisible Serfs Collar
Gypsy Principals, Gypsy Supers, and Engrenage: 3 More Superb Things to Know
Education reform doesn’t have to be doom and gloom. Unfortunately, we will have to know what doesn’t work and why before we can get to what I call ed reform for growth. Changes in instructional policies and practices that can get us back to widespread literacy (hint we aren’t actually even trying to teach reading effectively) and create graduates who have knowledge and skills employers actually want to pay them for. Or who can create their own jobs because they have the spirit of genuine innovation and the deep expertise to fuel it. Maybe then we can look back on these dark days of the Common Core Deception and laughingly play a new game.
I’m calling it the “You knew you had a Gypsy Principal when [Fill in the blank]. I’ll start. You know you have a Gypsy Principal when they announce at their first meeting with parents that they are there to be a Change Agent. And then in almost the same breath, they mention “while I am here.” In other words, they are just passing through to impose radical change in classroom practices and to gut the transmission of the cultural knowledge of the ages. No sticking around long term to deal with the real consequences of such mind arson. The willingness to impose such policies and practices on a school then becomes the resume empowering stepping stone to a bigger school or a central office job. More money. Bigger title. And once you become a vision enforcer at these central offices committed to change layoffs due to budget shortfalls are for the classroom teachers. You have successfully joined the protected class of visionary, enforcing, overcompensated for what you know and do, bureaucrats.
There is a slight variation of this game we can see in school districts all over the US. ” You know you have a Gypsy Super when [ . . .]” For the Gypsy Super version you look at the instructional practices and philosophy of the school district they are coming from. Then compare it with what was going on in the school district that just hired them. Usually based on a sales pitch to the school board where the candidate miraculously Knew Just the Right Things to Say to fit with the Board’s current concerns. The previous school district will always have a more radical version of outcomes-based education (OBE) than the new school district. The old district thus provides the operational game plan for what is about to happen to the schools, teachers, and taxpayers.
Like it or not. Consensual or not. Unappreciated, ambiguous, misunderstood terms like “effective schools” or “continuous improvement” abound. Not known to the school board. But a required understanding and commitment to act for anyone with an advanced education degree. Especially an Educational Leadership doctorate. Created specifically to be in a position to enact the John Dewey/Professor Bode political vision for education.
So here are some specific examples of the Gypsy Super phenomenon. Please feel free to leave comments or send me a covert email if you have a district or super you think also qualifies. These are just examples I currently have my eye on where I have read the plans in the home districts and new districts. Fulton County, Georgia and Cobb County, Georgia (large school districts in the metro Atlanta area) hire new supers from Charlotte-Mecklenberg and Dallas, Texas. Looking at those districts we can see the practices and policies that made up Transitional OBE in the old William Spady/Spence Rogers template from the 90s. New names. Broken Up but still same function and overall outcomes.
So what happens then in Charlotte and Dallas? Well, miraculously enough, if we look at Washoe County, Nevada (Reno) we find a plan where Charlotte’s new Super laid out the vision, mission, Core Beliefs, and Theory of Action. All together it looks strikingly like the Transformational form of OBE from the 90s. Likewise, when we read the new Dallas Super’s Destination 2020 Plan from May 10, 2012 we find much of the same plans we just saw in Washoe. And the announcement this is to be transformational. And the reliance on principals to be the adopters and enforcers of these reforms on classroom teachers. In fact the Dallas plan says principals only have ONE YEAR to prove they can move teachers to a student centered approach. And the super came from Colorado Springs which had a more radical version of OBE than Dallas already in place.
Colorado school districts always do. It was where the various forms of OBE were piloted in the 80s and 90s. It has the ed lab, McREL, which hatches and renames many of the OBE core principles. Especially when notoriety strikes. It also has something called the Colorado Partnership for Educational Renewal that also drives radical views for politicizing the purpose of education.
And engrenage? I borrowed that new to me but most excellent term from a British think tank worried about the piecemeal steps that together shut down economic growth in the name of maybe, possibly, influencing the environment. Radical ed reform in the US is based on changing the nature of our economy so I have to keep my eye on Green Growth as well. Lucky me. They define engrenage as gearing. It is the process by which a body, local, state, national, or international, racks up laws or policies or regulations that appear separate and stand alone and harmless on their own. They actually fit though perfectly with other measures also being adopted. You end up with something you would never have gone along with if you could have seen the whole picture.
engrenage m (plural engrenages)
1.      gear (a wheel with grooves)
2.      (figuratively) inescapable sequence of events
The whole picture I operate from since I have the guidebook. Transformational OBE presented itself under its own name in the 90s. The popular outcry prevented the adoption in the US although it did get adopted in other countries then. It’s back under new names and pieces, engrenage style. Being pushed and adopted by Gypsy Supers and their cooperating Gypsy Principals.

Adask’s Law
Do We All Work for Central Bankers?
CNBC says Yes.
“We are absolutely slaves to the central bankers.”
The central banks are the backbone of the New World Order.  We are working for a fiat currency issued by the U.S.’s central bank (Federal Reserve) that is not a payment or even a promise to pay.
Real Currencies
The Few Banks that Own All
In the autumn of 2011 an already legendary study by a number of Swiss scientists revealed that a small number of banks controlled a decisive stake in the globe’s economy. The idea that the banks are a cartel and that this cartel controls the economy is now a scientifically quantified matter of record.
E. C. Riegel Blog
#12 A Timely Rebuke to Statists and Statism
A survey of the written or collected utterances of statists might turn up any number of quotations that reference the same ideas, however this particular quote from Cass Sunstein illustrates many of the main points for our purposes.
“In what sense is the money in our pockets and bank accounts fully ‘ours’? Did we earn it by our own autonomous efforts? Could we have inherited it without the assistance of probate courts? Do we save it without the support of bank regulators? Could we spend it if there were no public officials to coordinate the efforts and pool the resources of the community in which we live? Without taxes, there would be no liberty. Without taxes there would be no property. Without taxes, few of us would have any assets worth defending. [It is] a dim fiction that some people enjoy and exercise their rights without placing any burden whatsoever on the public… There is no liberty without dependency.”
Cass Sunstein goes on to say,
“If government could not intervene effectively, none of the individual rights to which Americans have become accustomed could be reliably protected. This is why the overused distinction between 'negative' and 'positive' rights makes little sense. Rights to private property, freedom of speech, immunity from police abuse, contractual liberty and free exercise of religion—just as much as rights to Social Security, Medicare and food stamps—are taxpayer-funded and government-managed social services designed to improve collective and individual well-being.”
Breaking it all down:
“In what sense is the money in our pockets and bank accounts fully ‘ours’?”
The short answer is that we know that none of the money currently in use is ours and THAT's the problem. The longer answer to Sunstein's first question is answered with the following irrefutable facts;

1. All “money” that anyone ever uses in the modern world is created by private institutions (central banks which masquerade as public organizations, but are not) and hence all money really “belongs” to them. If you are allowed to hold any of it for your own purposes, they consider that a privilege they have deigned to grant you as a temporary expedient to what they want; a endless return on their loans, usually created out of thin air (not backed -collateralized- by any assets worth buying). All this money was created as loans demanding the payment of interest, which itself was not created. Since much of this debt also includes compounding of interest, which is usury on steroids, an endless stream of income is produced for at the most the service of clearing trading transactions. Nothing of any real value is added and claims against things of real value (money) are kept artificially scarce to benefit those with access to them.
Those who have not seen the mathematical anomaly in usury will tell you that they expect the interest to be covered through increased value created in the economy. But they still have not seen that every last farthing of any money currently in use to buy the goods in any economy and by which any value intended is to be recorded by the monetary system, still has interest attached to it. So, ever paying it off completely is an impossibility. This actually forms an invalid contact (a subject explained in a future paper) and therefore is fraudulent to begin with. Realizing this truth opens up a number of inevitable consequences.
2. The loaned money is “created” for the purposes of the buyer purchasing something at the time the loan is made, the money with which to pay the interest is NOT created and never will be. This anomaly, the artificial scarcity of money thus enforced, causes everyone (including governments) to go into debt to the “creators” of all money which have their special relationships with governments guaranteed as a monopoly.
3. The vast majority of all these loans are to governments which spend the money into the economy the way they see fit, not the way their citizens, subjects or peoples see fit. This is a key point to which I want all those who seek a return to money as defined in the Constitution to consider. This key insight is directly tied back to E. C. Riegel's incontestable observation that one person or organization cannot determine what another person or organization might buy with their own money (which they call into existence by their own will as every single individual has an INALIENABLE right to do).
4. The interest payments on all current forms of money are on the lives, property and personal intentions of each individual human being under the jurisdiction of these governments. The system, as it is presently designed, makes this public debt unpayable and this debt thus becomes a perpetual noose of slavery on everyone. Liberty and slavery are hardly the same thing, Cass.
Sunstein asks rhetorically, “Did we earn it [money] by our own autonomous efforts?”
Actually Cass, a few of us did, by making the decisions to freely associate ourselves with others in trade or some other remunerative activity and taking the risks involved with our decisions as a matter of mutual trust. Some of us unfortunately have spent our lives living off the rest of society. There are three broad groups of such socioeconomic parasites:
1. Those who owe their livelihood to government: It doesn't start or stop with those who are pensioners or welfare recipients, because those people were forced into these social welfare arrangements with governments, for these governments had deliberately intervened on behalf of special interests which distorted normal economic processes such that were governments not to decide to take care of these people, they would easily and quite quickly face revolution or a coup d'etat. Were money the people's to create as they needed it, there would soon be no need for any of these welfare government programs.
This then is our direct answer to state imposed socialism, to give each individual human being the right to create their own money and spend it as they see fit. Much then of what Sunstein views as beneficial products of government; “Social Security, Medicare and food stamps ... government-managed social services designed to improve collective and individual well-being,” exerted through the FORCE of taxation and the indebtedness to the present money creators, turn out to be subsidies to special interests to ostensibly provide services to the public.
As all the world knows, nothing really ever turns out well once the government gets involved. There are the usual inefficiencies and irresponsibility to scale, which the statists and their supporters (who all love the vast idols of bigness they have created and imagine themselves important by association therewith) would prefer simply to ignore. They have foisted one sort of bureaucratizing nonsense or another on humanity for the better part of the last 200 years; “scientific” management, the Soviet, etc. and still no one who deals with government ever believes they are dealing with just other members of their own local community, but rather the fronts for a cold heartless and corrupt machine. The bigger any enterprise gets, the more inefficient and tyrannical it must become because control begins to matter more than command; where the latter becomes impossible, the former becomes a desperate imperative. But hubris brings any fool down eventually, though it may take centuries for foolish ideas to reach the same fate.
2. Those who work for foundations, non-profits, etc. are essentially living parasitically on the rest of society. Not-for-profits, are essentially granted this status by the state, which henceforth regulates their activities. Seen another way, all these foundations are set up as tax dodges for the rich. The best solution for all concerned would be to force them all to shut down, because we do not want or need any overarching advice or management (a Soviet) to socially engineer things, hence we regard much if not all of it, as the audacity of peculiar groups of people who have never demonstrated they have the best interests of any but themselves in mind.
3. The last group who deserve to be considered social parasites are those who already have plenty of money who refuse to live from their wealth, but rather insist that their idle split-barter money deserves a reward. This too will be a subject for future discussion.
“Could we have inherited it [money] without the assistance of probate courts?”
Those familiar with Orwell realized from the top that Sunstein was talking newspeak. The honest response to this is, “you've got to be kidding!” No folks, he isn't kidding. Probate courts are the creation of creditors, especially governments, to make sure they get paid before everyone else in matters of inheritable estates above a certain nominal money value. These courts are interlopers in the inheritance process and steal estates for themselves and their cronies as is well known. Sunstein places the state's corruption through these courts above the will of every single human being. Under the present probate tyranny these issues are settled by FORCE upon the natural inheritors of the donor who is prevented from passing his wealth along to whomever he/she wishes.
“Do we save it [money] without the support of bank regulators?”
Saving money is as usual not what everyone has long believed or been taught to believe. First of all one has to jettison all notions of gaining return on idle money by the usual means of sharing the taking of unlawful interest (from funds which were never created in the first place). Only increasing genuine value counts as a means of making honest money.
An individual (a class A member of an RMES by definition) or an organization (a class B member of an RMES by recognition of all class A members in that RMES or by its elected representatives) may be rewarded for any increases in value they produce and exchange with other productive members. Perhaps Sunstein believes, as has been proven incorrect by recent events, that bank regulators are responsible, or are even capable of being responsible, to savers for the safety of their savings from the machinations of bankers. Such is clearly not the case and there isn't any real likelihood that confidence, such as Sunstein wishes the public would all share, should return any time soon.
What honest savings, in money terms, has always meant, is literally the taking of money out of circulation and putting it away, stacking it up, for that time when one has enough to make larger purchases. That's all savings has ever been. Anything more is strictly speaking, a scam. Any bank will hold your money for you and pay you something for holding it; a savings account. In this way they have built up their reserves against which they may write loans many times greater than their actual reserves; what is known as fractional reserve banking, the legally enshrined fraud at the centre of the present rotten system. In this way, many banks are already technically bankrupt, but you are supposedly protected from any banker scams by what is called “deposit insurance.” No RMES account will EVER need to be insured, because financing under an RMES will simply not be permitted to operate relying on usury. This too will be the subject of a future paper.
“Could we spend it [money] if there were no public officials to coordinate the efforts and pool the resources of the community in which we live?”
This too is some fantasy of statists that nobody with any sense believes anymore. The fact is that under the present monetary and financial system, these decisions are exercised by those who have acquired their positions and influence, not through the scrupulous hard work they'd like us to believe, earning the confidence of the people with genuine unselfish concern, but largely through deceit, treachery and the assistance of those who have already acquired such prominence. Brown nosing and other forms of obsequious behaviour are well known to this author and typified in such institutions. The desired attitude is sold to the public as “political correctness” which takes most matters of serious controversy off the table as a form of social censorship. Nobody, or not too many anyway, yet seem to realize that this is a direct infringement of another inalienable right; to free speech.
The fact is that since the prevailing system is built on frauds, fallacies, follies and outright lies, all that has been built up by the system are institutions and organizations which are perforce rendered inevitably illegitimate. The clearest example is the ubiquitous corporation's waiving of unlimited liability for damages under prevailing laws regarding the organization of such businesses. Legitimate business springs naturally from individuals engaged in trade or who are growing or making things in expectation of selling them and in return obtaining the SPLIT-BARTER money with which to provide what they want and need.
Many perhaps most vast international corporations such as we see today are masquerading as productive (and even profitable) because all the costs of damages to the environment or to customers are rendered unrecoverable; contrary to what the public may believe, most corporations do not pay their way, they bribe their way in and take from the communities they serve by threatening to close down if certain costs of operation aren't reduced. Were the scale of businesses smaller and made to conform to the rules of nature, which do not allow for any limited liability, much that contributes to social and environmental degradation would soon be things of the past.
The notion of a benevolent public servant alas dies hard, because we would all prefer to believe that someone above us actually knows better and cares for us and has our best interests at heart when this is demonstrably not the case at all. When the scales fall from the eyes as they have for many, and more will come around to seeing it this way as time permits, the public will tend to view most government officials as pernicious troublemakers whose advice and counsel is not wanted, contributes nothing of value and impedes human progress. They will be revealed as the parasites they are; more who prefer taking by FORCE what does not belong to them and returning “services” many may not need or even want.
Riegel admonished that no government ever has anything worth buying if we had a choice and therefore they were disqualified PERMANENTLY from ever being legitimately allowed to create money. (See #9 Why Proposed Constitutional Amendments Will Not Work and Other Matters)
Then we come to certainly the most audacious bursts of Orwellian newspeak in this entire quote:
“Without taxes, there would be no liberty. Without taxes there would be no property. Without taxes, few of us would have any assets worth defending. [It is] a dim fiction that some people enjoy and exercise their rights without placing any burden whatsoever on the public… There is no liberty without dependency.”
No liberty, property or assets worth defending without taxes? This is like saying that when a robber comes forth to steal what belongs to you, they are doing you a favour. Better include in there when a government comes along and takes your sons and daughters (whether they volunteer because the economy offers them no employment or they are drafted) to train them to kill other people overseas and they often get killed themselves into the bargain. Please folks, re-read Sunstein's words above and remember them well.
There are many conceited dupes out there who actually believe this stuff. We on the other hand postulate something quite different. Liberty, property and assets are what belong to each of us based on our own abilities to add value to society through GENUINE free trade, unregulated by any “authority.” Moreover, each human being has an INALIENABLE right to acquire by honest means, such property and assets as opportunity and need permit and to pass them along to whomever are deemed worthy by the donor, regardless of what anyone else may say in the matter.
Furthermore, it is accepted and granted as among the inalienable rights of mankind to personally be willing to defend what property, assets and liberty one has honestly acquired by force of arms if necessary. That too is what the Sunsteins of this world are about; for then, they can make their lies appear to be truth by monopoly of FORCE. Consequently expect that they will seek any means necessary to deprive you of your right to self-protection by keeping and bearing arms.
In closing we notice how Sunstein twists sentiments and words in order to make subservience to government authority seem noble and civilized when it is in fact weak and sniveling. But what could one expect from one who might really honestly believe that liberty is slavery and the state is God?
David Burton

Where I Stand on Philosophy and IT
By Frank Buytendijk
The Daily Bell
Her Majesty's Tax Collector Tells Children to Snitch

These girls just want to have spawn
Chicago Reader
The league of pregnant schoolgirls
French teens flaunt the power of pregnancy in 17 Girls
Joseph Sullivan, principal of the high school in seaside Gloucester, Massachusetts, touched off a media firestorm in June 2004 by telling Time magazine that the large number of pregnant teens at his school that year—17 in a student body of 1,200—was partly attributable to "seven or eight sophomore girls" who had "made a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together." After this "pregnancy pact" went tabloid, Gloucester mayor Carolyn Kirk convened a meeting of school and health officials and announced there was no confirmation of a "blood-oath bond." Sullivan stood by his story, citing reports from his teachers and a former school nurse at Gloucester High. "The affected children need to be left alone with their parents and families to deal with the consequences of their actions," Sullivan argued. "I will not speak of this matter again."
Plenty of others have. Since then the idea of teenagers banding together as young mothers has generated a documentary (The Gloucester 18), a novel (Barbara Delinsky's Not My Daughter), a top-rated Lifetime movie (The Pregnancy Pact), and, inevitably, an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Now it's even traveled across the Atlantic, returning to our shores as 17 Girls, the writing and directing debut of French sisters Delphine and Muriel Coulin (the movie screens this Sunday only as part of Music Box's Chicago French Film Festival). I haven't seen any of these other treatments (and I can't promise you I will), but I can say the Coulin sisters have turned the story into something rather French—not a cautionary tale of society unraveling but a drama of lower-class girls whose sweet sense of sorority blooms into a misguided utopianism. For them pregnancy is power: making their own babies, they can make their own world.
The Coulins gently stress the communitarian aspect from the very first shot, a dreamy montage of several dozen girls in their underwear lining the walls as they wait for exams by the school nurse. Five close friends emerge from the group, laughing and teasing each other. Jogging outside with a gym class, they leap off the path into a gulley and take hits off a hash joint as Camille (Louise Grinberg) confesses that a summertime fling with a boy has left her two months pregnant. (For the most part, the Coulins reveal the girls' names only as they get pregnant.) "We're always here for you," declares Clementine (Yara Pilartz), the youngest, who adores the older girl. With no dad, a neglectful working mother, and a brother serving in Afghanistan, Camille doesn't think she has much going for her, so she decides to keep the child. "It'll be cool," she tells her pals at the school lunch table. "I'll have somebody who loves me my whole life, unconditionally."
The Coulins have made the coed high school realistically cruel and catty, and the idea of motherhood as a great opportunity snakes it way through a complicated social maze of envy, exclusion, and resentment. Camille and her friends rejecting dorky, redheaded Florence (Roxane Duran), giggling loudly as she slinks away from their lunch table. But after Florence learns about Camille's condition, she manages to break into the clique by confessing to Camille that she's pregnant too. Suddenly the outsider is in, sitting with the other girls as they revolve on a children's ride in the park. Florence offers to share babysitting duties with Camille, and before long Camille is urging the others to get pregnant too so they can collect welfare, pool their funds, and share a home. "We'll be free, happy," she tells them. "We'll be in charge. We'll get respect." For a bunch of 15- and 16-year-old girls, the idea is intoxicating.
What lured the press to Gloucester originally was a proposal from the school clinic's medical director and nurse practitioner that condoms be distributed to students; this offended the heavily Catholic community. Set in Lorient, a town on the south coast of Brittany, 17 Girls doesn't really deal with religion, but the Coulin sisters venture pretty far out into the muddy political waters of teen pregnancy. A school staff meeting over the supposed pregnancy pact quickly fractures into a series of discordant personal opinions, with some teachers taking the side of the girls. "Who are we to judge them?" asks one. "First we must understand their gesture, it's political." Eventually the parents discover what's going on, and a public meeting with the principal turns ugly after the school nurse suggests installing a condom dispenser. "Get them hotel rooms too!" jeers one father. A running joke of the movie is that the girls are unified in their innocence while the adults are divided by their experience.
The Coulins don't let their teenage heroines off the hook, though—from the very beginning it's clear these kids have no idea what they're facing as mothers. "Even your goldfish went belly up!" exclaims Camille's mom when she learns about her daughter's pregnancy. The girls go in a pack to get their ultrasound exams, hugging and commiserating, but they don't take their health too seriously; even in their midterm months they're still smoking, drinking, and getting high. They fantasize about the great pad they'll have together, but when Clementine, pregnant and underage, runs away from home, they install her in a sad, dilapidated trailer on the beach. It proves so cold and unpleasant on a windy night that Clementine calls her mother to come get her; the next shot shows her lying on a couch at home, wearing a homemade T-shirt with the legend power over her distended belly.
17 Girls is a perfectly modern movie, smartly paced, with some great punk numbers by Izia Higelin on the soundtrack. But the girls' radical rejection of the social order kept reminding me of French films from the mid-30s—like Jean Vigo's Zero for Conduct (1933), in which boys sow anarchy at a repressive boarding school, or Jean Renoir's The Crime of Monsieur Lange (1936), in which a workers' cooperative takes over a publishing company. "You all lead your life not realizing it's shit," Camille tells the school nurse (Noémie Lvovsky) after she's been kicked out of school. "We're right to try something else." With its seaside setting, the movie hardly lacks for water imagery, and scenes of the heroines frolicking together on the beach pop with a youthful sense of possibility. They're too young to realize that the only new world they're creating will belong to the one in the stroller.
The Daily Mail
How Mitt Romney's $250m fortune was built by two of England's most disreputable business figures

·         Newspaper boss Robert Maxwell and Guinness fraudster Jack Lyons invested millions is Republican's first equity fund at Bain & Company
·         Bain's British office was subsequently caught up in Guinness scandal as advisers to the drinks firm
·         Romney under pressure to release tax returns for the years before 2010 as Obama accuses him of profiteering from the destruction of companies

Spitfire List
Cannonshot II: “Hughes on First” at Bain Capital?
The Intel Hub
Hallmarks of a False Flag: Colorado University Held Identical Drill on Same Day as Aurora Theater Mass Shooting, Mind Control, and Multiple Suspects
Thanks to some sharp eyed friends who come from backgrounds in law enforcement, the military and some who are seasoned hunters, the blood trail below takes on new significance.    A number of people, whose opinion I respect, advised me that the blood trail is consistent with someone who has been severely injured, presumably by a gunshot wound.   I am going out on a limb, but after considerable analysis I think this is a fair conclusion based upon solid crime scene evidence.   Here is why:
    1.    There are no bloody shoeprints, which one would expect to find if the individual had just walked through a blood soaked crime scene.    In other words whoever laid down this blood trail was not tracking the blood of his victims, but probably his own blood. 
    2.    The stride is about six feet from point to point, which would strongly suggest that the person was running hard.  In this regard, the bloody impact marks are all in a line.  In other words the tracks we see are not from both feet.  Just one foot...  This would suggest that this person was wounded in one leg or one foot.
    3.     The blood spray is a V pattern and one blood line (the left) is longer than the other.  This would suggest that this person suffered from a through and through gunshot wound, with the exit wound being larger than the entrance wound.  A .40 caliber Glock Pistol?

       This evidence strongly suggests that the killer was wounded when he ran out of the theater.  He then dumped his weapons at the door near Holmes car, sprinted down the sidewalk for a distance of about 200 feet, and then dumped the gas mask.  (He probably kept the mask in place to avoid identification by the surveillance closed circuit cameras).
        Some additional important questions:
        What does the video cameras show?  Is the blood on the sidewalk that of James Holmes?  And most important, is there any blood on the shoes of James Holmes, the alleged shooter.
Jewish Press
Colorado Shooter Was Camp Counselor for Jewish Big Brothers and Sisters
Free Dumb Nation
3 Colorado Shooters?
Bloody Footprints Run Past James Holmes Car
Anonymous Liverpool wrote: This is James Holmes car, parked at the theater, right where it was when they found him. Notice the bloody footprints running PAST his car. They go all the way down to the end of the sidewalk at the end of the building, hundreds of feet past his car, to where the gas mask was found and then stop abruptly. James Holmes was found in or beside his car (Police reports vary on whether he was inside or beside it, but all agree he was AT his car, either inside or beside it).
Do you see ANY bloody footprints leading BACK to the car? Do you see any blood around the car? How did he manage to shed his gear outside the theater door then run all the way to the end of the building to drop his gas mask and then run all of the way back to be there waiting for the police in the 90 seconds it took the cops to arrive? And more importantly, WHY would he do that? And if he did do that, why is there no trail of bloody footprints back to his car? Did he carry a bucket of soapy water with him as he ran down the sidewalk so he could clean up? Ignoring the obvious fact that he would not have had time to clean up, one would still have to ask where is the stuff he cleaned up with? That sidewalk ends at a road. It seems likely to me that someone ELSE did the shooting and ran down the sidewalk and was picked up by yet a third person in a car.

No More Fake News

 BATMAN MURDERS: NEW ASTONISHING CLUES THE BLOOD TRAIL, THE NECK WOUND, THE 2ND GAS MASK by Jon Rappoport July 26, 2012 Citizen journalists are outdistancing everybody on the Batman murders. I’m not even sure I have their names matched up correctly to their reports, so for no...
 THE NAKED FEAR OF HEALTH FREEDOM by Jon Rappoport In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s an election year… Usually, when politicians discover a large voting bloc that has no champion, they move in like gold prospectors with a fever in their heads. Tap that bloc; mine it; use it. H...
 BIGGER SECRET: HOLMES’ ACCOMPLICES OR HIS DOCTORS? By Jon Rappoport July 25, Even a FOX news affiliate is now asking who helped Holmes in the Batman murders in Aurora. Where did Holmes get the money for all his weapons and gear purchases? Who showed him how to rig his ap...
 WERE THE BATMAN MURDERS A COVERT OP? By Jon Rappoport July 24, The obvious way to begin an investigation is to look at the event itself for any obvious contradictions or unexplained details. For example, in the Batman murders, we have two witnesses who were in the theate...

David Icke Forum
Several links: James Holmes & U.S. gov. research
Wayne Madsen Report

July 23-24, 2012 -- Aurora massacre: several links between James Holmes and U.S. government research (Salk Institute involved in neurologically enhancing soldiers' abilities on battlefield...connections to DARPA)

Dave Emory on Past Gov’t Provocations and Mind Control Victims
Search: Tim Rifat
The Telegraph
Batman Colorado shooting: James Holmes fixated by altered states of mind
James Holmes, the alleged "Joker" gunman, described his fascination with altered states of mind in a lecture to other students, and dosed up on prescription medication before the atrocity, it emerged on Sunday.

Does this look like some­thing a broke PhD stu­dent could afford?
30 Global News Events The Batman Massacre Allows The American Media To Ignore

The Trans Pacific Partnership - A Corporate Fascist Coup Of The Corporation Of Canada

Burgas Bombing | Israeli False Flag?
Roy Tov
Netanyahu Declared War on Iran

Bomber’s autopsy doesn’t fit official version of the event
Real Jew News
Obama and UN coming for your guns!
Mayor Bloomberg Says Cops Should Go On Strike Until Americans Give Up Their Guns
Liberty Gun Rights | Second Amendment Committee
P.0. Box 1776 - HANFORD, CA. 93232
July 26, 2012
To: Senator Rand Paul and others
The historical fact is that the “Bill of Rights” is not subject to the repeal, rescind, or revoking process.
Obama has no authority to sign a “Small Arms Treaty” and it is up to the Congress to inform him of this fact! Further, if he chooses to sign this “purported treaty” Congress should immediately call for his impeachment.
This is a republic! In order to be a republic, the people within are armed citizens. Only then do they hold the power and the authority that is required to maintain a republic. American citizens have that power as written in the "Bill of Rights". It is NOT subject to the repeal, rescind or the revoking process. The "Bill of Rights" is the supreme law of the United States!
What the people do not know is that a number of years ago a federal group, called the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration falsified "the people's permission for their firearms to be prohibited". The people did not give their approval nor their permission, nevertheless, it was unlawfully entered into the record, and can be found on the 340th page in the revised State Standards and Goals. It was sneaked into the records without public approval or their knowledge, which was supposed to be a requirement! There was none!
Even though this false action is counterfeit, and without the permission of the people, this is the basis upon which Barack Obama intends to sign the Small Arms Treaty. It ties in with the law that John F. Kennedy before him signed in 1961 (which is Public Law 87-297 that calls for "general and complete disarmament of the United States "in a peaceful world"! Look it up in the Internet under Public Law 87-297. This law is also unconstitutional!
Without the permission of the people (the final authority in a republic), none of these laws nor disarmament treaties are valid or operable. There never was any real permission given by the people! The federal government is operating on a counterfeit permission (so-called "permission" on Page 340) that they drew up by themselves, and then sneaked into the record.
The people never approved of Page 340 in the revised State Standards and Goals, which claims that the people have given their permission for their firearms to be prohibited. It was added without their knowledge. Disarming American citizens is a scandalous fraud. Page 340 is available to be seen on my website. Check out the titles in the list of topics. See Second Amendment Committee on the Internet.
The Second Amendment is still the supreme law of this land, and cannot be repealed, revoked or rescinded -- or superseded -- by a phony treaty such as the Small Arms Treaty. Rand Paul has been sent the government documents that perpetrated this fraud and he needs your help to properly expose this fraud. Many others also have copies of the documents that prove and expose this fraud. So keep your cool. If the people get hostile, Obama will call for martial law and set the Constitution aside. Do not give him reason to do this. The facts will prove your constitutional rights still exist!
If Obama signs anything on the 27th of July, it is another scandalous act that must be declared by good federal legislators to be another fraud! Please spread the word.

Subject: Reply from Senator Rand Paul
From: "U.S. Senator Rand Paul" <>
Date: 7/26/2012 9:34 AM
July 26, 2012
Dear Mrs. Smith,
Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this issue.
In 2009, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reversed the Bush Administration's stance and said the United States government would be open to talks regarding a United Nations (UN) Arms Trade Treaty (An). UN delegates have been pushing for international standards to control the import, export and transfer of conventional weapons, including small arms such as handguns and rifles, for many years. ATT has the possibility of threatening regulations on private firearms ownership within the United States.
In February 2012, UN delegates completed their formal round of preparation talks to discuss how the negations of ATT will take place before talks begin in July 2012.
There are many in Washington who give lip service to the Second Amendment, but vote to restrict gun ownership once they begin serving in public office. Gun control laws only restrict access to responsible gun ownership. I remain opposed to this and to any other gun control laws. I stand fully behind the Second Amendment and our national sovereignty.
Though there are no guarantees President Obama will sign any potential ATT, but should ATT come before the Senate for ratification I will vote against it.
In hopes of preventing the U.S. from participating in the negotiations, Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) introduced, and I cosponsored, the Second Amendment Sovereignty Act of 2012 (S. 2205). This legislation would prohibit funding from the United States to be used in any connection with the negotiation of ATT.
S. 2205 has been referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, of which I am not a member, where it awaits further consideration.
Rand Paul, MD
United States Senator

Henry Makow
Louis Freeh Report is a Cover-Up
Henry Makow
Economic Crises Set Stage for World War 2

Free Energy Newsletter Archive
Stetzer Electric
Over the past decade, Dave Stetzer has focused on troubleshooting power quality problems, specifically the problem of dirty electricity (electrical pollution, “stray voltage”), in the United States and in numerous countries throughout the world. His work in this area led to the development of the STETZERiZER® Filter, the world’s first power line EM (electromagnetic) filter. If you are looking for information about dirty electricity, electrical pollution, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), then you’ve come to the right place. If you want to know how dirty electricity affects you, your loved ones, your employees, or your clients we have many articles and scientific, peer-reviewed papers available on our Research page. If you are looking for a solution to your electrical pollution problems, go to the STETZERiZER Store and check out STETZERiZER Filters, STETZERiZER Powerstrips, and the STETZERiZER Microsurge Meter!
Stetzer Electric is not only the world’s leading source for STETZERiZER® brand products, but we also offer professional electrical services for the Tri-State area (Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota) including electric motor rewind and repair and electrical contracting. Over the past decade Stetzer Electric has also performed power quality consulting for farms, residences, and corporations all over the world. Check out our Services page to find out more about all of the services we offer!
To find out more about Stetzer Electric in general, check out the About page.

SF Tesla Society Patrick Flanagan
Campaign for Philosophical Freedom
Censored in Great Britain
By Michael Roll
Nye Manuscript
Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secrets

The Starburst Foundation
Science for Survival
Digital Montauk
sky books
where science fiction meets reality
Mysteries Of The Multiverse
 25 True Stories From Time And Space
By Terrence Aym
For those interested in strange occurrences...
This book presents sets of occurrences/encounters from each of four areas: Time, Space, Fiction and Science. The author tells tales of dinosaurs making modern day appearances, blood raining down from the sky, and a ghost making an appearance at a local airport (I read this last one right before going to bed. Not recommended!), among many others. The author provides links...
Beware Rubbish!
Bought this and got a refund 5 minutes later, total tosh!! It goes like this..
1 of 25. There is a man in Russia who claims to have invented a time machine..
Thats it nothing else no details nothing!! and the rest of the mini book like that, not even worth 99c

The Case against the Crown, the Vatican and other Agents of Genocide: Common Law Courts, Indictments and Juries to be Established by September 15, 2012
ITCCS Communique 23 July 2012: Brussels, London
A Call for Citizen Participation

The Most Dangerous Superstition
By Larken Rose
***** 5 stars | 16 reviews
Outgrowing superstitions and becoming an adult
Little children learn morality from their parents: things are good or bad because Mommy and Daddy SAID so. A little later, they may be taught that things are good or bad because God SAID so, in some Holy Book. And still later, when they are taught "civics" in government schools, they will be taught that things are good or bad because "It's the law." (And it's GOOD to obey the law, BAD to break it.") But "the law" is just whatever politicians SAY it is.
A person becomes an adult when he outgrows the need to be given moral commandments from people he thinks of as "authorities," and learns to judge for himself what is right or wrong. This is a book to read to discover just how adult YOU really are. The book as a whole is a litmus test that will show whether the reader is an adult with independent judgment, or still a child, believing every fantasy and superstition that the "authorities" in his life have told him to believe.
You may or may not agree with Rose's conclusions, but you should be prepared to have many of your own cherished beliefs challenged and examined. This is a book to stretch your mind, and that may be uncomfortable, if your mind is out-of-shape. But like any good workout, the results are very rewarding.
The "most dangerous superstition" referred to in the title is the idea of "authority," which includes all belief in "government." No, I'm not providing "spoilers;" this is something Rose lays out on Page 2 of the book. He doesn't deny that all the legislators, police, bureaucrats and soldiers exist -- they clearly do. But the thing that makes "government" something more than a gang of thugs is the respect -- even reverence -- in which it is held by the people it rules. "Government" is commonly believed to have a RIGHT to rule us, and we commonly believe ourselves to have a DUTY to obey their commands (which are called "laws.") Rose unleashes a ferocious array of arguments proving that neither that RIGHT nor that DUTY can logically -- or morally -- exist. If that sounds silly to you, YOU need to read the book.
This is a remarkable book, remarkable for its honesty, its logic, its passion and the profound importance of its conclusions. There is also much to admire in Rose's clear, concise prose. He discusses important ideas without becoming overly-philosophical or boring. It is also a very important book, important the way Atlas Shrugged -- or Tom Paine's Common Sense -- are important. The most dangerous superstition IS dangerous because it enslaves our minds, which leads to the enslavement of our whole lives. This is a book to set us free.
simple logic and truth that is irrefutable
This book can only have meaning to one who WANTS to honestly question what they believe and everything about themselves. Mr Rose uses simple language and logic that anyone can easily follow. Detractors may not WANT to believe the simple truth, but that doesn't negate the logic used to connect the individual to the problems that emanate from "authority" and the "state". One may disagree with the idea of dismantling the "state" because of broken arguments such as "hey we've reached the pinnacle of human societal interactions, so any other form of 'government' will only be worse", but that doesn't refute Mr Rose's logic.
This book is very easy to read and follow the logic, and does require honest reflection of one's beliefs, as it presents ideas, ideas that have the power to change the world. Only a slave would not be willing to always question their beliefs and ideas. From the movie "V for Vendetta": Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
"Government" is a secular faith based religious belief based upon fraud, misrepresentation and concealment!
Larken Rose has written an excellent expose' of the fraud and false premise that the whole syllogism for "Government" is built upon. This is not your typical book with neat little chapters. It has instead several "Parts" that contain an excellent free flowing stream of topical consciousness. This is an entertaining and informative apologetic against the "divine right to rule" by those who claim to have some secret superior knowledge granted to them by their deity, the State. Mr. Rose's logic and reason are experiential in his ongoing understanding of the facade of reality proffered by the prophets of power and control. He minces no words and is exact in his examples to articulate the absurdities and contradictions that produce an ongoing state of cognitive dissonance in the American public specifically, and the world generally.
Bolt your socks to your shoes because this is the truth of how people have been conned, cajoled and coerced into selling their birthright of Liberty for some watered down soup called "American Freedom." You owe it to yourself and your family to understand the fraud and how to correctly combat it. There are solutions and Larken doesn't shy away from listing the hypothetical possibilities that some may choose on their own. This is an easy to read, hard to digest for some and ultimately conscience freeing treatise on the rightness of the rule by none.

December 21, 2012 - Two Suns in the Sky
Chemtrails, Nibiru / Planet X and Depopulation

The Great Tribulation — Temple Mount Author, Robert Reiland
Rise of the Disclosure Apologists

Crossing the Cusp
 Surviving the Edgar Cayce Pole Shift
By Marshall Masters
The Bad News You Expect and the Good News You Need

Google Books


The Science of Thought Control

By Kathleen Taylor


Throughout history, humans have attempted to influence and control the thoughts of others. Since the word 'brainwashing' was coined in the aftermath of the Korean War, it has become part of the popular culture, served as a topic for jokes, and been exploited to create sensational headlines. It has also been the subject of learned discussion from many disciplines: including history, sociology, psychology, and psychotherapy. But until now, a crucial part of the debate has been missing: that of any serious reference to the science of the human brain. Descriptions of how opinions can be changed, whether by persuasion, deceit, or force, have been almost entirely psychological. In Brainwashing, Kathleen Taylor brings the worlds of neuroscience and social psychology together for the first time. In elegant and accessible prose, and with abundant use of anecdotes and case-studies, she examines the ethical problems involved in carrying out the required experiments on humans, the limitations of animal models, and the frightening implications of such research. She also explores the history of thought-control and shows how it still exists all around us, from marketing and television, to politics and education.

Power vs. Force

An Anatomy of Consciousness

By David R. Hawkins



The Meme Machine

By Susan Blackmore

Forward by Richard Dawkins


What is a meme? First coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene, a meme is any idea, behavior, or skill that can be transferred from one person to another by imitation: stories, fashions, inventions, recipes, songs, ways of plowing a field or throwing a baseball or making a sculpture. The meme is also one of the most important--and controversial--concepts to emerge since The Origin of the Species appeared nearly 150 years ago.

In The Meme Machine Susan Blackmore boldly asserts: "Just as the design of our bodies can be understood only in terms of natural selection, so the design of our minds can be understood only in terms of memetic selection." Indeed, Blackmore shows that once our distant ancestors acquired the crucial ability to imitate, a second kind of natural selection began, a survival of the fittest amongst competing ideas and behaviors. Ideas and behaviors that proved most adaptive--making tools, for example, or using language--survived and flourished, replicating themselves in as many minds as possible. These memes then passed themselves on from generation to generation by helping to ensure that the genes of those who acquired them also survived and reproduced. Applying this theory to many aspects of human life, Blackmore offers brilliant explanations for why we live in cities, why we talk so much, why we can't stop thinking, why we behave altruistically, how we choose our mates, and much more.

With controversial implications for our religious beliefs, our free will, our very sense of "self," The Meme Machine offers a provocative theory everyone will soon be talking about.


last updated: May 5, 1997
Memeticsis the theory of cultural replicators, based on Daniel Dennett's philosophy-of-mind and the sociobiology of Richard Dawkins. Memetics postulates the meme as the fundamental replicating unit in social evolution, a process which is treated as technically equivalent to biological (genetic) evolution.

This concept is discussed in the alt.memetics newsgroup.

Memetics on the Internet


On-line texts

Web pages

Misc. sources

alt.memetics archives

Here's a selection of threads from the alt.memetics newsgroup.

June 1995

May 1995

April 1995

March 1995

February 1995

January 1995

December 1994

November 1994

October 1994

September 1994

August 1994

July 1994



Retrofitting the Hegelian dialectic



By John Kaminski

Einstein was wrong. The fourth dimension is not time. The fourth dimension is plasma, kinetic plasma, containing both the potentiality of all existence as well as the clearly definable methods for its achievement.

Much has been written about the Hegelian dialectic — problem-reaction-solution — and how it has been captured by the predators' spin machine, as it cunningly creates problems with solutions prepositioned — e.g., poisoned food necessitates poison medicine, or more vividly, fund the Soviets or the Nazis or the Iraqis for the purpose of down the road creating a stupendously profitable war.

Everything that happens in the world happens from the point of view of deception plus exploitation equals survival through the medium of profit.

This ubiquitous human mindset has now been transmitted to the brains of every person on Earth through the vehicle of religious belief, which predicates eternal life as the basis for every action we take, and results in ruthless profits exacted from innocent beings with no thought as to what profit actually means, or really is.

In the space between the trigger and the finger is the crucible of the modern world and everybody in it. The space between will and compulsion, between intent and programming, between common sense and artificially inseminated desire.

It is the unmapped zone between the instinct for survival and fear of death.

Physiologically, it is in the fissure of Rolando, the space between the two hemispheres of our brains, and where the electrical impulses that flash across this boundless cavern of imagination determine whether we become wide-eyed serial killers or bask in the transcendental contentment of the gifts we have been given.

The electrical plasma formations between the two lobes of our brains are identical in form and content to the rivers of sparkling plasma that course among the constellations and nebulae, and paint our atmosphere with curtains of green and blue in the rippling splendor of the auroras.

And it is to these twitching auroras in our brains, barely discernible and hence mostly misinterpreted, that we now must direct our attention if we are to discover who we really are and whether or not we are destined to survive.

The space between the trigger and the finger in processing thoughts in our own brains lies clearly in an arena that pits what we wish to believe against what we know to be true, or think we know to be true.

How much faith, how much credibility can we put into the information we receive when we are just beginning to figure out that all of mainstream history is false, written by the victors to justify their crimes? The daily psyops in the malignant media show that the answer is none.

Another questionable genre is the syrupy glut of New Age information where people are communicating their subconscious metaphorical epiphanies but claiming they are channeling the extradimensional words of personages from currently invisible realms.

As all of these are only projected metaphorical extrapolations of the thoughts and fantasies within their own brains, they nevertheless possess — though overloaded with wishful thinking — the kernel of the dilemma that reaches into the hearts of every living human.

Tom Kenyon is a famous New Age channeler I've mentioned before, who tells tales he insists come from a vaporous group he calls the Hathors (Hathor being the name of a bountiful and friendly ancient Egyptian female deity).

In a recent transmission titled "Duality and the Triune Force", Kenyon outlines the Hathors' strategy for "navigating through the difficulties of increased polarization," which is a vast understatement of what's happening today as our world is disintegrating before our eyes.

The Triune Force

If you were to imagine a triangle and on the left corner of the triangle was attraction and on the right side of the triangle was repulsion, then the point above these two extremes is the Triune Force.

It is a mental perspective that has spiritual attributes. It allows you to float above the situation and view it from multiple perspectives.

(This is the same concept Julian Jaynes mentioned — the analog self, that place where you think things over.)

If, for instance, you are attracted to a person and surrender to that attraction without allowing access to signs and information about that person then you have put yourself in a precarious position.

But by not identifying with the attraction you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.

This is a good rule, not only for everyone you meet in life, but also in assessing the validity of things you read on the Internet. I call it the universal vibe or triangularity, but it's the same thing — rising to a level of universal consciousness, seeing into the interstices of reality, and gaining a much deeper understanding of what is happening to your world.

What do I mean by "interstices of reality"?

The history of the 20th century has been completely concealed from us. It has made us believe the 20th century was "the American century". When you compile the suppressed history of Tesla, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch, and Henry Kissinger, plus Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk and Sigmund Freud, you come up with "a Jewish century" that has created this bloody, toxic landfill that has — no exaggeration! — just about erased all natural life on this planet!

What do I mean by "rising to a universal level of consciousness"?

Simply by realizing that every life you assist or enrich causes a noticeable increase in your own vitality, opens up new avenues of synchronicity which are immediately observable, naturally contagious, and essentially very advantageous to harmony — the exact opposite of the competitive, cutthroat and corrupt attitude that dominates the world today — that if you can't have it, nobody else can.

From this higher 'triune' or 'triangulated' perspective, you can, for instance, overcome your antipathy to a certain skin color, accent or foreign language and assess the worth of a person's message without your prepositioned prejudices — which have been artificially inseminated in your brain by people who generally have not had your best interests at heart — getting in the way.

Triangularity — measuring the good and evil of the past with a dispassionate view of what we have become — will cure all our ailments, if we but adopt its perspective.

A new understanding of the past and what it has done to us requires a fresh look at ourselves and what it is we really want.

I would couch that arena of doubt in your mind — that space between your trigger and your finger — as a contest between where you really wanted to go and where you are now.

Or, in the ages-old dilemma: Does God really exist or is He just an anthropomorphic projection?

Using triangularity as your basic operating system guarantees increased understanding of both yourself and others, and above all, makes the space between your finger and trigger a much more rational place to be.

Jewish archguru Ray Kurzweil envisions humanity being reduced to a singularity, nothing left that is natural, everything artificial, with the objective being mechanical eternal life, your memories downloaded into a machine. The price for this is that Orwellian bootstomp on your face forever.

I envision triangularity as a permanent liberation from this self-abnegating insanity of standardized slaves we have become, no longer really human, serving the psychopathological whims of our Judaic financial masters in a robotic way and never really asking why.

Retrofitting the Hegelian dialectic? Problem-reaction-(context)-solution.

With just a simple application of triangularity, those trolls will disappear forever. Just ask whose needs they are serving, and then ask yourself the same thing in that space between your finger and your trigger.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll discover why we're really here.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.


What is the Hegelian dialectic?

Plasma mythology: Mountains of evidence

The Hathors



A Lodging of Wayfaring Men

By Paul Rosenberg


Book Description

Instantly named Freedom Book of The Month and a major influence in the Cyber-underground, A Lodging of Wayfaring Men is the story of freedom-seekers who create an alternative society on the Internet - a virtual society, with no possibility of oversight or control. It grows so fast that governments and "leaders" are terrified, and fight to co-opt this cyber-society before it undermines the power of the governing elite.

The main body of the book is followed by a set of essays and a supplemental narrative that were composed as the book was being written.

For those of you who may not have read the marvelous A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, I strongly encourage you to do so.
-- Capital Reward Blog

The novel leads us through a clever plot where the principles of freedom and individuality lead to a free market, one not controlled by governments or by tax men. The narrative is gripping. The reader cannot lay the book down.

-- Dr. Thomas Dorman

As full as my reading schedule is, I plan to make time to return to A Lodging of Wayfaring Men in order to glean the most from this interesting, thought-provoking tale.

-- Sunni Maravillosa

Of the twenty five or so people I worked with last fall, all of them revered A Lodging of Wayfaring Men as a bible. They referred to the house and their community effort as a Lodge. We all felt it was modeled on the Free Souls.

-- HW, underground programmer

One of the most thought-provoking books to hit the information highway in recent times.

-- David MacGregor, Sovereign Living

A libertarian wet dream
The story is interesting and the characters well drawn, but it was too unrealistic to fully capture my imagination.

The story concerns a large number of brilliant thinkers, programmers, financiers, artists and others who have noticed that the current form of government is little more than a glorified protection scheme which starts wars and impedes human progress. They note that if it is immoral for one man to take from another, it is immoral for a group, gang, or government to take from or dictate to free adults. They notice that the government is increasing its thugish intrusions into every aspect of our lives, mostly to get money so they can continue to buy votes and stay in power. Where the book was unsatisfying was in the ease with which the brilliant ones were able to circumvent rules and taxes by using unbreakable encryption on the Internet. It sounded vaguely plausible, but would not really have had a chance.

The book should be on the same shelf as Atlas Shrugged, Unintended Consequences, Moulon Labe, and others which point out our servitude to a bloated and incompetent government. It has some clear thinking and convincing arguments, but it is not a "how to get free" manual.
Wonderful and challenging!
This is not an easy read, and most people will need to re-read it and consider it deeply for a while to get the most out of it. Prepare to have many of your ideas challenged, some you have held all of your life. This book is especially good for open minded people who are having a hard time reconciling the free market and individual liberty ideas with their Christian religion. But be warned, you will need a truly open mind.

Paul Rosenberg Interview, Two-Part

Author of A Lodging of Wayfaring Men